Hi guys!
Bon bah we arrived in Phoenix the end of our journey. bouhouhouhouh.
Arriving in Phoenix was a shock, with motorways 5 lanes cars in all directions, the streets of downtown as wide as the Champs Elysees! It changes the great outdoors ....
Our last step was therefore the Grand Canyon. Very impressive!
We did some nice walks along the rim (the side) and was stunned by the gigantic nature is capable of producing. 16 km wide, 1.5 km deep, 450 km long and has lost sight of cliffs, mesas, canyons, and sometimes Colorado, visible far below.
It lets you enjoy the photos, which capture the immensity of the place.
Enjoy it, because it is unfortunately the last ... One gets good things!
See U soon for a summary of our adventures and who knows, the blog for 2010!
And thank you for your comments tasty o)
Sunset, sublime, but unfortunately the problem of batteries in the camera :
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