remote control system capable of handling, SMS, two relay outputs and check the logic state of digital inputs, which can be configured as alarm inputs. The three lines I2C-bus which is equipped with the device it can manage up to eight extensions cascade input and output, up to a total of 64 I / O.

(with latched): 2
- Lines extending I2C-bus: 3 (ability to manage up to 64 64 E / S) - Fully programmable and manageable remotely via SMS

- Consumption with battery charging: 500 mA (20 mA at rest). Cell phones Siemens 35/45 series, formerly used by us to build devices for remote control GSM is now difficult to find (even occasionally), we "knocked" on a newer model, the mobile phone (a term now used in) SIEMENS A65. Our choice is chaired by the availability (of course!) And reasonable cost (new or used), but also because it incorporates a modem easily accessible from the outside. Our assembly
restores full potential acquired with previous obsolete today, its characteristics are identical: the possibility of being warned away, where we are, the occurrence of an intrusion, if only we couplions the camera to a burglar alarm system (car or home) can activate remotely by sending SMS, a large number of relay outputs (with extensions up to 64); possibility of monitor all digital inputs (two of which can be configured as inputs), with each receiving an SMS confirming the completion of the transaction.
The circuit has lines I2C-bus to make it easily extensible: one can, indeed, daisy chain 8 extensions with 8 outputs (EN488) and 8 extensions with 8 inputs Cameras (EN473). This device (EN585) integrates in a single chip and an alarm remote control or remote control, that may be useful whenever it will be warned away from the status of an alarm theft (car, office, warehouse or home) or whether remote devices (or inaccessible) work correctly. We can also installanalyze in detail the circuit starting from the diet. The applied voltage is 12 VDC PWR (after the fuse and diode protection is slightly lower than this value). It feeds
the plate (with or without extensions) in an existing unit, to exert control (monitor its operation and send it commands with, remember, confirmation receipt). The standard version
our remote control (ie without extension) provides two control inputs, photocoupled, configured as alarms, which can be activated by positive or negative pulses from contacts or relays. With these two inputs (IN1 and IN2) may be associated with two messages, and separate customizable (for example, "intrusion alarm" and "boiler failed") sent by SMS, in case of alarm, to a maximum of 9 recipients with precision: only the last message on the input IN2. This means that if we want to send the alarm message on the input IN1 to our number phone, that our wives and finally to that of our son, he must remember three messages associated with these three numbers plus a fourth SMS IN2 referred to and addressed, for example, in our own number (if single message was expected, it will be used for both entries).
All modes (inhibition time entries, disabling the alarm function, output management, etc..) Can be modified remotely by sending SMS specific configuration.
To ensure a high level of operational safety, password protects the 5-digit device (default 12345, it is modifiable at any time): SMS arriving to the device without the provision of a password or with the wrong password, are ignored and discarded immediately. For each request parameter or control, the device always responds with a confirmation message to the number that sent the SMS.
The wiring diagram
The heart of the circuit, whose circuit diagram is shown in Figure 1, the microcontroller U1 is a PIC16F876A already programmed at the factory. The microphone is responsible for reading the two opto-isolated inputs IN1 and IN2 to through the port RB3/RB4, it also manages the excitation and relaxation of relays RL1 and RL2, it sends and reads through a dedicated I2C-bus line, the data contained in the external EEPROM of 256 kilobits. ICP, using a bidirectional serial line, communicates with the mobile phone to 19200 baud to send AT commands required to perform various functions, to acquire the information arriving via SMS and to control the charge state battery of the mobile. The microcontroller handles also the peripheral I / O I2C-bus (corresponding to connector RJ45) and involved in Also read the status of micro-switches DS1, pushers P1 to P3 and control the colored LED LD1.
live relays and (possible) extension plates. U3 reduces the 12 V 5 V stabilized, which is required to operate the microcontroller, EEPROM and the floor level converter formed by T1 and T2. U4 from the circuit with LM317, is a real battery charger (via the configuration obtained with R1/R2 and R3) which deals with maintaining the status of Siemens optimal load (charging starts when the line RA4 excites RL3). The microcontroller, with appropriate commands, questions the phone at regular intervals about the state of charge of its battery and when the level is below 40%, it activates port RA4 (open-drain type) and puts to ground for about 4 hours. The relay is energized and as a result of the battery, the voltage at the ends of C6 increased from 9 to 4.5 V approx. The actual charge of the Li-ion battery is managed by the A65.
Communication between it and the pic is of type serial: it uses two ports configured for it. But the microcontroller works under a voltage of 5 V compatible with that used by the phone (which is at most 3.6 V). To overcome this drawback, it goes up a level converter consists of DZ1 and T1-T2. Properly configure the serial port of the mobile is provided by R11 and R12 which are to ground the pin CTS and DCD. It said the unit has three lines I2C-bus used to control the decks Expansion I / O and for possible future use: to pins 7 and 8 of the RJ45 connector is used first line by extensions with relay outputs, the decks with digital inputs using the second line connected to pins 3 and 4, the latest (not used here) is connected to pins 1 and 2. At each of the first two lines you can connect up to 8 extensions, 64 or 64 I / O, which allows you to use our product for any application requiring a large number of checks and controls. But for a more modest, the two relays RL1 and RL2 of the base plate may be sufficient; relay outputs operate in bistable and can also be activated locally with push-buttons P1 and P2. LD2/LD3 LEDs in parallel with the relays, indicate when the outputs are active.
The device also has two inputs IN1 and IN2, galvanically isolated and each with a limiting resistor of 4.7 k (with this value can activate the optocouplers under voltages between 5 and 24 V). IN1 and IN2 can be configured as alarm inputs (see Table 5) with activation level up and down depending on the status of micro-switches DS1. LD1 (bicolor) reports the status of remote control: the red section is managed by RC4, RC5 for the green.
At power up the circuit, LD1 emits five blinks green then goes solid green to indicate correct operation and the absence of binding Siemens mobile is indicated by flashing red.
We mounted this unit in an EEPROM controlled by the microphone, but there is no data recorded and could not be installed (of course, this memory has been set for future applications that we will not fail to submit ).
Figure 1: Diagram of remote control by GSM.
Figure 2: Schematic implementation of the components of remote control by GSM.

