Friday, October 15, 2010

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Coordinator Haghi

Lecturer in medieval history
University Charles de Gaulle - Lille 3
UMR 8529 - Institute of Historical Research of the North (IRiHS)

Charles University de-Gaulle - Lille 3 UFR
BP 149, 59653 Villeneuve d'Ascq cedex

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Publications related to the hagiographic sources

- "Gallia irradiata. Saints and shrines in northern Gaul the Middle Ages, Stuttgart, Franz Steiner Verlag (Beiträge zur Hagiography, 4), 2006.

Summary: Bollandiana Analecta, 125, 2007, p. 210-215 [In Francis Vriendt]. Annals of Britain and Western countries, 114-2, 2007, p. 195-196 [Bernard Merdrignac]. Archives social sciences of religion, 140, 2008, p. 254-256 [Bénédicte Sère]. Early Medieval Europe , 16-3, 2008, p. 373-374 [Felice Lifshitz]. Das Historisch-Politische Buch, 55-1, 2007, p. 38-39 (No. 47) [Hans Hubert Anton]. Historische Zeitschrift , 287-2, 2008, p. 432-433 [Sébastien Barret]. Medieval (53) , Fall 2007, p. 186-189 [Alban Gautier]. Journal of the History of the Church of France , 93, 2007, p. 161-162 [Jean-Loup Lemaitre]. Rheinische Vierteljahrsblätter , 72, 2008, p. 283-285 [Reinhold Kaiser]. Speculum, 83, 2008, p. 469-470 [John Howe].

- "Christian Hagiography and supervision: are there any priestly model in the Carolingian hagiography? "Symposium Standards and hagiography, Lyon, October 2010.

- "The Passion of Saint Léger of Autun in the old Legendia (eighth-ninth century), first meeting in Villa Vigoni the Merovingian hagiographic texts of expertise in their earliest manuscript versions, September 2009:

- " A Vita Merovingian and his readings of the ninth to eleventh century The record of St. Géry de Cambrai, "in Goullet M., M. Heinzelmann, C. Veyrard Cosme eds. The Merovingian hagiography through its rewriting , Ostfildern (Beihefte der Francia - 71), 2010, p. 161-191 [list of mss p. 188-191].

- "Who christianus vult esse verus: Christianity and 'paganism' in northern Gaul in the Merovingian period, in Inglebert H., S. Destephen, B. Dumezil ed. The problem of Christianization , Paris (Picard), 2010, p. 359-373.

- "The Translatio Calixte Cisonium (BHL 1525): An order of Gisela, daughter of Louis the Pious, the monastery of Saint-Amand? , "in M. Goullet eds. Parva Pro Magnis Munera, literature studies late-antique and medieval offered by François Dolbeau students , Brepols, 2009, p. 585-611.

- "Space Diocese in the province of Reims the High Middle Ages, "in F. Mazel eds. space of the diocese. Genesis of a territory in the medieval West (Ve-XIIIes.) , Rennes (PUR), 2008, p. 119-141.

- "The province of Reims in the Merovingian period, in V. Beaulande Barraud-ed. The ecclesiastical province of Reims.Quelles realities? Middle Ages to the nineteenth century , Work of the National Academy of Reims (178), 2008, p. 267-283.

- "Piat, Nicaise or Éleuthère: what were the saints especially honored to run for the High Middle Ages? ", in L. Verslype eds. towns and countryside in Neustria. Companies - Save - Territories - Christianization , Montagnac, 2007, p. 301-304 (Medieval Europe, 8; memoirs published by AFAM, 16) [Proceedings of the XXV International Conference on the Archaeology of the Merovingian AFAM].

- "The separation of spouses and their conversion to the monastic life according to some sources of early medieval hagiographic" in E. Santinelli ed. repudiation, separation, divorce in the West Medieval , Valenciennes (Valenciennes searches. 25), 2007, p. 53-68.

