Sunday, December 16, 2007
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Brother Joseph Mathieu Gondreville
Nicolas Vouillemont Urville Urville
Christmas Brenelle Sarts
Charles Cravoisier Sarts
Jaunel Jean Charles Sarts
Huin Sarts
Poirsion Sarts
Pierre Laurent Sarts
Gaspard Nicolas Monot Sarts
Habard Pompierre
Claude Husson Pompierre Martin Galt
Euloge Dompaire
Brother 3 Brother Matthew Gendreville
Nicolas Gerard Archettes
Hugh of St Francis Ignatius Archettes
Chatterbox Archettes
Brother Isidore Archettes
Arsene St. Croix Archettes
Jean Gigonet Archettes
Jean Arnould Archettes
Michel Petitjean Attigny
Urban Viéville
Louis Perrin Figuet
Fontenoy Fontenoy
Brother Brother Arsene Fortune Fonteny
Roger Mathieu François Chèvreroche
Cross Chèvreroche
Dominique Menu Chèvreroche
Jacques Jacquot Chèvreroche
Hilarion Chèvreroche
Agathon Chèvreroche
Joseph Flin Chèvreroche
Nicolas Harmant Chèvreroche
Cardinal de Retz Chèvreroche
Brother Etienne Moussey
Antoine Jouin Longemer
Florent Longemer
P. Henrion Langley
Jamerais Duval Rozieres
JB Michaut Rozieres
Brother Fiacre Rozieres
Serapion Brother Rozieres
Claude François Joly Rozieres
Duperon Rozieres
Brother Augustine Rozieres
Brother Brother Ephrem Rozieres
Psamion Rozieres
JB Michaut Rozieres
Patronages These are those selected initially by their founder and who have sometimes changed over time.
Our Lady: Our Lady of Consolation, Our Lady of Mercy and Our Lady of Compassion (bow), Our Lady of Mercy, Our Lady of Bermont (Greux), Notre-Dame-la-Blanche ( Bonneval), Notre-Dame du Bon Repos, Immaculate Conception (bows) ...
holy soul (almost Remiremont)
Saint Amon (Harmonville), second Bishop of Toul, successor of Saint Mansuy.
Saint Anne (in Godoncourt, Rouceux, Liffol-le-Grand). We gave two explanations for this frequent patronage: either the ancient cult to Dana, or the maternity of the Virgin Mary.
Saint Antoine (Chavelot, bow, Thuillières, Sandaucourt, and also head of the Congregation of Saint-Antoine). One of the first hermits in Egypt (136), who wove mats and said "nature is for me a book always open." With Paul, he shared the food brought by a raven. His temptations were famous, and his visions of monsters or celestial lights.
St. Arnould (Forest Fossard Morthomme the locality).
Santa Barbara (to Viomenil).
St. Basle (at LIGNEVILLE, Viomenil) originally hermit in Limoges, then Verzy (Montagne de Reims), creator of Abbey, has radiated throughout the region and gave its name to the town of Saint-Baslemont, location Bonneval.
St. Charles (Gendreville, Baufremont). Charles Borromeo (1534-1584) had treated heroically the plague in Milan in 1574.
St. Dominic (Sart).
Holy Epéotte to Soulosse (legendary), possible confusion with St. Elophe, who suffers céphalophore martyrdom at Toul under Julian the Apostate.
Holy Family (Granges-lès-Plombières).
St. Ironwood and San Ferjeux (in Dompaire), the first bishops and evangelists in Besancon.
Saint Florent (Xonrupt), hermit Scottish or Irish Roman VII century tamed wild animals; beheaded martyr, he was the founder of monasteries Niederhaslach.
Saint Georges (Fontenoy le Chateau), the chapel was built in memory of two knights who had killed in battle and whose mother had built the chapel which still exists.
St. Gerard (as Houéville, Jubainville) was bishop of Toul in the Xth century. Saint
Gibien, fifth century Irish monk, thaumarturge came to Gaul with his six brothers and three sisters; boss Maucourt (Meuse).