...... 4.7
R4 ...... 4.7 k R5 ...... 4.7 k

R10 ..... 680
R11 ..... 15 k R12 ..... 15 k R13 ..... 470
R14 ..... 470
R15 ..... 4.7 k R16
..... 4.7 k R17
..... 4.7 k R18
..... 10 k
R19 ..... 4.7 k R20
..... 10 k
R21 ..... 4.7 k R22
..... 4.7 k R23
..... 1 k
R24 ..... 1 k
R25 ..... 4.7 k C1
...... 100 nF multilayer
....... C2 470 uF 25 V electrolytic
C3 ...... C4 100 nF multilayer
....... 470 uF 25 V electrolytic C5
...... 100 nF multilayer
C6 ....... 470 uF 16 V electrolytic
...... C7 C8 22 pF ceramic
...... 22 pF ceramic
D1 ...... D2 1N4007
...... D3 1N4007
...... D4 1N4007
...... 1N4007
DZ1 ..... 3.3 V 400 mW Zener
T1 ...... T2 BC547
...... BC557
T3 ...... BC547
Q4 ...... BC547
U1 ...... PIC16F876A-EF585
U2 ...... 24LC256
U3 ...... 7805
U4 ...... LM317
FC1 ..... 4N25
FC2 ..... 4N25
Q1 ...... 4 MHz quartz
P1 ...... μ push
P2 ...... μ push
P3 ...... μ push
DS1 ..... Dip-switch 2 micro-switches
LD1 ..... Bicolor LED LD2
..... LED 3 mm red
LD3 ..... LED 3 mm red
RL1 ..... 12 V 10 A relay RL2
..... 12 V 10 A relay RL3
..... Miniature Relay 12 V
FUS1 .... 1 A fuse
Miscellaneous: 5
terminal plug 2 pole 90 °
a sink ML26
an 8 mm bolt 3MA
2 supports 2 x 3 1
support 2 x 4 1
support 2 x 14 2 x 3-pin jumpers to
1 1 RJ45 cable for Siemens 65
a fuse for it
Unless otherwise specified, all resistors are 1 / 4 W 5%.
To learn how to use them, see the summary table below in Figure 5. Orders sent via SMS to the device used to activate functions or to change operational parameters.
For example, to activate the relay RL1 simply send an SMS containing the command RELEB1ON * 12345 or the last five digits represent the numerical password chosen at will (LD1 confirms this point by a yellow light fixed), and conversely, RL1 to relax you must send the command * RELEB1OFF 12345.
When the command is executed, the device sends you a confirmation message. Similarly, with the command RELEenOFF * 12345, we can relax a specific relay (n) an extension (e) to set the address of the extensions, it is necessary to use all three connectors on jumpers located on each deck , as shown in Figure 4.
If you want to empower IN1 as alarm input and assign a period of inhibition, use the command ALLARMEnONtt * 12345, replacing n with the number 1 and tt a time (in minutes) determining the inhibition the device after an alarm to remind the need to establish, by means of micro-switches on dip-switch, what level of signal (high or low) the device recognizes the alarm state. When the microphone detects the input IN1 (or IN2) an alarm signal, the system sends messages to various recipients saved in the phone memory And this step is highlighted by the red light fixed LD1. We'll do a little further from the storage of messages and phone numbers. SMS received by the device after the removal of control and verification of data are deleted to avoid filling the memory of the phone. Figure 5, note that the default password (12345) can be easily replaced by a personal password with a specific command, if you forget the password, you can reset the password by default local action (pressure and maintain pressure on P3 for powering the device).
Figure 4: The extensions to use.
To increase the number of inputs and outputs, it is possible to couple this circuit extensions ET488 (8 entries per deck) and ET473 (8 relay outputs for each deck). Remote control by GSM ET585 can be connected to eight inputs and eight turntables turntables output to a set of 64 +64 E / S. Each extension must have its own address set with three jumpers J1 to J3 (see photo and table).

