- Study Day December 7, 2010 Clermont-Ferrand: "The saints and kings" : The hagiography in service history
9H-10H Keynote
The hagiography and political issues:
10H Bruand Olivier: "The lawyer hagiographer: human temporal and protecting networks of power in the Carolingian and post-Carolingian hagiography"
10:45 Break-11H 11H
Denis Hue: "Chartres, Fulbert, the Virgin and the Normans: a political issue."
11:45 Gerard Gros: "Walter of Coinci, 'how Our Lady of the City desfendi Constantinnoble': effect of local color and historical consciousness"
12:30 Lunch
Figures of saints, figures of kings: 2:30 p.m.
Elisabeth Pinto-Mathieu: "The legend of St. Edmund. Head of the kingdom at the head of the martyr "
3:15 p.m. Mary Magdalene Castellani:" On the life of St. Elizabeth of Hungary: the Latin text in its translation by Rutebeuf "
This meeting is organized in collaboration with the Centre for Medieval Studies (ECS) of Paris III. A second study day on the same subject will be held April 5, 2011 at the Sorbonne Nouvelle.
http://www.univ-bpclermont.fr/article1008.html************************************************** **********************************
- Study Days footprint Christian Gaul (from the late fourth to early seventh century)
Villeneuve d'Ascq - Lille University 3 (IRHIS)
third day " footprint Christian Gaul (from the late fourth to early seventh century) "
Friday, December 3, 2010
Lille, Université Charles de Gaulle
Christian influence on social norms and behaviors
9 h 30 - Home
1. Legacies
President: Christine Delaplace (University of Toulouse) 10 h 00
Pierre Jaillet (University of Lille 3 - Halma-IPEL) The legislature Christian and pagan practices
farm in the Roman Empire Late
Audrey Becker-Piriou (Université Paul Verlaine-Metz), the bishops in diplomacy
Romano-barbarian Gaul (fifth century)
11 am 00 - Break
11 h 15 Anne-Marie Helvetius (University of Paris 8 Vincennes-Saint-Denis), the first monastic rule in Gaul
11 h 45 - Discussion
12 h 00 - Lunch
2. Christian behavior of the High Middle Ages
Chair: Stéphane Lebecq (University of Lille 3-IRHIS) 13 h 30
Judic Bruno (Université François-Rabelais, Tours), Models in Christianity martiniens
the fifth-seventh centuries
Marie Celine Isaïa (Université Jean Moulin-Lyon 3), model Episcopal
Dumezil Bruno (Université Paris-Ouest-Nanterre-La Défense), the royal model
15 h 00 - 15 h 15 Pause
Emmanuelle Raga (Free University of Brussels), Christianity and Power
Ian Wood (University of Leeds), The cult of saints in the south-eastern Gaul
16 h 15 - Discussion
16 Alain Dierkens 45 pm (Free University of Brussels), Finding
For information and registration: Martine Aubry
Laboratory University of Lille 3 BP 60149
59653 Villeneuve d'Ascq Cedex
tel. 03 20 41 62 87 Fax
03 20 41 69 77
Email: martine.aubry [a] univ-lille3.fr
second day Friday, November 5, 2010
The establishment of Christianity in rural
9 am 30 - Home
1. The monasteries in rural
Chair: Charles Bonnet (University of Geneva, Institut de France) 10 h 00
Michèle Gaillard (University of Lille 3 - IRHIS), Introduction
Yann Codou (University of Nice, CEPAM) The monastery of Lerins
10 am 45 - 11 h 00 Pause
Sebastian Bully (CNRS, Dijon, ARTEH, Dijon), the monastery of Luxeuil (Haute-Saône)
Etienne Louis (Archaeological Service of Douai), The Monastery Hamage (North)
12 h 00 - Discussion
12 h 45 - Lunch
2. Rural churches: review and research perspectives
President: Janine Desmuliez (University of Lille 3)
14 h 00 John Burrow (District Archaeologist, Geneva), The contribution of rural churches excavations
Geneva to inform the Christianization campaigns
Lawrence Schneider ( LAMM-Aix-en-Provence), the rural churches in Gaul Mediterranean
Mériaux Charles (University of Lille 3 - IRHIS) The rural clergy during the Middle Ages
15 h 30 - 15 h 45 Pause
Isabelle Cartron (University of Bordeaux 3), The question of the identification of Christian Burial
16 h 15 - 16 h 45 Discussion
Gisela Cantino-Wattaghin (University of Eastern Piedmont), Finding
first day Tuesday, September 7, 2010
sacred spaces in the Christian town
9 am 00 - Home
1. The episcopal group
Chair: Jean Guyon (Centre Camille Jullian, CNRS-Université de Provence)