- "Graves, relics and memory of the bishops of Cambrai (sixth to eleventh centuries)," Mr. in Margue et al eds. Burial, Death and Representation power in the Middle Ages. Tod und Grabmal Herrschaftrepräsentation im Mittelalter , Luxembourg, 2006 (Publications Section Historical Institute Grand Ducal de Luxembourg. 118; Publications CLUDEM, 18), p. 135-169.

- Paul Bertrand [IRHT, CNRS] al. "Cambrai - Magdeburg. The relics of saints and the integration of Lotharingia in the kingdom of Germany in the middle of the tenth century ", in G. Bührer Thierry, S. Lebecq coord., the West on its margins (VI-X e th century): forms and techniques of integration , Medieval (51), 2006, p. 85-96 - Perseus:

- " Parochiae barbaricae? Some comments on the perception of the northern dioceses of Gaul during the early Middle Ages ", in O. Parsi-Barubé eds. The invention Northern antiquity to the present. Image regional geographic stereotype, Villeneuve d'Ascq, 2005 (= Revue du Nord, 87, No. 360-361), p. 293-303. [conference-Lille (14-16 November 2002]

- "Community of communities of canons and clerics in the diocese of Arras, Cambrai, Tournai and Thérouanne (seventh to eleventh centuries)» , in S. Lorenz et T. Zotz you., early forms of old churches of Europe. Function and change of religious communities of 6 by the end of the 11th century. Festschrift for Dieter Mertens 65th Birthday, Leinfelden-Echterdingen, 2005.

- "Fulbert, évêque d'Arras et de Cambrai (933/934-956)» , in L'Eglise et la société entre Seine et Rhin (Ve-XVIe siècle). Recueil d'études d'histoire du Moyen Âge en l'honneur de Bernard Delmaire , Villeneuve d'Ascq, 2004 (= Revue du Nord , 86, n ° 356-357), p. 525-542.

- "Missionaries from all over Europe in the north of Neustria (sixth-seventh century)? Historical reality and legacy of a literary theme hagiographic ", in P. Marcilloux eds. Men in Europe, Paris, 2002 171-194. [Proceedings of the 125th Congress CTHS (Lille, 2000)]

- " Thérouanne and his diocese until the end of the Carolingian period: stages of Christianity from written sources " , School Library charters (158), 2000 377-406 - Perseus :

- "hagiographic recent research in Germany: Arbeitskreis für Fragen hagiographische and the first volume Beiträge zur hagiography ", Newsletter Mission historic French Germany , 36, 2000 120-128.

- "In the distant origins of parishes in northern Gaul: some observations on the Christianization of the diocese of Cambrai (sixth-eighth century)" , in the parish pre-Roman and Romanesque , actes of the 31es journées de romanes Cuixà (5-12 juillet 1998), Codalet, 1999 (= Les Cahiers de Saint-Michel de Cuxa , 30), p. 171-180.

- "hagiography et réforme à Cambrai au début du siècle XIe: la 'Vita Autberti' et son auteur," in M. This Berger, M. Niederkorn-Bruck you Hagiographic tradition in the early Middle Ages between writing and re-writing . , Vienne (publishing house of the Austrian Academy of Sciences. research on the history of the Middle Ages), sous presse.

- "Saint Amand and the transformation of the society of his time "in Ph. Depreux ed. Christianization and social changes at the margins of the Christian West , Poitiers / Turnhout (CESCM / Brepols. Medieval Culture and Society) in press.

- Br Meijns [KUL, Leuven] al. "Cycle Rictiovar and topography Christian campaigns in northern Merovingian" in The first time Christians in the territory of France present. Hagiography, epigraphy and Archaeology: new approaches and research perspectives (Amiens, 18-20 January 2007), in press.

- "New to St. Eloi," report of the study day organized by Haghi, January 2009: . html

A slightly revised version of this report is in the mix of science religious (67 / 3), 2010, p. 71-85.

Current Research on the record of St. Géry de Cambrai (North) on the cult of St. Callistus to Cysoing (North) on the collection assembled v. 850 by the monk of Milo Elnone about St. Amand (Ghent, Bibl. Univ., Ms 224).


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