The results of the work of Aquitania sacra for the years 2004-2008 and plans for the years 2008-2012 can be found at the following address: CESCM / IMG / pdf / Aquitania_Sacra.pdf
Saturday, October 16, 2010
How To Make Arm Warmers From Stockings
The results of the work of Aquitania sacra for the years 2004-2008 and plans for the years 2008-2012 can be found at the following address: CESCM / IMG / pdf / Aquitania_Sacra.pdf
Friday, October 15, 2010
Heartgold Freezes Desmume
Bruno Dumezil
Stéphane Gioanni
Thomas Granier
Marie-Céline Isaia
Sylvie Joye
Klaus Krönert
Charles Mériaux
What Kind Of Hard Drive For Vip 222k
Editor bulletin Haghi
Coordinator Haghi
lecturer in medieval history
University URCA - Reims
EA 2616 - Center for Study and Research on Cultural History (CERHiC)
Combined with the UMR 8589 - LAMOP (Laboratory of Western medieval studies in Paris)
Axis elites in the Middle Ages in the West
University URCA - Reims
History Department
57 Rue Pierre Taittinger Reims 51096 cedex
Full Page:
Work related to the hagiographic sources
- al. P. Bertrand, "The legal standard of documentary and" Wills of Merovingian saints "in the hagiographic discourse," Symposium Standards and hagiography, October 2010.
- "Gregory of Tours and women. Judgments on couples and clergy laity " in Cr.
- "The so-called Merovingian saints' testament": communication to the International Medieval Congress -Leeds
Current Research on Women and holiness "wills" of the saints on hagiography in the ecclesiastical province of Reims and the crisis at the time of Louis the Pious in the framework of the ANR-DFG Hludowicus:
Veet Wax Strips For Pubic Area
Director of Medieval Studies at the French School Rome
Lecturer in Classics and Latin humanities applied
Université Panthéon-Sorbonne - Paris I
UMR 8589 - LAMOP (Laboratory of Western medieval studies in Paris)
Work related to the hagiographic sources
- "The Lives of the Saints made in Italy Latin Peace Constantine the mid-sixth century, "in G. Philippart eds. Hagiography, Volume V, Turnhout (Brepols), 2010, p. 361-436.
- "The Life of Saint Virgil of Arles : plagiarism, rewriting or reused? "Mr. Goullet, M. Heinzelmann, Chr. Veyrard Cosme eds. Proceedings of the symposium Rewriting The hagiographic in the medieval West. Workshop III: The Merovingian hagiography through its rewriting , Ostfildern (Beihefte der Francia - 71), 2010, p. 125-159.
- "The secular culture and monastic literature in the West in the fifth and sixth centuries: the example of ascetics Provencal" in E. Rébillard and Cl Sotinel eds. Proceedings of the symposium's borders Profane in the Roman world, Rome, French School of Rome, 2009, p. 177-195.
- "The bishops of Salona according to the Historia Salonitana Archdeacon Thomas (thirteenth century): history and hagiography, in Br Bougard and Mr. Sot eds. Proceedings of the symposium Add history of the bishops and popes , Turnhout (Brepols), 2009, p. 243-263.
- "Vere monachus : representations of identity in the pastoral ascetic lérinienne (fifth-sixth centuries), "in Y. Codou Lauwers and M. eds. conference- Lerins, an island sacred to the Late Antiquity in the Middle Ages , Turnhout (Brepols), 2009, p. 141-165.
- "A suspicious figure of holiness lérinienne: St. Anthony. According to the
- "The bishops of Salona (II e VII-e century) after Historia Salonitana Archdeacon Thomas (XIII century e): history and hagiography, in Br Bougard, Mr. Sot ed. É write the history of the bishops and popes (Auxerre, 25-27 June 2007), forthcoming
- "The
- C. Lanery al. "Hagiographic literature Italian between 300 and 650, in G. Philippart eds. Hagiography, Volume V, Turnhout (Brepols), forthcoming in 2009.
- "The doubling in hagiographic
- "'Fiction' hagiographic and powers: a study of the
Current Research on hagiographies lérinienne and Dalmatian.