9 h 30 Charles Bonnet (University of Geneva, Institut de France), The contribution of the excavations of the cathedral
from Geneva to the problem of Episcopal groups
Sylvie Balcon-Berry (University of Paris IV), Walter Berry (associate researcher at ARTEH,
Dijon), bishop of Autun Group
10 h 30 - 10 h 45 Pause
Brulet Raymond (Catholic University of Louvain), Excavations at the Cathedral of Tournai
Marc Heijmans (Centre Camille Jullian, CNRS-Université de Provence), the first cathedral of Arles
11: 45 pm - Discussion
12 h 30 - Lunch
President: Nancy Gauthier (University of Tours) 13 h 30
Brigitte Boissavit-Camus (University of Paris-Ouest Nanterre La Défense), New
search Baptistry of Poitiers
Pascale Chevalier (University of Clermont-Ferrand, ARTEH, Dijon), Le Puy baptistery
14 h 30 - Discussion
2. Suburban churches
15 h 15 Jean-Francois Reynaud (University of Lyon 2), martyriales Churches in Lyon and Vienna (St. Irenaeus
, Férréol St., St. Columba and St. Didier)
Michèle Gaillard (University of Lille 3 - IRHIS) Christian Sapin (CNRS, Dijon, ARTEH,
Dijon), martyriale From the church at the monastery: the case of Saint-Quentin (Aisne)
16 h 15 - 16 h 45 Discussion
Françoise Prévot (University of Paris-Est, Créteil ) Conclusions
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- University of Lille 3, Lille Catholic Institute, University of Valenciennes and Littoral
Days for Research on early medieval (fifth to twelfth centuries) - Programme 2008-2009
Friday March 20, 2009 - Institut Catholique de Lille: Hagiography and preaching during the Middle Ages
Westeel Isabelle (Public Library of Lille): hagiography and pastoral in the Merovingian period: the "sermon" of St. Eligius of Noyon Jean
Heuclin (ICL): the theme of marriage in the Lives of St. Aldegonde Maubeuge (seventh to eleventh centuries)
ISAIA Mary (Lyon 3): the canonical collection of Herve de Reims († 922): a collection of hagiographic serving the pastoral
Klaus KRÖNERT (Lille 3): hagiography and preaching in Trier (tenth-eleventh century)
Report on the site Haghi
This seminar has been published in Religious Science Blends (67 / 3), July-September 2010. She is accompanied by the publication of a report on the study day on St. Charles Eloi by Merial.
Contents of volume:
- Introduction by Charles Mériaux, P. 3-4.
- K. Krönert, "The Historiography between hagiography and preaching. Study on a literary form from texts written in Trier (eighth-eleventh century), p. 5-26.
- M.-C. Isaia, "Hagiography and pastoral. The canonical collection of Hervé, Archbishop of Rheims (d. 922), p. 27-48.
- E. Santinelli-Foltz, "Water in all its forms. The perception of the watery element in some Merovingian Lives of Saints, "p. 49-69.
- Ch Mériaux, "New on the Life of St. Eligius," p. 71-85.
- J. Heuclin "The pastoral marriage through the Lives of Aldegonde Maubeuge, p.87-106.
Each communication is preceded by a summary in French and English.
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- Thursday, October 21 2010 Genevieve Bührer Thierry (Paris Est): Who is the god the strongest? Competition between Christians and pagans in Northern Europe and East (9th-10th centuries)
Communication focused on Vita Anskarii (Ch. 19 to 30) and aimed to demonstrate that the mission to Scandinavia is an entirely different kind of tasks undertaken elsewhere in the High Middle Ages. This is due to the nature of local religious practices but also to a network linked to missionary Ebbo of Reims and Corbie.
Seminar Régine Le Jan, Francois Bougard, Genevieve Bührer-Thierry on Competition in the High Middle Ages
The seminar sessions on competition in the High Middle Ages take place at the Sorbonne, Perroy room, 1 rue Victor Cousin, 15 to 17h ( http://www.medieval-competition.eu )*************************** ************************************************** ********
- October 14, 2010: Conference of off-cycle thematic cycle 2009-2010 IRHT devoted to hagiographic collections by François Dolbeau and Joseph-Claude Poulin on the libelli Latin
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- The symposium Standards and hagiography in medieval held in the Jean Moulin University in Lyon of 4 to 6 October 2010 .