Gregory (Bettegney in Saint Brice).
Saint Jean-Baptiste, who had retired in the desert about AD 27 (Luke 3/2-6) (Gendreville and patron of the congregation of St. John the Baptist).
Saint Julien (Pompierre).
St. Leger (to Charmottes near Charmes).
St. Leonard (St. Leonard): the sixth century hermit in the forest of Marchenoir ("Notre-Dame-sous-les-trees "), Near Blois, he healed the wife of the king of Austrasia and freed prisoners.
Sainte Madeleine (in Saint-Die, Remiremont).
San Marino, a monk of the seventh century, born in Italy, Benedictine hermit and Maurienne (Chatel).
Saint Martin (ESCLES, Certilleux), had an experience in 359 hermit in an uninhabited island in Gallinera, south of Genoa, and then lived hermit Marmoutier until the day the crowd forced him to found a monastery (372). He was one of the Ponni Western monarchy. It would
Holy Menne parent St. Euchère martyr. Virgin of the IV century, lived in Fontenet, between Champagne (Pluzieux) and Lorraine (Poussay).
Saint Oger or Auger, Augier, Ogier, Oge, bishop, hermit Deyvillers was then.
Saint Pantaleon (at Rambervillers).
Saint Roch, tending the fourteenth century plague victims as St. Charles Borromeo did two centuries later, though he lived primarily in Italy, he was highly revered in Lorraine.
Santa Sabina, whose existence seems legendary (nearly Remiremont). Ursus was
hermit Neufchâteau. Saint
Valbert (at Claudon) was a companion of St. Columban Irish near Luxeuil (Haute-Saône). Also spelled St. Walbert and St. Vaubert.
Theodoric became a hermit at Malfosse near Moyenmoutier.
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It would be interesting to position these shrines to their sites and consider how they present themselves in the mapping of the Cross of Lorraine.
- Archettes: Chapel of St. Anthony, then, after 1720, of the Conception of Our Lady. Founded in 1672 by Gerard Nicolas, pastor of the place. Entrusted in 1718 to the congregation of St. John the Baptist. In 1730, became a novitiate of hermits, and in 1733, there were 15 people: 6 hermits, 8 kids, one applicant. Use rights in forest lair. Articles in 1759 (41 articles). The shrine was destroyed by fire in 1793. Some furniture, including a beautiful wooden altar, were transferred to the church Archettes. There was another novitiate in Messein (Meurthe-et-Moselle).
- Aubiey: nearly Nomexy, circa 1303 (before transformation into Priory).
- Attigny-en-Vosges: Chapel Bizot. Our Lady of Mercy (Forest Darney).
- Barcan: See Belmont-the-Darney.
- Beaufremont: Ermitage Saint-Antoine (St. Charles) in the wood of St. Charles.
-Belmont-lès-Darney: (near of Darney) Hermitage Barcan; Ermitage Saint-Antoine, carved into the sandstone rock, created in 1083, in a clearing.
- Bettegney-Saint-Brice: Chapel of St. Gregory (?)
- Bonneval (early): See St. Baslemont below.
- Bult: Maxicourt Hermitage Chapel, near the forest. It prayed Saint Roch and Saint Gibrien.
- Celles-sur-Plaine: Hermitage Beaumoustier ("The Little Abbey").
- Certilleux: Hermitage Saint-Martin
- Charms: Hermitage Charmottes, under the patronage of Saint-Léger.
- Châtel-sur-Moselle: Hermitage Saint-Martin.
- Chavelot: Ermitage Saint-Antoine (?)
- Chévreroche: (See Thuillières) Notre Dame Consolation.
- Claudon: A Thomas the glassware. XVI th century. Hermitage Holy Vaubert (or Vaulbert) in the forest of Darney (cf. Saint-Valbert Haute-Saone).
- Deyvillers: Ermitage Saint-Oger. Remains a chapel.
- Dompaire: Hermitage St. Ironwood and San Ferjeux (or Chapel of Our Lady of Consolation), founded in 1682 by Urban Perrin, inhabited by the brother Eulogio.