Manager with Laurent Jegou the axis Competition, mediation and sacred Research Program LAMOP Paris1-on Competition in the High Middle Ages: 8
international colloquium on Competition, mediation and sacred (Fall 2013, Rome) :
Dravere Web Cmw 460668
Lecturer in medieval history
University Charles de Gaulle - Lille 3
UMR 8529 - Institute of Historical Research of the North (IRiHS)
Charles University de-Gaulle - Lille 3 UFR
BP 149, 59653 Villeneuve d'Ascq cedex
Full Page:
Publications related to the hagiographic sources
- "Gallia irradiata. Saints and shrines in northern Gaul
Summary: Bollandiana Analecta, 125, 2007, p. 210-215 [In Francis Vriendt]. Annals of Britain and Western countries, 114-2, 2007, p. 195-196 [Bernard Merdrignac]. Archives social sciences of religion, 140, 2008, p. 254-256 [Bénédicte Sère]. Early Medieval Europe , 16-3, 2008, p. 373-374 [Felice Lifshitz]. Das Historisch-Politische Buch, 55-1, 2007, p. 38-39 (No. 47) [Hans Hubert Anton]. Historische Zeitschrift , 287-2, 2008, p. 432-433 [Sébastien Barret]. Medieval (53) , Fall 2007, p. 186-189 [Alban Gautier]. Journal of the History of the Church of France , 93, 2007, p. 161-162 [Jean-Loup Lemaitre]. Rheinische Vierteljahrsblätter , 72, 2008, p. 283-285 [Reinhold Kaiser]. Speculum, 83, 2008, p. 469-470 [John Howe].
- "Christian Hagiography and supervision: are there any priestly model in the Carolingian hagiography? "Symposium Standards and hagiography, Lyon, October 2010.
- "The Passion of Saint Léger of Autun in the old Legendia (eighth-ninth century), first meeting in Villa Vigoni the Merovingian hagiographic texts of expertise in their earliest manuscript versions, September 2009:
- " A Vita Merovingian and his readings of the ninth to eleventh century The record of St. Géry de Cambrai, "in Goullet M., M. Heinzelmann, C. Veyrard Cosme eds. The Merovingian hagiography through its rewriting , Ostfildern (Beihefte der Francia - 71), 2010, p. 161-191 [list of mss p. 188-191].
- "Who christianus vult esse verus: Christianity and 'paganism' in northern Gaul in the Merovingian period, in Inglebert H., S. Destephen, B. Dumezil ed. The problem of Christianization , Paris (Picard), 2010, p. 359-373.
- "The Translatio Calixte Cisonium (BHL 1525): An order of Gisela, daughter of Louis the Pious, the monastery of Saint-Amand? , "in M. Goullet eds. Parva Pro Magnis Munera, literature studies late-antique and medieval offered by François Dolbeau students , Brepols, 2009, p. 585-611.
- "Space Diocese in the province of Reims the High Middle Ages, "in F. Mazel eds. space of the diocese. Genesis of a territory in the medieval West (Ve-XIIIes.) , Rennes (PUR), 2008, p. 119-141.
- "The province of Reims in the Merovingian period, in V. Beaulande Barraud-ed. The ecclesiastical province of Reims.Quelles realities? Middle Ages to the nineteenth century , Work of the National Academy of Reims (178), 2008, p. 267-283.
- "Piat, Nicaise or Éleuthère: what were the saints especially honored to run for the High Middle Ages? ", in L. Verslype eds. towns and countryside in Neustria. Companies - Save - Territories - Christianization , Montagnac, 2007, p. 301-304 (Medieval Europe, 8; memoirs published by AFAM, 16) [Proceedings of the XXV International Conference on the Archaeology of the Merovingian AFAM].
- "The separation of spouses and their conversion to the monastic life according to some sources of early medieval hagiographic" in E. Santinelli ed. repudiation, separation, divorce in the West Medieval , Valenciennes (Valenciennes searches. 25), 2007, p. 53-68.
