You will find below the conference program "Standards and hagiography" to be held in Lyon on 4, 5 and 6 October 2010:
Monday, October 4, 2010 9am
30: 10am Home
00: Introduction by Mark Van Uytfanghe
10h 30: Presentation of the themes of the project by Marie-Céline Isaïa
Normative Intentions
Michèle and Alain Gaillard Dierkens
11h 00: Bruno Judic, "Gregory the Great and production standards: the case of Dialogues
11h 20: Gordon Blennemann, "Martyrdom and preaching. Adaptations of hagiographic model in the sermons of Caesarius of Arles and Gregory the Great "
11h 40: Jeremy Delmulle," Doctrinal Controversy and hagiography: establish and disseminate the standard. La Vita Caesarii, the final stage of the Augustinian controversy in southern Gaul? "
12h 00: Charles Mériaux," Hagiography and Christian mentoring: is there a model in priestly Carolingian hagiography? "Discussion
14h 00: Anne-Marie Helvetius," Hagiography and reform of a female monastery: the Passion of Saint Maxellende Caudry "
14h 20: Flavia de Rubeis," The Lives of the Saints abbots in monastic chronicles of southern Italy: myths of foundation and exemplary lives. "
14h 40: Pierluigi Licciardello," The normative function in the monastic hagiography of central Italy (tenth to twelfth century) "
15h 30: Alessia Trivellone," Cult of the Saints and identity construction in Citeaux the first third of the twelfth century: images of Jerome in manuscripts produced under Abbot of Stephen Harding. "
15h 50: Sophie Delmas, "FRANCISCUS: hagiography of St. Francis for Nicolas de Lyre"
16h 10: Claudine Delacroix-Besnier, " Pope Athleta fidei: hagiography in the service of Roman rule in a treaty of 1358 against the Greeks. "Discussion
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
hagiographical sources of standard
Goullet Monique and Alain Dubreucq
Hagiography and right
9h 00: Jean-Michel Picard," Hagiography and Medieval laws in Ireland (seventh -ninth century) "
9h 20: Nicoletta Giants," Hurrah for labore manuum ejus. Life of Saint Mary of Oignies of Jacques de Vitry, the practices of beggars and decisions of the Second Council of Lyons. "
9h 40: Alexis Charansonnet," The Curia between standard and pastoral : Records of canonization of Philip of Bourges, Richard of Chichester and Hedwig of Silesia from the sermons of Odo of Châteauroux "
Hagiography and History
11h 00: Rutger Kramer," has unde ... quibusdam Monachus vocatur ... : Representations of Louis the Pious in monastic sources, ca. 814-829 "
11h 20: Nancy Vine Durling," Life in verse of St. Eleutherius / Le Hir (BNF fr. 24430). Topographic setting standards and collecting "
11h 40: Thomas Granier," The normative function of hagiographic texts in the Chronicle of St. Vincent's Volturno (circa 1120) "Discussion
Hagiography and acts of practice
15h 00: Paul Bertrand and Sylvie Joye, "The legal standard of documentary and" Wills of Merovingian saints "in the hagiographic discourse"
15h 20: Remy Verdo, "Language hagiography, liturgy and narratology Towards a common standard of distancing in the Carolingian period? "
15h 40: Eliana Magnani," Hagiography and diplomatic reformed monasticism in the mirror libellum of St. John of REOM "
16h 00: Claire Garault," The relationship between hagiographic and diplomatic material in the production episcopal hagiography and monastic ( Britain, IX-XII century) "
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Communication, public and reception
Anne-Marie Helvetius and Christian-Lauranson Rosaz
9h 00: Dáibhí Ó Cróinín," Saints Irish Saints marginal "
9h 20: Kelly Lyn Gibson," The conformation of Vitae rewritten during the ninth century to the sources of contemporary normative "
9h 40: Sebastian Fray," A case filed by a secular standard hagiographic source: review of Chapters 7 and 8 of Book I of the Vita Gerald "
Break 10h 30: Arnaud Lestremeau, "Onomastic practices and exemplary in the hagiography of the Anglo-Saxon Tenth Century
10h 50: Anne Wagner," Standard and deviations from the norm in the hagiography of the Empire, tenth and eleventh centuries "
Hagiography speech and of the standard
14h 00: Anne Lafran, "Incest as hagiographic topos"
14h 20: Frances Lawrence, "The Miracle of the sexton drowned at the trial of Norman history and dynastic issues"
14h 40: Doris Ruhe, "A saint complacent: the Patrenostre St. Julien and standards"
15h 30: Marieke Van Acker, "Communication in Orality and Merovingian hagiography '
15h 50: Clémentine Valette," Practical politics of intertextuality in hagiographic Hincmar Reims "
16h 10: Nicolas Trotin," De Imitatione Sanctorum (1528) of Guillaume Pepin op
Discussion Conclusions
contact: marie.isaia [a] univ-lyon3.fr
For more information: http://lyon2010.perso.sfr.fr /
Link to the program in pdf: http://lyon2010.perso.sfr.fr/NHTract14910.pdf
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