- Near Epinal Ermitage Saint-Antoine, Sainte-Barbe Hermitage, Hermitage Saint-Michel.
- ESCLES: (near Void of ESCLES) Hermitage Saint-Martin. Cave and cabins. Near the source of Madon and Druid remains. Chapel recently. Chênecieux wood. Forest of Ban-le-Duc and the Bois de la Hague.
- Esley: Ermitage Saint-Antoine (XVIII century).
- Fontenoy le Chateau (near the Magny) Chapel of St. George, in beech forest. Created for a purpose atoning in 1415. Dedicated to St. George.
- Gendreville: Our Lady Chapel Consolation in the Bois St. Charles, near Beaufremont, prehistoric, 4 hermits in the late eighteenth century, fell into ruins in 1850.
- Gerardmer: "Hermitage" at the tip Rougimont (at Béliard) (sent by the abbey religious Remiremont).
- Gircourt lès Vieville: Hermitage Viéville.
- Girmont-Val d'Ajol: Chapel of Saint-Adrien; old abbeys and Hérivaux (founded 1084).
- Godoncourt: Ermitage Sainte-Anne in a clearing of the summit. Hosted several hermits. Two have been murdered. Was place of pilgrimage. Currently, private home. The altarpiece of the chapel is at the Musée d'Epinal.
- Barns of Plombieres: Hermitage of the Holy Family. Built by Lespérance.
- Greux: Hermitage of Notre-Dame de Bermont, or Joan of Arc came to pray each week. Brixey wood.
- Hagnéville and Roncourt: Hermitage St. Charles.
- Haréville: Hermitage of St. Joseph.
- Harmonville: See below, after Xonrupt. Hermitage of Saint-Amon.
- Hérivaux: See Girmont.
- Houéville: Hermitage St. Gerard, once inhabited by a smuggler ruffian, robber.
- Jainvillotte: the shrine of Our Lady of Mercy and Our Lady of Compassion. Roman ruins, XVI th century, restored in 1897. Bois de la Combe Morea. Tomb of Louis Bossu (who wrote about the hermits Vosges) and son John.
- Jubainville: Hermitage St. Gerard. Hermitage Coast of Germany. Hermitage of St. Lawrence.
- Langley: the hamlet of Cow's Ass, deep in the valley of Cuny. Langley Wood.
- Le Valtin: Rudlin hermitage. Patron Saint John the Baptist. Appears on the Cassini map (late eighteenth century).
- Liffol-le-Grand: Three hermitages (?) (Sainte-Anne, St. Anthony ...) Paleolithic Remains and Gallo-Romans.
- Ligneville: Hermitage St. Basle, currently located in the subdivision.
- Longemer: Ermitage au Bois d'Enfer.
- Médonville: Hermitage of Notre-Dame de Lorette.
- Monthureux-sur-Saone: Ermitage Saint-Didier.
- Moyenmoutier: Ermita de Haute-Pierre, in the forest. Hermit (Brother Thiébert and religious Giseboux). Hermitage Malfosse.
- Nomexy: to Aubiey. Dependence Herivaux.
- Pompierre: St. Julien Portieux Hermitage: Hermitage became priory.
- Poussay instead Fontenet said: Chapel of St. Menne (IVth century). Chapel.
- Rambervillers: Chapel of the Cross Ferry.
- Removille: Hermitage of Notre-Dame du Bon Repos, five chapels all destroyed, there remains in Vittel (Saint-Remy).
- Rouceux currently included in Neufchâteau: Ermitage Sainte-Anne. Source healer.
- Rozieres-sur-Mouzon: Hermitage of Notre-Dame de Valrose, founded in 1198 near the village at the foot of the Bois du Creuchot.
- Saint-Ame: Hermitage of the Holy Mount, after Anthenor occupied by the descent of the abbeys, and Richard of Saint-Vanne. (Information Vambert MJM).
