Mini Camper What a happy owner of a camper may leave the peace of mind leaving his property to the greed of thieves?
Not you! To restore your sleep and peace, Central here is a smart new design, equipped with ultrasonic sensors of high technology. This plant is capable of covering both areas and operate separately. The management is entrusted to a PIC 12C508 microcontroller programmed to process the alarm signals, data from the decoder remote control and activating a powerful siren. Of course, this alarm can also be used in any other large vehicle or even a house. Who can do more can do less!
Technical The Alarm two areas for campers, cars, trucks, buildings, we offer in these lines is controlled by a microprocessor and operates with ultrasonic sensors autonomous. A remote control via radio (remote) is provided to enable / disable the alarm and a physical key provides a manual operation.
A button is provided for activation and deactivation of the second area, useful for campers or other large vehicle when the driver is inside the cockpit (control) or in the living area. A siren
miniature high performance ensures the alert. Light signaling an alarm LED, remaining lit even after disabling the plant.
Voltage ...................... SW1 closed ......... 12 VDC supply voltage
...................... SW1 open ........ 24 Vdc Current consumption
.......................... Standy ............ 8 mA Current consumption
.......................... Max ............... 1 A number of areas
............................................ ..... 2 *
Work frequency sensors ............................... 40 kHz Coverage
sensors ......................................... 0.3 to 3 m
Delay activation after power voltage ..................... 30 seconds
Combinations of the remote ................................. 13 122 **
range of remote control ....................................... 100 m
frequency remote control .................................... 433.92 MHz
* The first is automatically activated with the remote, the second turns on and off locally with SW2.
** These are the transmitter beyond 19 000, if the system uses the last bit to logic 1 or 0 by excluding the high impedance state .
In all systems of locks and alarms available, it certainly lacked something simple and functional designed for tight spaces such as motorhomes used by many families for a walk or go for short weekend trips to the sea or mountains. The theft proposed in these pages fills this gap by providing benefits worthy of the major brands. This is a management device for controlling two zones independently, two different sectors such as the cab and living area in order to protect the entire vehicle for the absence owners or security people who sleep there at night to avoid the intrusion of robbers through the doors of the cabin. Naturally, nothing prevents to exploit the possibilities of the device to fit into the houses, it is sufficient to provide a 12 volt, preferably after a battery for the reasons you can guess! In this regard, we note that it is also possible to feed the circuit at 24 volts, making it adaptable to the lock coaches, trucks and industrial vehicles.
In this area, our burglar will be very useful, for example, for making long coach journeys and drivers stop night to sleep. This two-zone system allows the monitoring of baggage bins, if they are rigid structure, when the driver is on board or if the vehicle away for any reason. Does not elaborate further on these considerations and see the practical part by analyzing the electrical diagram of Figure 1 to understand how our plant.
Study schema This is a very complex circuit in view of the opportunities. It is built around a small microprocessor produced by MICROCHIP. This is the PIC 12C508 with 8-bit architecture that incorporates a Program Memory Type PROM or EPROM (version perforated ceramic). On this map you will find a main terminal (six lines I / O (input / output) and of course two power terminals) and two additional terminals (4 pads per terminal) for sensors.
network reset the power (Power-On Reset) is internal, so there is no need to wire a network RC (resistor / capacitor) external. In our application, the microphone works by using all available lines. After initialization (power), the inputs / outputs are configured as follows: Pin 2 operates as input / output as bidirectional line used to control the lighting of the LED LD1. It periodically checks the status of the SW2 button used to reset the lights on the alarm input / zone.
Pin 3 is an output, such as 5 and 6, while 4 and 7 are both entries. Note that, upon powering up the circuit, the PIC gives the logic zero on pin 2 for ten seconds, the LED lit continuously during that period. To understand the operation of the plant, analyze the circuit diagram in blocks by decomposing the various elements. We see:
- A receiver for the remote and performed with the hybrid with U3.
- The control unit and management built around the microcontroller U4, Section activation / deactivation of alarm inputs and 2 zones.
- The entrance of the alarm and power supply consists of a regulator U1 and elements that accompany it. Let
latter indicating that the main voltage must be applied to the terminals + and V-8-pin terminal block.
Depending on the applied voltage input, 12 or 24 volts, the switch SW1 must be respectively closed or open. 24 V, you must open SW1, which will allow the resistance R1 to absorb the difference of potential and current limiting. Select correctly SW1 before applying voltage to never have more than 12 V across the siren.