- "Graves, relics and memory of the bishops of Cambrai (sixth to eleventh centuries)," Mr. in Margue et al eds. Burial, Death and Representation power in the Middle Ages. Tod und Grabmal Herrschaftrepräsentation im Mittelalter , Luxembourg, 2006 (Publications Section
- Paul Bertrand [IRHT, CNRS] al. "Cambrai - Magdeburg. The relics of saints and the integration of
- " Parochiae barbaricae? Some comments on the perception of the northern dioceses of Gaul during the early Middle Ages ", in O. Parsi-Barubé eds. The invention Northern antiquity to the present. Image regional geographic stereotype, Villeneuve d'Ascq, 2005 (= Revue du Nord, 87, No. 360-361), p. 293-303. [conference-Lille (14-16 November 2002]
- "Community of communities of canons and clerics in the diocese of Arras, Cambrai, Tournai and Thérouanne (seventh to eleventh centuries)» , in S. Lorenz et T. Zotz you., early forms of old churches of Europe. Function and change of religious communities of 6 by the end of the 11th century. Festschrift for Dieter Mertens 65th Birthday, Leinfelden-Echterdingen, 2005.
- "Fulbert, évêque d'Arras et de Cambrai (933/934-956)» , in L'Eglise et la société entre Seine et Rhin (Ve-XVIe siècle). Recueil d'études d'histoire du Moyen Âge en l'honneur de Bernard Delmaire , Villeneuve d'Ascq, 2004 (= Revue du Nord , 86, n ° 356-357), p. 525-542.
- "Missionaries from all over Europe in the north of Neustria (sixth-seventh century)? Historical reality and legacy of a literary theme hagiographic ", in P. Marcilloux eds. Men in Europe, Paris, 2002 171-194. [Proceedings of the 125th Congress CTHS (Lille, 2000)]
- " Thérouanne and his diocese until the end of the Carolingian period: stages of Christianity from written sources " , School Library charters (158), 2000 377-406 - Perseus :
- "hagiographic recent research in Germany: Arbeitskreis für Fragen hagiographische and the first volume Beiträge zur hagiography ", Newsletter Mission historic French Germany , 36, 2000 120-128.
- "In the distant origins of parishes in northern Gaul: some observations on the Christianization of the diocese of Cambrai (sixth-eighth century)" , in the parish pre-Roman and Romanesque , actes of the 31es journées de romanes Cuixà (5-12 juillet 1998), Codalet, 1999 (= Les Cahiers de Saint-Michel de Cuxa , 30), p. 171-180.
- "hagiography et réforme à Cambrai au début du siècle XIe: la 'Vita Autberti' et son auteur," in M. This Berger, M. Niederkorn-Bruck you Hagiographic tradition in the early Middle Ages between writing and re-writing . , Vienne (publishing house of the Austrian Academy of Sciences. research on the history of the Middle Ages), sous presse.
- "Saint Amand and the transformation of the society of his time "in Ph. Depreux ed. Christianization and social changes at the margins of the Christian West , Poitiers / Turnhout (CESCM / Brepols. Medieval Culture and Society) in press.
- Br Meijns [KUL, Leuven] al. "Cycle Rictiovar and topography Christian campaigns in northern Merovingian" in The first time Christians in the territory of France
- "New to St. Eloi," report of the study day organized by Haghi, January 2009: . html
A slightly revised version of this report is in the mix of science religious (67 / 3), 2010, p. 71-85.
Current Research on the record of St. Géry de Cambrai (North) on the cult of St. Callistus to Cysoing (North) on the collection assembled v. 850 by the monk of Milo Elnone about St. Amand (Ghent, Bibl. Univ., Ms 224).
Brahmi Hair Oil Darken
lecturer in medieval history
Université Paul-Valéry - Montpellier III
EA4207 - Historic Centre of Research and Studies on the countries of the Mediterranean
Research Associate: EA2204 - Corporations, Ideologies and Beliefs in the Middle Ages, University of Provence (Aix-Marseille I)
University Paul Valery - Montpellier III
Route de Mende F 34199 Montpellier cedex
Work related to the hagiographic sources
- Thesis: History, culture and devotion to Naples, VIII-XI e e centuries, under the direction of Huguette Taviani-Carozzi , University Aix-Marseille I, defended in 1998.
- "The normative texts hagiographiques dans la C hronique de Saint-Vincent du Vulturn (vers 1120), "Colloque Normes et Hagiographa , Lyon, octobre 2010 (Membre du comité scientifique du Colloque)
-" San Gennaro and his companions nele sources X-XII centuries, "in G. And Luongo., San Gennaro in the seventeenth centenary of the martyrdom (305-2005) . Proceedings of the International Conference (Naples, 21-23 September 2005) [ Campania Sacra 37, 1-2 (2006) et 38, 1-2 (2007)], vol. I p. 251-274.