A reflection on communications related to the symposium is available on the diplomatic book search laetusdiaconus
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- Sacred space, sacred memory: the saints bishops and their cities
Sacred Space, Sacred Memory: Bishop-Saints and Their Cities
Tours, 10-12 June 2010
The history of many European cities has been shaped by one or several holy figures whose relationship to real or imagined-cities-have spiritual consequences and pratiques.La topography of the city, its economy, its institutions, its liturgy his reputation, and even the development of civic pride of the people, have forged an association of the saint and idiosyncratic of his city. The figure of the bishop-saint, in line with its spiritual and temporal powers extraordinary represents a particular category in which this conference seeks to trace the contours. Thursday, June 10
Introduction LABOUÉRIE-Christine Bousquet (Université François-Rabelais de Tours) and Yossi Maurey (LE STUDIUM - Université François-Rabelais de Tours - CeRMAHVA / CESR)
Presidency: Philippe CHASSAIGNE (University Tours - Director CeRMAHVA)
Dominique BEARD (University of Noumea): Holy Bishops builders and Research Unit (fourth-seventh centuries)
Deborah M. Deliyannis (Indiana University): The Biography Of The Holy Bishop and His Role as Urban Builder
Maile Hutterer (New York University): Beyond the Bishop: Flying Buttress & the Architectural Delineation of Sacred Space
Chair: Michel SOT ( University of Paris IV)
Samantha Kahn Herrick (Syracuse University): Founding Apostolic Bishops and Their Rivals
Yossi Maurey (Hebrew University of Jerusalem): Two-saints bishops, a city, and the definition of civic communities
Catherine SAUCIER (Arizona State University): The Civic Cult of Saint Hubert: The Episcopal Venerating Pattern of Medieval Cork
Shane Lordan (University College Cork): Finding a Foundation: Patron Saints Episcopal and Their Cities in Early Medieval Ireland
Catherine Peyroux (Drew University): Bishop Brigit and Her City
Judic Bruno (University of Tours) : The protection of St. Gregory the city of Rome in the ninth century
Walter Berry (University of Dijon): volatile memory: the "Oratory of St. Remi" and the crypt of the Cathedral of Reims
Friday, June 11
Chair: Yossi Maurey (LE STUDIUM - Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
Spyros P. Panagopoulos (University of Patras): The Bishop and his City in Late Antiquity: Bishop's Charity towards his Christian flock
Mary S. SKINNER (Empire State College): Saintly Bishop and Holy Women: Encounters of Conflict and Collaboration Reflecting the Formation of Ascetic Communities in Late Antique Gaul
Ioanna CHRISTOFORAKI (Academy of Athens): Saint Martin of Tours. From Roman Amiens to Venetian Crete
Asdís EGILSDÓTTIR (University of Iceland): Constructing Space, Cult and Indentity: Saintly Bishops in Medieval Iceland
Camille Racine (Université de Paris IV): L'oeuvre des chantiers du cardinal Verdier La création d'un maillage paroissial en région parisienne
Anna TÜSKÉS (Académie Hongroise des Sciences): The Cult of Saint Louis of Toulouse in Hungary
A. Joseph McMullen (Harvard University): Re-locating Sacred Space: St. Samson's creation of Place Through Miracles
Chair: Catherine SAUCIER (Arizona State University)
Stéphane Moura (University of Paris VIII): Saint-Denis and St. Denis: the capital of the kingdom at the head of a political body
Ewa Szalek (Catholic University of Lublin): Saint Adalbert (956-997) - The Patron of Gniezno, Poland and Europe
Karin STRINNHOLM LAGERGREN (Åbo Akademi ) Brynolf Algotsson - A Bishop in Late 13th-Century Sweden
Thierry ISSARTEL (Practical School of Higher Studies): The saints bishops Beneharnum (Lescar): religious and political issues of memory episcopal sovereignty of Béarn in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries
Conference Plenary - Keynote Lecture: Maureen C. MILLER (University of Berkeley)
Invoking Saint Zenobius, Embracing Saint John: The Bishop of Florence, historical Palace, & the Growth of the City
Saturday, June 12
Presidency Christine Bousquet-LABOUÉRIE (University of Tours)
LECLERCQ Marina (University of Paris IV): The act or historia historic St. Loup of Troyes, for example celebration Liturgy of St. John
local bishop Francis GOUDESENNE (CNRS - IRHT): Chronology of liturgical patron saints bishops in northern France: the contribution of Tours with the Office of St. Brice unpublished (ninth century?)