The integrated regulator U1 (classic 7805) provides 5 volts though stabilized for the whole game logic, the PIC 12C508 microprocessor, U2 and the hybrid decoder U3.
As for the remote, it is the element that allows you to enable or disable remote station, only the first zone (SENSOR 1). The second area we will see, is operated locally through SW2.
Mini transmitter and the receiver are a 433 MHz single-channel remote. The first press of the transmitter to activate the system, the second press deactivates the third on again, etc..
The signal from the remote reaches the antenna (U2 pin 3) of the hybrid receiver BC-NBK manufactured by AUREL. This AM receiver, tuned to 433.92 MHz, will demodulate the signal to return at the output (pin 14), the digitized code in the form of TTL pulses (0 / 5 V).
Available data on pin 14 go directly to the decoder 9 of U3. The latter, a MC145028 MOTOROLA, will decrypt the coded signal by the MC155026 incorporated into the remote TX1C-SAW-433.
To function properly, the first 8 switches 3 states DS1 must be positioned identically to those of the transmitter, if the command does not work.
When we transmit the signal by pressing the button, the decoder verifies the U3 and analysis code. If it does coincide with that of pins 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 15, 14, 13 and 12 (respectively the bits 1-9) sets the output code by holding the pin 11 to a high level for the duration of the transmission. With diode D2 (which with the diode D1 form a logic OR), state 1 is applied to the enable input (pin 4) of the microprocessor U4 is that the control unit of the plant.
D1 and D2 recover the signal, the input is done by remote control or by entering the auxiliary ON AUX (auxiliary). The latter can be connected to a switch or a hidden key to manually turn the lock.
The system provides for a downtime of about 30 seconds before he could detect an alarm to allow the user away from the vehicle.
To disable it, it must use a remote control that is the only way to avoid the siren goes off when you enter the motorhome. Remember that the PIC receives nival 0 / 1 logic on pin 4 and thus enables or disables the lock alternately. The first active pulse and the second off, and so on. Standby, that is to say when the system is off, the alarm inputs are inactive because the transistors T1 and T2, that supplies the ultrasonic sensors are inactive (pins 5 and 6 sont au 0 logique). Dans ce cas, les capteurs se retrouvent déconnectés du reste du circuit et, de ce fait, on a une consommation qui s’élève à peine à 8 mA. Quand on allume la centrale à l’aide de la télécommande ou de l’entrée ON AUX, la première zone (capteur SENSOR 1) est immédiatement activée. Le microprocesseur maintient à un niveau haut sa broche 6, ce qui sature T1 et ferme le circuit d’alimentation du capteur à ultrasons. Notez la présence des diodes zener DZ1 et DZ2 qui servent à limiter à 12 V la tension appliquée aux capteurs.
En premier, seule la zone 1 est activée et le PIC ne prendra en considération les impulsions alarm after 30 seconds. Make sure that this delay is not changed because the alarm would go off immediately, thanks to smart sensors.
The two elements selected in this embodiment are the U.S. EYE-A8 RILUS AUREL, in three-son (the fourth is not used). They work at a frequency of 40 kHz. Each RILUS incorporates both transmitter and receiver and can cover an area of at least 3 meters on an arc of 70 ° omnidirectional. This real sensor, Doppler, is managed by a microprocessor that automatically calibrates the sensitivity according to the controlled environment.
30 seconds stand-by, from its power, it needs before being operational.
RILUS Each sensor has three son connected to the central two are for the positive and negative power (protected against reverse polarity), while the third is for the alarm output, point A of the Central . This is normally at logic 1 12 volt (the potential of the contact +) and returns to 0 in alarm. Pin 7 of U4 receives microwave pulses alarm regardless of the zone that produced them and does so through T3 which serves as a "point of centralization of data" and interpretation.
resistors R13 and R14 retrieve information from point "A" to control the transistor T3 (it is a PNP). When he yal'alarme, each logical 0 saturates the transistor T3 is 5 V pin 7 of U4 through DZ1. This voltage adaptation is necessary because the microprocessor operates at 5 volts and the voltage greater damage.