- "Local or Regional Identity in Early Medieval Southern Italy Latin? " in B. Lancaster, D. Newton, N. Vall ed. An Agenda for Regional History , Newcastle upon Tyne, 2007, p. 101-114.
- "The captivity of the emperor Louis II in Benevento (August 13-September 17 871) in the sources of e IX-X centuries e: the writing of history, false new copy of the story "in Cl Carozzi, H. Taviani-Carozzi ed. Make the event at Middle Age , Aix-en-Provence, 2007, p. 13-39.
- "Topografia religiosa e produzione nei Secoli agiografica IX X" in
- "Conflitti, compromessi e nel Mezzogiorno relic trasferimenti di latino del secolo IX, Hagiographica (XIII), 2006, p. 33-71.
- "Bishops of Southern Italy Latin VII e-IX e if è articles" in A. Wagner ed. Saints and History. Hagiographical sources the High Middle Ages (Sources of History 1), Rosny-sous-Bois, 2004, p. 141-151.
- "Transformations of the Church and hagiography around Naples the first millennium, in Cl Carozzi, H. Taviani-Carozzi ed. Year Thousand, An Mil , Aix-en-Provence, 2002 149-175.
Available Reti Medievali Thomas #% 20Granier
- "The Neapolitan hagiography of the Dark Ages: Context , corpus and issues ", Bulletin CRISIMA (2), 2001 13-40. Available
Reti Medievali Thomas #% 20Granier
- "Places of memory, Places of Worship in Naples at V e-X e centuries: St. Januarius, St. Agrippina and the 'memory of the bishops' "Cl in Carozzi, H. Taviani-Carozzi ed. Remembering. Remembrance and Commemoration in the Middle Ages , Aix-en-Provence, 1999 63-102. Available
Reti Medievali Thomas #% 20Granier
- "A miracle performed by the contact of an effigy of St. Januarius in Naples in the ninth century e " International Journal of Philology and History (75-4), 1997 957-966. Available
Reti Medievali Thomas #% 20Granier
- "Neapolitans and Lombards in the eighth e-XI e centuries. From war to the peoples' war of the saints "in southern Italy, Mixtures of the French School in Rome. Middle Age (108-2), 1996 403-450. Available
Reti Medievali Thomas #% 20Granier
- "The people before the saints: the city and the people of Naples in the late hagiographical texts IX e-start X e s. " in Cl Carozzi, H. Taviani-Carozzi ed. Peoples of the Middle Ages. Identification problems , Aix-en-Provence, 1996 57-76. Available
Reti Medievali Thomas #% 20Granier
Communications unpublished related hagiography:
- September 11, 2008: Symposium Hagiography, ideology and power in the Middle Ages, Poitiers Saints founders origin stories and legends apostolic in southern Italy from the eighth to twelfth century , summary Haghi
- October 19, 2006: Seminar on History of the Middle Ages from the Free University of Brussels (Professor Alain Dierkens): historiographical sources of southern Italy's Latin Middle Ages (IX-X e th centuries) .
- July 11, 2006: International Medieval Conference, Leeds (England): Distinctive Features of Early Medieval Hagiography Neapolitan (series of sessions on comparative hagiography organized by Anne-Marie Helvetius).
- September 19, 2002: Workshop The Carolingians and Christian origins: time and place, Auxerre, UMR5594 Centre for Medieval Studies, 19-21 September 2002: churches in southern Italy and Latin Christian origins in the High Middle Ages. VIII e-X e centuries. Report: Dominique Iogna-Prat, "The Carolingians and Christian origins: time and place," Centre for Medieval Studies. Auxerre. Studies and Works 7 (2002-2003), p. 77-82.
- November 8, 2001, Seminar CHREMMO, University Paul Valery: Rome and the churches of southern Italy to IX e-X th centuries: cultural contacts and religious controversy .