- St. Baslemont: Ermita de Bonneval (forest), quickly became a priory. From 1200, the hermits receive gifts of land and grow rich, while Chèvreroche, neighbor, remains committed to poverty. A Bonneval, was the cult of the Virgin White. Currently, there are some ruins, slightly restored. Cardinal de Retz had stayed there.
- Saint-Die: Ermita de la Madeleine (also in 1745).
- Saint-Etienne Remiremont: see Saint Mont.
- Saint Leonard: Chapel before 1320.
- Saint-Mont (Mount of the Holy Mount = Mount Habend) (communes of Saint-Etienne and Saint-Ame Remiremont). Shrines of the Holy Mount in the beginning, the Old St. Soul, Romberg, Saint-Arnould (= Dead Man) (where he lived with servants, cultivated on a small plate).
- Saint-Ouen-lès-Parey: Our Lady Chapel Assumption in a clearing.
- Sart: Hermitage Our Lady of the Rock (or Our Lady of Consolation). Currently in a pine forest.
- Senones: Hermitage plain, probably related to Abbey Senones.
- Sion Hermitage Ursus. Quickly became a priory.
- Soulosse: Chapel of the Sainte-Epéotte on the edge of the Vair, linked to the legend of Saint Elophe céphalophore.
- Suriauville: Hermitage St. Blaise.
- Thuillières: Hermitage Goat Rock in the Valley Saonnette, especially on a sandstone table in the forest (formerly leafy, resinous currently). Hermitage of St. Anthony in the downstream in the forest.
- Urvil: Hermitage Saint-Martin.
- Val d'Ajol: Hermitage Vieilles Abbeys and Abbey Hérivaux which depended Aubiey and Bonneval. See Girmont. Currently building remains.
- Velotte and Tatignécourt: Hermitage in the Bois de Besse angles.
- Ventron: Hermitage of Brother Joseph (XVI century). In a clearing of fir; altitude 900 m Forest Fond du Bonhomme. Chapel built in 1762.
- Vexaincourt: Ermita de la Maix (or sea), coniferous forest in the middle, on the small lake of Maix. Vestige of an underground church (XII century) Chapel of 1886. Pilgrimages. Forest of Wild Woods and the High God.
- Viomenil: Ermitage Sainte-Barbe, Hermitage Our Lady of Mercy to Neuves Glassworks (?).
- Xonrupt-Longemer: Hermitage Bilon created in 1056. Forest Gerardmer. Then dedicated to Saint Florent and Saint Barthelemy.
Near the limit of the department have existed:
Harmonville at Saulxerotte (Meurthe-et-Moselle) and near Favières: Hermitage Hey. Hermitage of Saint-Amon: group of hermits in the forest. In the eighteenth century, invaded by a family of craftsmen rebels, armed and "undesirable." A Sauvigny (Meuse): Moncourt Hermitage (Saint Gibrien). ViaCell A: Almost Socourt (Vosges)?
Other Hermitage
It is possible that there were other chapels in Aouze, Aroffe, Aulnois, Autrey, Auzainvilliers, Bettegney St. Brice, Bussang Coussey, Dambain, Docelles, Domjulien , Dogneville, Epinal (Fountain Guéry) Gerardmer, Lamarche (St Etienne), Maxey-sur-Meuse (Beauregard), Norris, Offroicourt, Pompierre, Rambervillers (Saint Pantaleon), San Nabord, Saint Oyen-lès-Parey (Heinchemin ), San Prancher, Urville Uzemain, VIOCOURT, Vittel. But the documents are missing. There is a certainty for Bazoilles-sur-Meuse, Saint-Brice-Bettegney, Docelles. Topographical Dictionary indicates fifteen Lieudits "hermitage". Moreover, the name "chapel" or "hermitage" may have been given to isolated chapels, where there probably never had a hermit (Our Lady of the Goldfinch to Uzemain). It are also four lieuxdits called "The Hermit" in Bussang, Domjulien, St. Prancher and VIOCOURT.
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1) The main Gallic deities:
- Teuth or Teutah, the father of the people;
- Hesus Esus or to whom the oak was dedicated;
- Belen, the sun, we invoked in disease;
- Kamulus, the god of war;
- Nehalen or Ardoin, who presided over the moon with fountains and lakes. Studying these
Find other smaller local and a city.