In practice, the zener diode DZ 1 limits the voltage to 5.1 volts from the moment it is powered by the collector of T3. The resistor R15 limits the current by introducing the necessary voltage drop. Receiving
one or more pulses of alarm, the PIC 12C508 starts the routine signaling. The routine is at logic high pin 3 of U4, conduction through the MOSFET T4 whose drain feeds into the mini siren ringing for 30 seconds. At the same time, it goes on standby and back to 0 pin 3, except if it does not fall under other alarms, or it makes yet another cycle of the same duration. In addition she turns on the LED LD1, generating a rectangular signal on pin 2.
Note that the siren is also used to produce the sound indications of activation and deactivation of the plant. It sounds a first After a brief (approximately 1 second) activation and three times in one second off.
As for the LED, it should be noted that it is used when Pin 2 is zero, but also to read the button state SW2, which itself has a dual function.
When pressed, after activation of the circuit and before raising an alarm, it activates the second zone (the first zone is activated at the same time that the plant).
While after the arrival of one or more pulses of ultrasonic sensors side RILUS, the button serves to reset the alarm memory, or extinguish the LED that lights by pressing the button immediately after turning off the system after an alarm. In practice, LD1 lights if the lock is disabled after observing a signal from the sensors.
It serves to inform the vehicle owner that the alarm was triggered at least once.
Clearly, if zone 2 has not been activated manually, it is clear that the trigger comes from the first zone. To reset the light, just press SW2 for a while. LED then remains lit until release button, the cathode is then connected to ground.
Note that in our experiments, the PIC generates a rectangular signal with which, at bottom, it feeds the diode LD1 that light up when he left off at the top. This is not accidental, but necessary to read the state of the button SW2. The latter is actually read on pin 2 is open collector. When SW2 is open, R2 serves as a pull-up and bring a 5 V on pin 2 of U4 so that if you press the SW2 pin 2 is found in the mass.
In resting conditions, pin 2 is always open, so if SW2 is released, it is state 1 when it is 0 if it is pressed. After an alarm, indicating tampering, the microprocessor closes the input cyclically open collector associated with the spindle 2, putting it to the ground: the times of logic 0 thus prohibit playback button that is authorized, on the contrary when output is open.
Figure 1: Diagram of the alarm for motorhome.
Figure 2: Diagram of location of the alarm components for motorhomes.
Figure 3: Design of printed circuit alarm Camper scale 1 / 1. Iist R1: 47 Ω 2 W
R2: 1 kilohm
R3: 47 kilohm
R4: 220 kΩ
R5 R6 22 kW
: 2.2 kΩ
A7: 22 kW
R8: 47 Ω
A9: 22 kW
R10: 47 Ω
R11 10 kilohms R12
: 22 kW
R13: R14
10 kW: 10 kW
R15: 470 Ω
C1: 470 uF 25 V electrolytic
C2: 470 uF 25 V electrolytic
C3: 100 nF multilayer
C4: 100 nF multilayer
C5: C6 22 nF multilayer
: 100 nF multilayer
D1 Diode 1N4148
D2 Diode 1N4148
D3 Diode 1N4007
SW1: Inter 1 contact for this
SW2: Pushbutton
T1: BC547B NPN Transistor
T2: BC547B NPN Transistor
T3: BC557B PNP Transistor T4
: Transistor Mosfet IRF540
DZ1: Zener Diode 5.1 V 1 / 2 W
DZ2: Zener Diode 12 V 1 / 2 W
DZ3: Zener Diode 12 V 1 / 2 W
LD1: 5mm Red LED.
U1: Voltage regulator U2
7805: Module Aurel BC-NBK
U3 U4
MC145028 integrated circuit: Microcontroller PIC12C508 with software MF274
DS1: Dip Switch 9-pole 3-position
sensor1: Sensor "Rilus" Aurel
SENSOR2 : Sensor "Rilus" Aurel
ANT: Antenna granted
two 4-pin Pin headers for this, with 2.54
1 Support integrated circuit 2 x 4-pin integrated circuit
1 Bracket 2 x 8 pin
Terminal 5 two locations
a PCB ref. S274
Unless otherwise specified, all resistors are 1 / 4 W 5%.
View on the dip switch programming.
view of the prototype is complete.
smart sensors
The ultrasonic sensor "Rilus" home Aurel scale 1.5. For the easiest station of the alarm, we opted for new RILUS sensors, transmitter and receiver of ultrasound in AUREL. The RILUS is an autonomous system, controlled by a CPU, which includes a transmitter and a receiver 40 kHz. The receiver calculates and stores the time it takes for the signal to traverse the area to be protected. Once established this time, the slightest breach of that space will change this time and the alarm will be triggered (low logic level on A).