Figure 7: The pin cable connector for mobile phone Siemens A65.

mark (pin 1) is shown in the drawing of the connector. Refer to the table to make the connections of Siemens A65 connector with printed circuit tracks identified by GND, TX, RX, VB, CTS and DCD.

we can see, it all starts with the routine "SMS" by which the microcontroller checks whether new messages have arrived (sent the mobile command AT + CMGL = 0) if there is not, the program jumps to label NOMSG then returns to the main program, otherwise (new SMS), the mobile phone communicates with the micro memory address and the message text format PDU (Protocol Data Unit ").
sequence received by the microcontroller contains not only a series of information that are not used by our editor, but also the telephone number of the caller, which is stored in the table number, number which will then be sent the response . The message body is stored in the variable BUFFER in hexadecimal, as specified in the instruction HSERIN 500, FINEMESG [Hex2 TMP2]: thus, before being analyzed, the text must be converted to be understandable, that's what tackle the resident program through routine PDUTOTEXT after which the resulting text is saved in the table buffer2. Then the PIC16F876 erases the phone memory, the message (using the AT command + = CMGD pos1, pos2 pos1 and pos2 which indicate the memory address occupied by this message. After this procedure, the program analyzes received the password (using the ANALIZZASMS routine), but to do so must first be identified within the message symbol * (asterisk), which indicates where the password, and then call the routine. Here the comparison is made between the stored password and the receipt: they match, the program proceeds to the subroutine COMAND, in which he analyzes the rest of the message by checking the syntax and developing the response sent to the user, otherwise it goes to the label EXITPASS and completes the cycle of reading the message.

Figure 8: SMS Reading Program (under image format).
Practical implementation and use
To achieve this together, get first mobile phone Siemens A65 and extension cable. Make single-sided printed circuit of helping you design a scale of 1 to 2b (the method recommended in the No. 26 ELM is really the most effective and easiest when working individually) or purchase you now.
When you have before you mount and solder all components (as shown in Figures 2a and 3a), starting with the media integrated circuits and opto and ending with "peripheral" pluggable terminal blocks, the RJ45 (it used to link any extensions), the fuse, the DIP switch and relay and the connector to the cable from the mobile phone A65 is to weld in the holes TX - RX - GND - CTS - DCD - VB. The regulator U4 is mounted sink lying in ML26 and fixed by a small bolt 3MA. Attention to the orientation of polarized components: integrated circuits and optical isolators, diodes, zener, transistors and electrolytic. All this side components. Then return the plate and side welds (helping you figures 2a and 3b) solder the LEDs (red and bicolor: note the polarity) and micropoussoirs. Raise the stage in a suitable enclosure, as shown in the photo of the front page, letting go outside the terminal plug (including that of PWR), the RJ45, the buttons, LEDs and cable connection Siemens A65 going. Before closing the lid, insert the microcontroller, integrated circuits and opto in their support, without you the wrong way. Before you can use the A65, you must configure it to do this, insert a valid SIM card and disable the application PIN. Then delete all messages in the mobile phone (as the incoming envoys and unsent). Once verified that all the settings for sending text messages are entered correctly, you can store the messages to be sent on alarm.
It is possible to insert up to 9 messages. The last, regardless of the number of messages stored, is always associated with input 2 (all other entry 1). Each message can be customized at will and sent to any mobile number. To store

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