- November 25, 2000, Study Day Conceptions and representations of space in the Early Middle Ages ,
- July 13, 2000, International Medieval Congress,
- 13 juillet 1999 : International Medieval Congress,
- 14 juillet 1998 : International Medieval Congress,
- June 27, 1998: Study Day Hagiography and History , SICMA, University of Provence: The authors of Neapolitan IX e-X e centuries biographers or historians?
- April 6, 1998: Workshop Theology and Power, House of Mediterranean Humanities TELEMME, UMR6570, Aix-en-Provence: Episcopal Power and ducal power in Naples, VIII e - X e centuries.
- 1 st February 1994: Seminar SICMA, University of Provence: The people and the city of Naples in Naples hagiographical sources of e IX-X centuries e .
Current Research
From historiographical sources, hagiographic and poetic of Italy's southern ha ut Latin Middle Ages (VIII-XII e th centuries )
- Cultural History (history writing, poetry and rhetoric).
- Cult of the Saints.
- History of the city and local identity.
- History of religious institutions.
- History of the company in Naples and the cities of southern Italy Latin.
Creamy Cervical Mucus Before Period Starts
lecturer in medieval history
University Charles de Gaulle - Lille 3
UMR 8529 - Institute of Historical Research of the North (IRiHS)
UFR historical
BP 149, 59653 Villeneuve d'Ascq cedex
publications and interventions in relation to the hagiographic sources
- The Exaltation of Trier, Stuttgart (Beihefte der Francia - 70), forthcoming.
Thesis defended in 2003 (Paris X Nanterre), under the direction of Michel SOT (co-directed by François Dolbeau): "The construction of the past of the city of Trier (eighth-eleventh century). Study of a corpus hagiography. "
- "The hagiography and historiography between preaching. Study on a literary form from texts written in Trier (eighth-eleventh centuries) », mixes religious Science (67 / 3), July / September 2010, p. 5-26 [ day research Middle Ages (fifth to twelfth centuries), March 20, 2009 - Institut Catholique de Lille: Hagiography and preaching during the Middle Ages].
- "Building a cathedral city history: The Gesta Trevirorum (twelfth century), in M SOT ed. Liber, gestation, history. Write the history of the bishops and popes, from antiquity to the twenty-first century , Auxerre symposium, 25-27 June 2007, Turnhout (Brepols), 2009.
- "The role of hagiography in the establishment of a local identity in the tenth - eleventh centuries: the example of Treves, in Construction of the space in the Middle Ages: practices and representations , XXXVII Congress SHMESP (Moulhouse, 2-4 June 2006), Paris, 2007 (Publications de la Sorbonne), p. 379-389.
- "The Miracula sancti Maximini (BHL 5826): between hagiography and historiography ', Revue Benedictine (115 / I), 2005, p. 112-150.
- "Helena, das Kreuz Christi und die Juden - Anmerkungen zu zwei Predigten of Urkundenfälschers Berengosus von St. Maximin (vor 1107 to 1125), De laude and inventione Sanctae crucis und Mysterio dominant line," Jahrbuch Kurtrierisches (45), 2005, p. 57-90.
- "St. Maximin in Trier, a Aquitaine? " in E. BOZOKY ed. Aquitaine Saints Without Borders in the Middle Ages , forthcoming.
- "A biography endless: the legend of St. Maximin in Trier origins to modern times, in E. SPARHUBERT ed. between Poitou and Limousin, the genesis of identity , Poitiers, 2008, forthcoming.
- Participation: The Acts of the Bishops of Auxerre , Volume I, ed. and trans. Mr. SOT dir., Paris, 2002 (The classics of the history of France during the Middle Ages. 42).
- Participation: The Acts of the Bishops of Auxerre , Volume II, ed. and trans. Mr. SOT dir., Paris, 2006 (The classics of the history of France during the Middle Ages. 43).
- "The cult of Thebes Trier, Saint Maurice Symposium, September 2009: report on Haghi (Paper 16)
- "Production hagiographic and political issues in Trier (tenth-eleventh century)," Symposium Hagiography, ideology and power in the Middle Age, Poitiers, 11 September 2008: report on Haghi
- "The Martyrs of Order: Origins and Development of a Legend, 10th-12th Centuries," International Medieval Congress - Leeds 2008: report on Haghi
- "Around St. Maurice: Politics, society and identity construction" table Round Besançon, 1-June 2, 2007:
- Proceedings of the symposium Saint Maurice on Haghi
Craigslist North Face Tent
Lecturer in History Middle Age
Jean Moulin University Lyon
History Department 7, rue Chevreul 69007 Lyon
Center of Medieval History
UMR 5594-ARTEH - University of Burgundy
18, rue Chevreul 69007 Lyon
Publications related to hagiography
- Remi of Reims. Memory of a man, a church history (Ve-XIe s.) , Paris, Editions du Cerf, 2010.
