lecturer in medieval history
Université Paul-Valéry - Montpellier III
EA4207 - Historic Centre of Research and Studies on the countries of the Mediterranean
Research Associate: EA2204 - Corporations, Ideologies and Beliefs in the Middle Ages, University of Provence (Aix-Marseille I)
University Paul Valery - Montpellier III
Route de Mende F 34199 Montpellier cedex
Work related to the hagiographic sources
- Thesis: History, culture and devotion to Naples, VIII-XI e e centuries, under the direction of Huguette Taviani-Carozzi , University Aix-Marseille I, defended in 1998.
- "The normative texts hagiographiques dans la C hronique de Saint-Vincent du Vulturn (vers 1120), "Colloque Normes et Hagiographa , Lyon, octobre 2010 (Membre du comité scientifique du Colloque)
-" San Gennaro and his companions nele sources X-XII centuries, "in G. And Luongo., San Gennaro in the seventeenth centenary of the martyrdom (305-2005) . Proceedings of the International Conference (Naples, 21-23 September 2005) [ Campania Sacra 37, 1-2 (2006) et 38, 1-2 (2007)], vol. I p. 251-274.
- "Local or Regional Identity in Early Medieval Southern Italy Latin? " in B. Lancaster, D. Newton, N. Vall ed. An Agenda for Regional History , Newcastle upon Tyne, 2007, p. 101-114.
- "The captivity of the emperor Louis II in Benevento (August 13-September 17 871) in the sources of e IX-X centuries e: the writing of history, false new copy of the story "in Cl Carozzi, H. Taviani-Carozzi ed. Make the event at Middle Age , Aix-en-Provence, 2007, p. 13-39.
- "Topografia religiosa e produzione nei Secoli agiografica IX X" in
- "Conflitti, compromessi e nel Mezzogiorno relic trasferimenti di latino del secolo IX, Hagiographica (XIII), 2006, p. 33-71.
- "Bishops of Southern Italy Latin VII e-IX e if è articles" in A. Wagner ed. Saints and History. Hagiographical sources the High Middle Ages (Sources of History 1), Rosny-sous-Bois, 2004, p. 141-151.
- "Transformations of the Church and hagiography around Naples the first millennium, in Cl Carozzi, H. Taviani-Carozzi ed. Year Thousand, An Mil , Aix-en-Provence, 2002 149-175.
Available Reti Medievali http://fermi.univr.it/RM/biblioteca/scaffale/g.htm Thomas #% 20Granier
- "The Neapolitan hagiography of the Dark Ages: Context , corpus and issues ", Bulletin CRISIMA (2), 2001 13-40. Available
Reti Medievali http://fermi.univr.it/RM/biblioteca/scaffale/g.htm Thomas #% 20Granier
- "Places of memory, Places of Worship in Naples at V e-X e centuries: St. Januarius, St. Agrippina and the 'memory of the bishops' "Cl in Carozzi, H. Taviani-Carozzi ed. Remembering. Remembrance and Commemoration in the Middle Ages , Aix-en-Provence, 1999 63-102. Available
Reti Medievali http://fermi.univr.it/RM/biblioteca/scaffale/g.htm Thomas #% 20Granier
- "A miracle performed by the contact of an effigy of St. Januarius in Naples in the ninth century e " International Journal of Philology and History (75-4), 1997 957-966. Available
Reti Medievali http://fermi.univr.it/RM/biblioteca/scaffale/g.htm Thomas #% 20Granier
- "Neapolitans and Lombards in the eighth e-XI e centuries. From war to the peoples' war of the saints "in southern Italy, Mixtures of the French School in Rome. Middle Age (108-2), 1996 403-450. Available
Reti Medievali http://fermi.univr.it/RM/biblioteca/scaffale/g.htm Thomas #% 20Granier
- "The people before the saints: the city and the people of Naples in the late hagiographical texts IX e-start X e s. " in Cl Carozzi, H. Taviani-Carozzi ed. Peoples of the Middle Ages. Identification problems , Aix-en-Provence, 1996 57-76. Available
Reti Medievali http://fermi.univr.it/RM/biblioteca/scaffale/g.htm Thomas #% 20Granier
Communications unpublished related hagiography:
- September 11, 2008: Symposium Hagiography, ideology and power in the Middle Ages, Poitiers Saints founders origin stories and legends apostolic in southern Italy from the eighth to twelfth century , summary Haghi
- October 19, 2006: Seminar on History of the Middle Ages from the Free University of Brussels (Professor Alain Dierkens): historiographical sources of southern Italy's Latin Middle Ages (IX-X e th centuries) .
- July 11, 2006: International Medieval Conference, Leeds (England): Distinctive Features of Early Medieval Hagiography Neapolitan (series of sessions on comparative hagiography organized by Anne-Marie Helvetius).
- September 19, 2002: Workshop The Carolingians and Christian origins: time and place, Auxerre, UMR5594 Centre for Medieval Studies, 19-21 September 2002: churches in southern Italy and Latin Christian origins in the High Middle Ages. VIII e-X e centuries. Report: Dominique Iogna-Prat, "The Carolingians and Christian origins: time and place," Centre for Medieval Studies. Auxerre. Studies and Works 7 (2002-2003), p. 77-82.
- November 8, 2001, Seminar CHREMMO, University Paul Valery: Rome and the churches of southern Italy to IX e-X th centuries: cultural contacts and religious controversy .
- November 25, 2000, Study Day Conceptions and representations of space in the Early Middle Ages ,
- July 13, 2000, International Medieval Congress,
- 13 juillet 1999 : International Medieval Congress,
- 14 juillet 1998 : International Medieval Congress,
- June 27, 1998: Study Day Hagiography and History , SICMA, University of Provence: The authors of Neapolitan IX e-X e centuries biographers or historians?
- April 6, 1998: Workshop Theology and Power, House of Mediterranean Humanities TELEMME, UMR6570, Aix-en-Provence: Episcopal Power and ducal power in Naples, VIII e - X e centuries.
- 1 st February 1994: Seminar SICMA, University of Provence: The people and the city of Naples in Naples hagiographical sources of e IX-X centuries e .
Current Research
From historiographical sources, hagiographic and poetic of Italy's southern ha ut Latin Middle Ages (VIII-XII e th centuries )
- Cultural History (history writing, poetry and rhetoric).
- Cult of the Saints.
- History of the city and local identity.
- History of religious institutions.
- History of the company in Naples and the cities of southern Italy Latin.
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