Milton Pedro Dias Pacheco (University of Coimbra): De Civitate Dei. The artistic Campaigns at Archdiocese of Braga Promoted by Bartolomeu dos Martires St. Friar
Gwénael Riou (University of Rennes II): Quimper and Saint Corentin
Welleda MULLER (University of Burgundy): Bishop Jacques Amyot and Auxerre
May DAVIE (University of Balamand, Lebanon): St. George and the reconstruction Urban Beirut since the Middle Ages
President: Dominique Beard (University of Noumea)
Coutelle Antoine (University of Paris Villetaneuse): The cult of "Mr. St. Hilaire" in Poitiers in the seventeenth century: saint-bishop in the reconquest of his city
COURIOL Etienne (University of Lyon III): Saints and bishops dation of names. The example of Lyon in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries
Sotinel Claire (University of Paris XII): Conclusions
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- Second day of the cycle's thematic IRHT devoted to hagiographic collections:
May 27, 2010. Organizers: André Binggeli, Anne-Francoise-Leurquin Labie, Cecile Lanery
Around the manuscript tradition of the Golden Legend
Welcome and introduction Barbara
Fleith (University of Geneva): Some aspects of the history of the tradition of the Legenda aurea
Olivier Collet (University of Geneva): The adaptations of the medieval Golden Legend: characterization test of the French tradition
Fabio Zinelli (EPHE): The Golden Legend Catalan-Occitan
Collections hagiographic and identity
Jacques Dalarun (IRHT): The paradox Franciscan hagiography
Olivier Delouis (East-Mediterranean, CNRS): Manufactures and memory monastic saints: the menologies, the monastery of Studios in Constantinople ( ninth to eleventh century)
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- Monasticism in the East Western Mediterranean during medieval and modern
December 18, 2009, Round Table ( CERCOR )
Leaders: Annie PETERS-Custot and Daniel-Odon Hurel
The CERCOR launched a research program aimed perception and influence of eastern monasticism in the West Mediterranean during medieval and modern, which aims to reassess the methods of actual and perceived influence (assumed, among other things, a multi-secular historiography that will deliver flat) of eastern monasticism in the religious reforms and the perception monasticism that the Western world is developing, especially in the Mediterranean. It is therefore to collect Oriental influence in the religious life of the Mediterranean world and especially the processing that changes the players that have made religious life of Eastern monasticism own characters for integration into the rationale for their reforms, according to their own original situation.
The roundtable in December 2009 has an update on some major sources on this topic (iconography, hagiography, libraries, scholarly texts and monastic reformers), and discuss future scientific meetings that will lead to held in 2013, a large international conference.
A contribution concerned the hagiography the High Middle Ages:
Giuseppe Conticello (CNRS UMR 8584 Laboratory studies on monotheism): "The translations of the hagiographies sixth-tenth centuries, from Latin to Greek: The Case of the Passio S. Agathae. "
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- First day of thematic cycle of the IRHT devoted to hagiographic collections:
December 3, 2009. Organizers: André Binggeli, Anne-Françoise Labie-Leurquin, Cecile Lanery
Presentation Lanery cycle by Cecile and Anne-Francoise Leurquin (IRHT)
Philipart Guy (University of Notre Dame de la Paix, Namur): The Latin Legendia and transmission of hagiographic texts
Bernard Flusin (University of Paris IV-Sorbonne): The collections of Byzantine hagiographic texts from the typology of Albert Ehrhard
Martine Thiry-Stassin (University of Liège): Perspectives on the medieval French Legendia
Ioanna Rapti (Centre history and civilization of Byzantium, Paris): Iconography of hagiographic manuscripts Oriental
André Binggeli (IRHT): The collections of saints' lives Syriac and Arabic in the proper use disorder
- The last day of the symposium on "Rumor the Middle Ages. Construction uses, distribution " (September 26, 2009) organized by Miriam Soria-Audebert CESCM at Poitiers was on " The Making of Saints " http://calenda.revues.org/nouvelle14276.html
Bozóky Edina (University Poitiers, CESCM): Birth of a fama of holiness in the narratives of the martyrs of miscellaneous
Anne Wagner (University of Besançon): Slandering the Saints: the slanderous rumor into hagiography
Deswarte Thomas (University of Poitiers, CESCM ) Herménégilde: Traitor or saint?
