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Hagiography and Reformation (s) Past Events

hagiography and reform (S)


Roundtable Preparatory

University Lille 3, Friday, January 14, 2011

A roundtable will be held Friday, January 14, 2011 to University Lille 3 to examine the relationship maintained between hagiography and reform (s), mainly between the sixth and twelfth centuries. The desire to purify the Church and bring it back to its apostolic origins can be both seen as a continuum and as a history of successive movements. We can distinguish or reconcile the reform of Gregory the Great, Carolingian reform, reforms of the tenth century monastic, the reform "Gregorian", as many movements that are experiencing different regional variations.

In both regular and secular circles, these waves of reform (s) are accompanied by the reactivation of ancient cults or adoption of new religions (for inventions or translation of relics), the choice was significant. The selection between the possible models of holiness combines the unique history of reformed institutions and expectations of the reformers. At the heart of the debate also included the composition new texts (rewrites) and the development of new collections (Legendia). The advantage of such a meeting lies in the presentation of well-documented cases around a cult, an institution, a regional grouping, order ... to articulate a body of hagiographic texts to d other sources (narrative, diplomatic, exegetical, customary, etc..).


The roundtable will be published in full in a special issue of the journal Medieval in spring 2012, coordinated by Charles Mériaux and Stéphane Gioanni.

* For information on the journal Medieval:

hagiography and reform (S)


Provisional Programme Duration communications is 30 minutes followed by 15 minute discussion.

9.30 - Home

10am - Stéphane Gioanni (French School of Rome) and Charles MERIAUX (University of Lille 3): Introduction

10:15 - Dominique Iogna-PRAT (UMR 8589 LAMOP, Paris): Holinesses paradoxical sanctus Nemo sancta ecclesia

11am - Stéphane Gioanni (French School of Rome), Sylvie Joye (University of Reims) and Bruno Dumezil (University Paris Ouest Nanterre, IUF): The Dialogues of Gregory the Great

11:45 - Anne-Marie Helvetius (University Paris 8) : Hagiography and monastic reform in the Frankish world (seventh-eighth century)

12h30 - 14h Lunch

- Max DIESENBERGER (Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Vienna): The Bavarian hagiographic collections (eighth-ninth century) (tbc)

14:45 - Marie-Céline ISAIAH (Université Lyon 2): Hagiography and reform in dioceses of Lyons and Vienna in the ninth century

15:30 - Break

15:45 - Georges Declercq (Vrije Universiteit Brussel): Hagiography and reform in Flanders (ninth-tenth century)

16:30 - Patrick Henriet (EPHE, Section IV): Y he saints reformers? Remarks on the word and the idea of reform in the hagiography 'reformed' the time 'Gregorian'


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