- "Hagiography and pastoral: the canonical collection of Hervé, Archbishop of Reims († 922)," Mixtures of Religious Science (67 / 3), July / September 2010 (Hagiography and pastoral meeting, Lille, March 2009), p. 27-48.
- "Purpose of the sacred, a sacred object? The example of the holy lamp, sacred objects, magical objects from antiquity to the Middle Ages , C. Delattre dir., Paris, Picard, 2007, p. 151-168.
- "The loca sacra and multiplication in Reims in the ninth and tenth centuries, Christianity and memorials , B. Bethouart, F. Ars eds. Les Cahiers du Littoral 2 / 6 (2008), p. 69-80.
Committee Scientific Conference Standards and hagiography, Lyon 3 (CHM - ARTEH - UMR 5994), 4-6 October 2010: html
Famosas Mexicans Follando
Member of the Institut Universitaire de France
lecturer in medieval history
University Paris Ouest, Nanterre La Defense - Paris X
UMR 7041 - ArScAn, team THEMAM (Texts, History and Monuments of Antiquity in the Middle Ages)
University of Paris West - Nanterre
History Department
200 Avenue of the Republic
Full Page: http://www.u / & RH = dephis_enseignants
Work related to the hagiographic sources
- Christian roots of Europe Conversion and freedom in the barbarian kingdoms V e-VIII e century, Paris (Fayard), 2005.
- Inglebert H., S. Destephen, B. Dumezil ed. The problem of Christianization , Paris (Picard), 2010.
- "The case Agrestius Luxeuil: Heresy and regionalism in the Burgundy
- "Gogo and his friends, writing, trade and ambitions through a network of aristocratic late sixth century," Revue Historique (643), 2007, p. 553-593.
- "The denominational differences between couples of the High Middle Ages: a factor of stability or ground breaking? "E. Santinelli ed. repudiation, divorce, separation in the Medieval West , Valenciennes (Valenciennes searches. 25), 2007, p. 257-273.
- "The conversion factor as a crisis of elites" in Br Bougard, L. Feller, R. Jan eds. Elites in the Middle Ages: Crisis and Renewal , Turnhout (HAMA Brepols.. 1), 2006, p. 45-67.
- "The religious mix in the Burgundian royal couples," in M. Aurell, Th Deswarte ed. Family Violence and Christianization in the Middle Ages. Mixtures in honor of Michel Rouche , Paris (PUPS. Cultures and Civilizations Medieval. 31), 2005, p. 57-66.
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Quotes About Death From Cancer
Watch operated by Sylvie Joye
-Index record catalogs of manuscripts published by the Latin hagiographical Bollandists (BHLms Bibliotheca Latina Manuscripta Hagiographica), collaboration between the group "Hagiography" university faculties Notre Dame de la Paix de Namur and Bolland:
- Acta Sanctorum (database fee):
- hagiographical texts of the Archivio della Italiana del Medioevo Latinity (PWR): http : / / / PSU / elegenagiografia.html
- Vita Sancti Martini of Sulpicius Severus : ; French translation of the writings of Sulpicius Severus on St. Martin:
- Part of the Medieval Sourcebook Paul Halsall (Fordham University Center for Medieval Studies) on the Lives of Saints (English translations of excerpts of Lives, links on hagiography): http://www.fordham .edu/halsall/sbook3.html
- An Anthology of Texts about the Cult of Saints (ORB, Thomas Head: Lives of English translations or extracts from the holy Fathers): http://urban. / ~ thead / anthol.htm
- English translations of sources on the military martyrs:
- Translations into English Lives of saints bishops of the early Middle Ages on the site of Bishop: (Society for the Study of Episcopal Power and Culture in the Middle Ages): ages /
Live View / — Axis
At the end of c Olloqui, 2007 Merovingian rewriting texts, the contributors had found a need to put aside the issues of the nineteenth century, whatever their quality also, and rework from the oldest manuscripts, both to advance the story of Legendia, and thereby the editorial practices of seventh-ninth century, and to advance knowledge of the Latin language called "Merovingian". The project was incorporated in June 2008 within the framework of trilateral A ORKSHOPS Villa Vigoni " (FMSH).