By design "intelligent", the RILUS can handle variations in temperatures, gales and other transients, to avoid nuisance tripping. Once powered, the sensor needs about 30 seconds before becoming sensitive and operationally. That would allow the owner of the vehicle or premises to leave the protected area.
This sensor covers an arc of about 70 ° in each direction front, over a radius of 1 to 3 meters (he performs his single span from the power-up). It operates with a DC voltage between 8 and 12 volt it is protected against reverse polarity.
At rest, it sends about the potential of + V, so that it generates an alarm (-) ground. For connections, it is provided with four cable soldered to a connector son SIL at 2.54 mm, we report the following functions:
thread Brown: Food negative
white thread: positive feed wire
yellow LED anode internal
green wire: alarm output
In our application, we do not use the connection 3, that is to say that that the internal LED lights, which is usually used in alarm systems to signal that the lock is active.
flowchart software MF274
Figure 4: Software PIC 12C508 microcontroller designed to control the alarm mini motorhome. software MF274 is contained in the microcontroller PIC 12C508 comes with the kit or available separately (see "Where to Find Components").
After Power-on Reset initializes the microphone input-output lines with the award for the entrances and those representing the outputs.
Pin 2 is the only one to operate alternately in / out. The program is also awaiting the signal from the decoder of the remote, or the transition 0 / 1 logic to pin 4 which can be generated either by the arrival of a code of mini pack transmitter (remote) or by input ON TO. At the same time, it tests the pin 2 to verify the possible activation of the button SW2.
When the unit receives the RF signal by the remote ON or AUX, the sensor output 1 (pin 6) is activated and, during one second, the output 3 goes to logic 1, the mini siren ringing. This condition signals the activation of the system. Activation of SW2 is analyzed and, if it is international, the microcontroller then activates the second zone. Pin 5 of U4 is found then the high state, which saturates and T2 allows the sensor 2 to be fed. If, instead, SW2 is not pressed, the deactivation signal is expected on pin 4. Otherwise, it reads the status of alarm input, on pin 7 of the PIC 12C508, pending a new event.
If a sensor is activated and maintains its output (A) to logic 0, T3 saturates and generates a voltage of more than 5 volts (on pin 7 of U4) that the program interprets as an alarm. It then launches a routine that keeps the pin 3 to logic 1 for about 30 seconds. During the 30 seconds that sounds the siren, the deactivation signal may arrive on pin 4 or by remote control or by ON TO.
If this occurs, the timer is immediately reset, the alarm condition is canceled and pin 3 returns to logic 0. The LED is flashing to provide information to the user about the anomaly occurred. It cuts power sensors by resetting their respective outputs (pins 5 and 6) and everything is on stand-by, so that the program is reset. If, instead, he faces no pulse off when 30 seconds have elapsed, pin 3 goes back to logic 0 arresting the siren. If the system receives a new alarm, the sequence of activation of the siren for a further period 30 seconds, is launched.
It is important to observe the operation of the double button SW2. Referring to the chart we note that the SW2 button is used to enable or disable the sensor in zone 2 or extinguish the LD1 LED blinking.
Practical realization The printed circuit given the scale 1 in Figure 3 can be achieved by your usual method or acquired any loan (see "where to find the components). The printed circuit realized, first insert the resistors and diodes (note the ring showing the cathode), then the supports for the integrated circuits having taken care to direct encochedétrompeur as shown in the drawing of Figure 2. Then install the dip switch (three states) DS1, due to enter into the holes in the right direction, then dip the other (simple) that is to say, SW1.
Mount capacitors by checking the polarity of electrolytic and then solder the integrated controller ensuring the 7805 to fit vertically, its metal outward-looking circuit board (see installation drawing). T4, it will be inserted with the metal part facing R2 and R3.
The hybrid receptor is asked, thrusting his paws and then welded it all the way by remembering that it must have its pin 1 side of the resistor R5. No problem anyway since it will only fit one way. To connect the smart ultrasonic sensors, we need two pieces of strip divisible by 4 points each, with 2.54 mm. Just weld them, after having inserted into their respective holes. As for external connections, there is provided a terminal pitch of 5 mm for the siren, the signal LED LD1 button SW2, the Food and activation points ON TO. Points ON TO can remain open or, if you want to use the activation function within the vehicle, connect them to a button or a traditional switch or key.
Remember to make and weld the two straps that you can make with tails of components.
