Thursday, December 9, 2010

Wooden Saddle Rack Plans

Electronic publications (articles)

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- Paul Bertrand, Charles Mériaux, "Cambrai - Magdeburg. The relics of saints and the integration of Lotharingia in the kingdom of Germany in the middle of the tenth century ", in G. Bührer Thierry, S. Lebecq coord., the West on its margins (VI-X e th century): forms and techniques of integration , Medieval (51), 2006, p. 85-96 - Perseus:

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- Monique Goullet " Life Adelphe Metz Werinharius by: rewriting controversy? " appeared in: scribere gesta sanctorum. Collection of studies of medieval hagiography offered Guy Philippart , Turnhout, 2005 (Brepols), p. 451-476 - HAL-SHS:

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- Monique Goullet, "From Hrotsvita of Gandersheim Odilon de Cluny: Images of Adelaide around the year one thousand, "in: Adelaide of Burgundy. Genesis and representations of imperial sanctity , Dijon, 2002:

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- Thomas Granier, "The Neapolitan hagiography of the early Middle Ages: context, corpus and issues", Bulletin CRISIMA (2), 2001 13-40 - retimedievali: Thomas #% 20Granier

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- Martin Heinzelmann, " The aristocracy and the bishops of the Loire and Rhine to the late seventh century " History Review The Church of France , Volume 62. No. 168, 1976 75-90 - Perseus:

- Martin Heinzelmann, "Clovis in the discourse of hagiography VI to IX e th Century", School Library Charters (154 / 1), 1996 87-112 - Perseus:

- Patrick Henriet "Chronicle of a few deaths announced: Saints Abbots of Cluny (Xe-XIIe s.), Medieval (31), 1996 93-108 - Perseus:

- Marie-Céline Isaia, " We are twin sisters: Soissons suffragan of Reims in hagiography (eleventh-twelfth century)," Work of the National Academy of Reims , 2008 , p. 1-15 -HAL-SHS:

- Pierre Janin, "Heiric Auxerre and Gesta Pontificum Autissiodorensium " Francia (4), 1976:, 00101.html

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- Joel Le Gall, Jean Marilia " The contribution of Alesia in the history of Christianity in Gaul from the fourth to ninth century " Journal of History of the Church of France , Volume 62. No. 168, 1976 253-256 - Perseus:

- Armelle Le Huërou, "For a definition of historiography hagiographic corpus Baudri , archbishop of Dol (1107-1130), "Britannia Monastic (11), 2007, p. 27-37 [on HAL-SHS]

- Armelle Le Huërou, "The Vita Sancti Samsons (BHL 7486) Baudry of Bourgueil (12th century) in the Chronicon Briocense (14th century): some reflections on the inclusion of sources in the Chronicon " in Louis Lemoine, Bernard Merdrignac ed. Monastic Corona. Moines Landévennec Brittany: Celtic history and memory. Essays in honor of the father Marc Simon, 2004, p. 219-229 [on HAL-SHS]

- Jacques Le Maho, "The editorial production in Jumièges the mid-tenth century, Tabularia (22/10/2001) (on the Saints Aycadre and Hughes in particular): print.php? file = file1 & file = 02lemaho.xml

- Ph. Le Maitre, " bishops and monks in Maine: fourth-eighth centuries " Journal of Church History de France, Tome 62. No. 168, 1976 91-101 - Perseus:

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- Lucien Musset, " From Saint to St. Victricius Ouen: the Christianization of the province Rouen from hagiography " History Review the Church of France, Tome 62. No. 168, 1976 141-152 - Perseus:

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