The origins of medieval hagiography edition (sixth-eighth centuries) are still in search of their history, language practices in the same time (so called 'Merovingian' in franc countries) as well. With an observation and a systematic and thorough study of the practices of scribes of the earliest hagiographical manuscripts preserved, this project's goal is to advance simultaneously the state of the two questions, giving interpretation by the historian, philologist, linguist, text free from any intervention of modern editors. It is therefore both in the context of proto-history of Legendia and current work in sociolinguistics, the idea behind the approach is that only a return to the hagiographic manuscripts older will verify and advance the modeling language proposed by linguistic theory the most advanced reporting features from Latin 'Merovingian' and the transition to the proto-novel
The detailed presentation of the project and its members can be found on this page:
The minutes of the first workshop (September 2009) is located on the site Haghi
The minutes of the second workshop (April 2010) is located on the site 'Haghi
Pokemon Shiny Wallpaper
Proceedings of the workshop 2
Draft edition of Legendia Torino, BN 517 (DVIII °)
project trilatéra the FMSH , DFG and Villa Vigoni
Expertise in Merovingian hagiographic texts their oldest manuscript versions
Coordination: Prof.. Dr. Ferruccio Bertini , Genoa, Prof.. Dr. Michele Ferrari , Erlangen, Prof.. Dr. Monique Goullet , Paris
Proceedings of the 2nd workshop (Villa Vigoni, 11-14 April 2010) transmitted by Monique Goullet. The purpose
the second workshop was the progress of the draft edition of Legendia Turin, which has 265 folios and 40 texts, copied in writing called "ab" Corbie. The completion of the edition was scheduled for the end of 2011, after the third workshop in September 2011.
The first sequence of the workshop opened with a presentation paleographic the manuscript by David Ganz (King's College, London). Following TAM Bishop, D. Ganz was outside the large group of manuscripts of Corbie, in a small group of seven manuscripts written ab, which have in common to have the flesh side outside of the package and have been copied by several scribes, parchment on a sloppy, sometimes with holes, which required repairs after the same type of writing ; writing these manuscripts differs from that of the large group of Corbie by imported components, such as the ligature te, which comes from the script. The Turin manuscript was corrected by scribes of the tenth century. In the eleventh century have been added neumes texts, which the musicologist Susan Rankin (Cambridge) is the place of writing French Zone. Concerning dating, for D. Ganz needs to be placed ab writing around 800 and not during the second half of the eighth century, probably between 790 and 825, would later write ab to writing called Maudramne (Abbot of Corbie from 773 to 780/783 , who was the mastermind behind several manuscripts), readable by example in the famous Bible of Amiens (named after its place of current conservation). On the scriptorium where the manuscript was copied in Turin, D. Ganz refuses to follow the proposal of TAM Bishop that it was copied by the nuns of Corbie. Indeed, on one hand, knows no nuns at Corbie, and on the other hand, if the scriptorium was at Corbie, it would be difficult to explain the coexistence of writing and that of ab Maudramne. A series of internal and external criteria are regarded as the place Soissons drafting the most probable, as already suggested by Lowe.
was followed by a presentation and discussion of problems Paleographs and ecdotic posed by texts whose team members had divided the transcript, and these problems had been previously synthesized Remy Verdo and Monique Goullet (Paris). On the paleographic, the discussion focused on
- the value of capital, small and large capitals, and their relationship with the punctuation of the text;
- understanding systems of punctuation, different according to the scribes and texts, and by several hands, including the differentiation is not always possible, we agreed to make a systematic inquiry into the matter, from a distribution table of signs, each to fill (s) text (s) he has transcribed (s) and this investigation will lead to the choice final punctuation in the edition of Legendia;
- a number of problems with reading, due in part to the poor condition of some folios;
- the distinction between the different strata of corrections (from the hand of the editor or other scribes).