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- Within the cycle of meetings on St. Maurice (project led by Franco-Swiss Anne Wagner and Nicole Bocard between the Laboratory of Historical Sciences of Besançon and foundation of the Historical Archives of Saint-Maurice , Valais, Switzerland) held a conference in Besançon and Saint-Maurice Agaune in September 2009 ( proposed program ) [a roundtable on the topic was held September 23, 2008]. The summary by Klaus
Krönert interventions on the early Middle Ages is available on the site Haghi: http://haghis.blogspot.com/2009/11/colloque-saint-maurice-sept-2009.html
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- Female vita religiosa between Late antiquity and High Middle Ages : Structures, Norms and Developments . 2nd International Conference of the Research Centre for Comparative History of Medieval Religious Orders ( FOVOG ) : Eichstätt 19-21 mars 2009 (plus de renseignements sur HSK )
Thursday from 15h to 17h, Room Perroy (University Paris I, Panthéon-Sorbonne)
January 22, 2009: Dominique Barth (University of Paris IV Sorbonne): "Miracles and pacification: the hagiographic record of northern France West (tenth-eleventh century) "
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- Seminar Laurent Feller: Economic and Social History Medieval (Administer by writing to the Middle Ages. Issues of Social History)
Wednesday at 17 pm to 19h. Perroy Hall (University of Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne).
November 5, 2008: Laurent Feller, "Transactions in the Vita Meinwerici (eleventh century)"
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- Symposium: "cult of saints and relics of the early centuries. Devotions and identities of the sixteenth to nineteenth century. Workshop I Saints origins. Plays modern ". Rome, 24 and October 25, 2008 at the Istituto Nazionale di Studi Romani (French School of Rome / University of Clermont-Ferrand University France 2/Institut / Istituto Nazionale di Studi Romani): http : / / www.ecole-francaise.it/fr/actualite.htm
- Symposium organized by LEME (Laboratorio de Estudios mediev) at the University Campinas (UNICAMP), Brésil: International Seminar Hagiography: Text, Image and Historiography 10 et 11 septembre 2008
interventions sur le haut Moyen Âge:
- Prof. Ian Wood (University of Leeds)
Hagiography mission in Europe and the Middle Ages
- Marcelo Candido da Silva (FFLCH / USP)
Violence and hagiography in the world franc (seventh century)
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- Hagiography, ideology and power in the Middle Ages Poitiers CESCM 11-14 September 2008 ( Bozoky E., et al. P. Henriet )
Proceedings of the symposium on the site of Haghi:
- Morning of September 11 (M. Heinzelmann, A.-M. Helvetius, J.-M. Picard)
- afternoon of September 11 (P. Henriet, K. Herbers, S. Herrick, T. Granier, K. Krönert)
- Morning of September 12 (G. Philippart, M. Gaillard, J. Le Maho, A. Wagner)
- Afternoon of 12 September (P. Golinelli, J. Dalarun, A. Dierkens, S. Vanderputten, PhD)
- Morning of September 13 (C. Andrault-Schmitt, N. Vincent, E. Bozoky, J.-M. Sansterre)
- Afternoon of 13 September (Dr. George G. Klaniczay, R. Lützelschwab, J. Pysiak, conclusion: Mr Goullet)
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- Sessions on the hagiography of the International Medieval Congress (Leeds), 2008 (7-10 July): Session 204 (Maurice Denis, Adalbert); Session 222 (holiness Irish); session 304 (Cycle Rictiovaire, Martyrs of Trier, Serena Spoleto); session 514 (natural and supernatural) session 601 (Gender in Old Texts Français) Session 614 (holy and miracles); session 704 (-a) (intertextuality in hagiography) session 804 (-D) (AEthelthryth) session 1003 (Thomas Becket); session 1510 (Life of Columba, a community of St. Philibert, calendars Carolingian) session 1522 (landscapes hagiographic) session 1622 (the Nature in the Lives); session 1625 (Didier Vienna Radegonde Aldegonde 'wills' of the saints).
Reviews Haghi on the site of seven of these interventions.
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