Friday, October 15, 2010

Creamy Cervical Mucus Before Period Starts

Klaus Krönert

lecturer in medieval history
University Charles de Gaulle - Lille 3
UMR 8529 - Institute of Historical Research of the North (IRiHS)

University Charles de Gaulle - Lille 3
UFR historical
BP 149, 59653 Villeneuve d'Ascq cedex
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publications and interventions in relation to the hagiographic sources

- The Exaltation of Trier, Stuttgart (Beihefte der Francia - 70), forthcoming.
Thesis defended in 2003 (Paris X Nanterre), under the direction of Michel SOT (co-directed by François Dolbeau): "The construction of the past of the city of Trier (eighth-eleventh century). Study of a corpus hagiography. "

- "The hagiography and historiography between preaching. Study on a literary form from texts written in Trier (eighth-eleventh centuries) », mixes religious Science (67 / 3), July / September 2010, p. 5-26 [ day research Middle Ages (fifth to twelfth centuries), March 20, 2009 - Institut Catholique de Lille: Hagiography and preaching during the Middle Ages].

- "Building a cathedral city history: The Gesta Trevirorum (twelfth century), in M SOT ed. Liber, gestation, history. Write the history of the bishops and popes, from antiquity to the twenty-first century , Auxerre symposium, 25-27 June 2007, Turnhout (Brepols), 2009.

- "The role of hagiography in the establishment of a local identity in the tenth - eleventh centuries: the example of Treves, in Construction of the space in the Middle Ages: practices and representations , XXXVII Congress SHMESP (Moulhouse, 2-4 June 2006), Paris, 2007 (Publications de la Sorbonne), p. 379-389.

- "The Miracula sancti Maximini (BHL 5826): between hagiography and historiography ', Revue Benedictine (115 / I), 2005, p. 112-150.

- "Helena, das Kreuz Christi und die Juden - Anmerkungen zu zwei Predigten of Urkundenfälschers Berengosus von St. Maximin (vor 1107 to 1125), De laude and inventione Sanctae crucis und Mysterio dominant line," Jahrbuch Kurtrierisches (45), 2005, p. 57-90.

- "St. Maximin in Trier, a Aquitaine? " in E. BOZOKY ed. Aquitaine Saints Without Borders in the Middle Ages , forthcoming.

- "A biography endless: the legend of St. Maximin in Trier origins to modern times, in E. SPARHUBERT ed. between Poitou and Limousin, the genesis of identity , Poitiers, 2008, forthcoming.

- Participation: The Acts of the Bishops of Auxerre , Volume I, ed. and trans. Mr. SOT dir., Paris, 2002 (The classics of the history of France during the Middle Ages. 42).

- Participation: The Acts of the Bishops of Auxerre , Volume II, ed. and trans. Mr. SOT dir., Paris, 2006 (The classics of the history of France during the Middle Ages. 43).

- "The cult of Thebes Trier, Saint Maurice Symposium, September 2009: report on Haghi (Paper 16)

- "Production hagiographic and political issues in Trier (tenth-eleventh century)," Symposium Hagiography, ideology and power in the Middle Age, Poitiers, 11 September 2008: report on Haghi

- "The Martyrs of Order: Origins and Development of a Legend, 10th-12th Centuries," International Medieval Congress - Leeds 2008: report on Haghi

- "Around St. Maurice: Politics, society and identity construction" table Round Besançon, 1-June 2, 2007:

- Proceedings of the symposium Saint Maurice on Haghi


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