At the end of c Olloqui, 2007 Merovingian rewriting texts, the contributors had found a need to put aside the issues of the nineteenth century, whatever their quality also, and rework from the oldest manuscripts, both to advance the story of Legendia, and thereby the editorial practices of seventh-ninth century, and to advance knowledge of the Latin language called "Merovingian". The project was incorporated in June 2008 within the framework of trilateral A ORKSHOPS Villa Vigoni " (FMSH).
The origins of medieval hagiography edition (sixth-eighth centuries) are still in search of their history, language practices in the same time (so called 'Merovingian' in franc countries) as well. With an observation and a systematic and thorough study of the practices of scribes of the earliest hagiographical manuscripts preserved, this project's goal is to advance simultaneously the state of the two questions, giving interpretation by the historian, philologist, linguist, text free from any intervention of modern editors. It is therefore both in the context of proto-history of Legendia and current work in sociolinguistics, the idea behind the approach is that only a return to the hagiographic manuscripts older will verify and advance the modeling language proposed by linguistic theory the most advanced reporting features from Latin 'Merovingian' and the transition to the proto-novel
The detailed presentation of the project and its members can be found on this page:
The minutes of the first workshop (September 2009) is located on the site Haghi
The minutes of the second workshop (April 2010) is located on the site 'Haghi
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