This last point leads directly to the field of ecdotic. It plans to take a Publishing ed as a printed book with a DVD . The DVD will include, among others, the complete reproduction of the Turin manuscript and an electronic edition for viewing the state of the text before and after correction. Besides the problems of allocation of corrections and their electronic refund - which can be described as "technical" - has raised the fundamental question (as we have not yet decided) choice of the state of edit text in the printed version. Two experts on the issue, Guy Philippart and Paolo Chiesa argued points of view; reflection and discussion should continue.
A second sequence was dedicated to the presentation of individual work made on texts from the manuscript of Turin in a double perspective and literary Codicologique , given their numbers, the presentations were limited to the most advanced cases. It was, for each text, putting it back in its folder and hagiographic, from a survey of the most important variants, locate the Turin version over other versions contained in the manuscripts before the first quarter of the ninth century. This leads to the question of the relationship between the manuscript and Turin Legendia contemporary or near-contemporary (mostly Wien, ONB 420, 371 and 1556; Montpellier, Fac. Med. 55 , München, BSB 3514 and 4554). Were presented Passions of Saint Nazaire, Celsus, Gervais and Protais (Lanery Cecile, Paris), Longin (Guy Philippart, Namur), Quentin (Michèle Gaillard, Lille and Marieke Van Acker, Ghent), Eulalie (Caterina Mordeglia, Genoa), Lucia (Ferruccio Bertini, Genoa). These presentations were fed a collective discussion on the modeling of presenting texts in a future edition of Legendia: each entry will include the contextualization of the version in the case of the saint, a stemma codicum and the list of editions and a bibliography And a special presentation of palaeography and spelling linguistic and stylistic analysis. The edition of the text will include a ceremonial variants and literary and historical annotation.
The presentation Diesenberger Maximilian (Vienna) two manuscripts with texts in common with that of Torino, BN 517 and copied at a time very close to hers, the manuscripts Wien, 420 and 371 ÖNB , was to propose a historical approach to these campaigns Carolingian edition of ancient texts, late Antique and Merovingian. The two Viennese manuscripts, copied around 800 in the middle of Arn, first abbot of Saint-Amand then Archbishop of Salzburg, were corrected by the famous master Baldo. These two monuments of cultural policy in Carolingian Bavaria are structurally and thematically complementary. Their liturgical calendars (per circulum anni) fit into one another (eg. Wien 371 opens Saints 3, 9, 7 and January 14, Wien 420 by Saints 5, 13 and January 17). In its first part (fol. 9-120), the codex contains 420 overwhelmingly Lives of bishops clearly intended to serve as mirrors to the episcopate Bavarian; male responds to this part of the second half of the manuscript (fol. 119-end), which contains, after the Passion of the Seven Sleepers of Ephesus and the Life of St Romanus of Blaye, a women's section, composed of Passions (including lacks the Men's Section), a Life of St. Genevieve of Paris, the Invention and Exaltation of the Cross and Holy, holy texts centered around Helena. For its part, the codex 371 is composed exclusively of male passions and accompanying text (revelatio, Inventio).
The second day of the workshop was devoted to language issues, strongly linked to earlier, our project aiming to provide adequate criteria for assessing the Merovingian (as Marieke Van Acker has jokingly named "mérovingitude") of texts transmitted by the manuscripts of a few decades at least post the Merovingian. One of the more operational criteria is linguistic, especially when working on a large corpus, in a comparative perspective (comparisons between ancient Passions, late-antique and medieval, the same geographical area and geographical areas different). Marieke Van Acker has presented a comprehensive sociolinguistic nalysis of the Passion of Saint Quentin , taking into account the construction of text, narrative features, vocabulary, phonics, spelling, grammar (morphology and syntax ). It also proposed a critical analysis of linguistic analysis criteria selected by the editors of Corpus rhythmorum musicum , represented by Francesco Stella (Siena-Arezzo). After the discussion it was agreed a number of enhancements and changes to make the list criteria and the question of adapting the software will be seen in fall 2010 between Francesco Stella, Monique Goullet and Marieke Van Acker.
The results of the workshop was very positive. Three quarters of the transcripts of the texts are already doing. A detailed work schedule was established for the coming months. The final workshop in September 2011 is expected to finalize this publishing project and find funding to continue a business whose potential is far from exhausted.