lecturer in medieval history
University Charles de Gaulle - Lille 3
UMR 8529 - Institute of Historical Research of the North (IRiHS)
University Charles de Gaulle - Lille 3
UFR historical
BP 149, 59653 Villeneuve d'Ascq cedex
UFR historical
BP 149, 59653 Villeneuve d'Ascq cedex
Full Page: http://irhis.recherche.univ-lille3.fr/5Kronert.html
publications and interventions in relation to the hagiographic sources
- The Exaltation of Trier, Stuttgart (Beihefte der Francia - 70), forthcoming.
Thesis defended in 2003 (Paris X Nanterre), under the direction of Michel SOT (co-directed by François Dolbeau): "The construction of the past of the city of Trier (eighth-eleventh century). Study of a corpus hagiography. "
- "The hagiography and historiography between preaching. Study on a literary form from texts written in Trier (eighth-eleventh centuries) », mixes religious Science (67 / 3), July / September 2010, p. 5-26 [ day research Middle Ages (fifth to twelfth centuries), March 20, 2009 - Institut Catholique de Lille: Hagiography and preaching during the Middle Ages].
- "Building a cathedral city history: The Gesta Trevirorum (twelfth century), in M SOT ed. Liber, gestation, history. Write the history of the bishops and popes, from antiquity to the twenty-first century , Auxerre symposium, 25-27 June 2007, Turnhout (Brepols), 2009.
- "The role of hagiography in the establishment of a local identity in the tenth - eleventh centuries: the example of Treves, in Construction of the space in the Middle Ages: practices and representations , XXXVII Congress SHMESP (Moulhouse, 2-4 June 2006), Paris, 2007 (Publications de la Sorbonne), p. 379-389.
- "The Miracula sancti Maximini (BHL 5826): between hagiography and historiography ', Revue Benedictine (115 / I), 2005, p. 112-150.
- "Helena, das Kreuz Christi und die Juden - Anmerkungen zu zwei Predigten of Urkundenfälschers Berengosus von St. Maximin (vor 1107 to 1125), De laude and inventione Sanctae crucis und Mysterio dominant line," Jahrbuch Kurtrierisches (45), 2005, p. 57-90.
- "St. Maximin in Trier, a Aquitaine? " in E. BOZOKY ed. Aquitaine Saints Without Borders in the Middle Ages , forthcoming.
- "A biography endless: the legend of St. Maximin in Trier origins to modern times, in E. SPARHUBERT ed. between Poitou and Limousin, the genesis of identity , Poitiers, 2008, forthcoming.
- Participation: The Acts of the Bishops of Auxerre , Volume I, ed. and trans. Mr. SOT dir., Paris, 2002 (The classics of the history of France during the Middle Ages. 42).
- Participation: The Acts of the Bishops of Auxerre , Volume II, ed. and trans. Mr. SOT dir., Paris, 2006 (The classics of the history of France during the Middle Ages. 43).
publications and interventions in relation to the hagiographic sources
- The Exaltation of Trier, Stuttgart (Beihefte der Francia - 70), forthcoming.
Thesis defended in 2003 (Paris X Nanterre), under the direction of Michel SOT (co-directed by François Dolbeau): "The construction of the past of the city of Trier (eighth-eleventh century). Study of a corpus hagiography. "
- "The hagiography and historiography between preaching. Study on a literary form from texts written in Trier (eighth-eleventh centuries) », mixes religious Science (67 / 3), July / September 2010, p. 5-26 [ day research Middle Ages (fifth to twelfth centuries), March 20, 2009 - Institut Catholique de Lille: Hagiography and preaching during the Middle Ages].
- "Building a cathedral city history: The Gesta Trevirorum (twelfth century), in M SOT ed. Liber, gestation, history. Write the history of the bishops and popes, from antiquity to the twenty-first century , Auxerre symposium, 25-27 June 2007, Turnhout (Brepols), 2009.
- "The role of hagiography in the establishment of a local identity in the tenth - eleventh centuries: the example of Treves, in Construction of the space in the Middle Ages: practices and representations , XXXVII Congress SHMESP (Moulhouse, 2-4 June 2006), Paris, 2007 (Publications de la Sorbonne), p. 379-389.
- "The Miracula sancti Maximini (BHL 5826): between hagiography and historiography ', Revue Benedictine (115 / I), 2005, p. 112-150.
- "Helena, das Kreuz Christi und die Juden - Anmerkungen zu zwei Predigten of Urkundenfälschers Berengosus von St. Maximin (vor 1107 to 1125), De laude and inventione Sanctae crucis und Mysterio dominant line," Jahrbuch Kurtrierisches (45), 2005, p. 57-90.
- "St. Maximin in Trier, a Aquitaine? " in E. BOZOKY ed. Aquitaine Saints Without Borders in the Middle Ages , forthcoming.
- "A biography endless: the legend of St. Maximin in Trier origins to modern times, in E. SPARHUBERT ed. between Poitou and Limousin, the genesis of identity , Poitiers, 2008, forthcoming.
- Participation: The Acts of the Bishops of Auxerre , Volume I, ed. and trans. Mr. SOT dir., Paris, 2002 (The classics of the history of France during the Middle Ages. 42).
- Participation: The Acts of the Bishops of Auxerre , Volume II, ed. and trans. Mr. SOT dir., Paris, 2006 (The classics of the history of France during the Middle Ages. 43).
- "The cult of Thebes Trier, Saint Maurice Symposium, September 2009: report on Haghi (Paper 16)
- "Production hagiographic and political issues in Trier (tenth-eleventh century)," Symposium Hagiography, ideology and power in the Middle Age, Poitiers, 11 September 2008: report on Haghi
- "The Martyrs of Order: Origins and Development of a Legend, 10th-12th Centuries," International Medieval Congress - Leeds 2008: report on Haghi
- "Around St. Maurice: Politics, society and identity construction" table Round Besançon, 1-June 2, 2007: http://www.aasm.ch/besancon5.html
- Proceedings of the symposium Saint Maurice on Haghi
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