Once the welds are complete, you can go to the wiring. The LED is connected directly to terminals LD1 with two pieces of insulated copper wire, recalling that the cathode is the shorter leg. A SW2 connects any button that will then activate the second zone or to initialize the alarm memory. SIR
supply pads are the mini siren works at 12 V. Observe the polarity of the siren when you connect to its terminal, the + + must be connected to the terminal and ditto for the ground otherwise the buzzer will not work.
At this point, it only remains to connect the 2 sensors (which is expected in our configuration), or even one. If, for example, you want to control a space small enough, you can mount only one sensor (sensor 1). The sensor 2 which controls the area 2 can be excluded since activating the central radio (remote) or locally (ON TO) zone 1 is placed in operation, while 2 remains on standby. To activate it, you must press SW2.
connection with the sensors is performed through small sockets in which they are endowed. This is a four-pole socket with 2.54 mm that easily connects to the male connector soldered to the PCB. Remember that it is essential to respect the meaning and why you must rely on the registration screen of the PCB. The point denoted "A" on the PCB should match the green wire from the female connector of the sensor and the "-" over brown. Anyway, the RILUS are protected against reverse polarity and if you're wrong, the worse the circuit will not work but the sensors will not deteriorate.
After inserting on its stand the microcontroller programmed, set up one by one the other integrated care not to bend pins and aligning the notch-keyed with that of each of their respective holders.
For the receiving antenna of the hybrid module, allow a piece of electrical wire 17 inches long and about 1 mm square solid copper, one end is welded to the TAA or point on the track of the pin 3 of U2.
The full version of our burglar uses two ultrasonic sensors and a remote control for remote activation.
The implementation phase started with the theft sure each component is in its place, everything is connected correctly and grab a pack transmitter for remote operating at 433.92 MHz and coded based on the Motorola MC145026 (with over 19,600 possible combinations) (model TX1C-SAW-433 is compatible) open it and have the eight dip switches as you wish, remembering that anyone can assume three positions: Central + (logic 1) and - (logic 0). Align identically in the first eight dip switches on the DS1 circuit plant, leaving the ninth position +: it must correspond to channel 1 on the remote, but if it does not work try changing the dip switch number 9 - (0) and try to see how the order.
Now, close the remote and pick up a 12 volt battery (at least 1.1 A / h) or a diet loaded network capable of delivering 12 volts stabilized to an intensity of at least 1.2 amps . Verify that SW1 is closed (R1 shorted) connect the positive to the + V and the negative wire V-(ground). Now the circuit is powered, so treat it with care!
Just the 12 volts applied, the LED should light and then turn off after 10 seconds after which the system is ready to operate while remaining at rest and thus insensitive to each internal momentum.
With the mini transmitter, send a command (just press the button) and check that the siren will sound very brief. If this does not occur, check the position of the dips and try, as indicated above, move the dip 9 of DS1 to find the position corresponding to the remote. Once the operation of the remote control is verified, you can press a second time the transmitter button to reset the system in standby. The siren must make three brief notes together. You can control the input ON TO for local activation: Unite and release points of the respective terminal and verify that the usual siren emits sound (a note) and then repeat the process and wait the three notes of deactivation.
At this stage, the order is in place, we'll see the part about the alarm. Turn back the plant with the remote, after his brief, try switching hands in front of the sensor, making sure nothing happens for at least 25 to 30 seconds. After that date, the system must become sensitive and start ringing. By raising an alarm, the RILUS should produce activation of the siren will sound for half a minute, after which it stops. Now LD1 lights flashing and having in mind the possible incident, allowing the owner to see that the circuit has operated.
Observe that the signal does not fade, even disabling the plant, but continues to avoid that by giving in stand-by, the memory of events is cleared. LD1 To reset, simply press and hold SW2. It remains only to activate the second zone when the lock is activated, only Area 1 is operational, so the sensor is working properly and one is on, so it is usable after interval of 30 seconds. The sensor 2, it is disabled. (Q2 is off).
To use the two areas together, press SW2 once and disable the second area we act on the same button again.
These instructions apply when you order the ignition and until either registered an alarm.
Subsequently, the SW2 is, as we have already said, to initialize the LED (LD1) of memory alarm.
The interior of the remote. The interest must be addressed in the same way as on the plant. Finally An alarm is always a large number of possible applications. We can not anticipate all situations but you will adapt this simple installation to your needs. Under a small volume, you now have a system of modern and effective protection.