Gauls, in recognition of protection they found in the forests, plateaus, plains, added to the series of their gods in gratitude for what they brought to their beneficent.
2) The country Leuques:
Its vast expanse was reproduced approximately by the former district of the Diocese of Toul here are the cantons
- The Chaumontois (Calvomontensis pagus), which extended from the Vosges Mountains to the junction of the Meurthe and Moselle, below Frouard ie at a place called "THE MOUTH OF HELL"
- The Ornois (Odornensis pagus) which boasted the towns of Grand and Nasium (Naiz)
- The Soulossois (Solossensis pagus), which was Solimariaca (Soulosse) and Neomagus (Neufchâteau)
- Both stations Romain-sur-Meuse and Romain-aux-Bois (Statio ad Romanorum Nemora)
- The Saintois (Sengentensis or Segontensis pagus), which included the country of Vaudémont and some districts of Mirecourt and Neufchâteau;
- The Portois, located on the banks of the Saone, and to Ameuvelle Monthureux;
- The Bassigny that extended Champagne, Barrois and a portion of the Borough of Neufchâteau.
The study of these seven Cantons by searching all the gods that we may find the form of forests, plains and plateaus and in thoroughly studying their locations will bring the solution that was before the completion of the Holy Cross. For this, we must study each Saint and so it was called as such because many cities, places will be named in said will be there for each Christianize pagan God is hidden, thereby Each forests, plains and plateaus to erase forever the memory of mankind.
3) The establishment of Christianity in our land:
The capital of Leuke, Toul was not only the capital of a province, it had become a Christian city, and the banks of Vair had seen martyrs sealed their belief in their blood to the new religion.
We'll have to study the methodology applied to the Christianization of our countries, ie answer the questions:
- Who?
- When?
- Why?
- How?
- And how long did it take them?
4) Lorraine monastic
- How are they located?
- What was the real purpose of all these orders?
5) The Holy Cross of Lorraine:
- How is it architected?
- How is it protected and by whom?
6) Where are the traces of this work Pharaonic
7) What was there before?
8) The study to be undertaken:
This theory opens up entirely new voice for archeology Lorraine. It also enables us to discover the exact position of cities Leuques unknown, and Mediom Treveri; propose a methodology similar to my approach to study:
- Study maps IGN turning in all directions.
- Studying with a layer corresponding to the temple, the plot.
- Search all places known as "Cauldron," "Furnace", "Breuil", "roe deer", "Near to Breuil", "Le Grand Breuil", "Le Petit Breuil", "The Chaufour", "the Brule "," Bois Brule "everything" Fire ", all that is" Val "," Buttes ", a form of heights, sources (where it originates), the crossroads ...
- There are also other places called name that can be found everywhere as "The Black Land" or "The Black Earth"; July 27, 97, I noticed that at sunset, the Bois de Chanois above Bouxières aux Dames was lit, gold found around this kind of name of a place called "The Chanois" more If you look at the mysterious ways that wood components, we notice they are exactly the alignment of isosceles triangles! What does that mean? There is a wood Chanois below right of Barisey-la-Cote, a wooden Chanois above the Val Passey ...
- Another locality that is found everywhere is the word "Jard. Maybe the old way to spell "Jarre . It is especially IGN 3316 o Colombey-les-Belles 48 ° 30 'Longitude and Latitude to 7.09 grams of the Bois du Grand Jard Jard and small. Looking very quickly the symbolism of the jar, it is understandable that there should be a sacred spring somewhere, it relates to the Grail. By observing the shelf next to this, we find a cross called St. Remy! Therefore, other details being left without doubt the initiatory journey Celt.
- Study the leavening zeniths, sunsets, solstices ...
- Do not underestimate the legends.
- go deeper into the geography of the place and do a bit of geology.
- Find the most historical information as possible by drawing in what is known, monographs, statistics ...
- Never lose sight of the symbolic correspondence system.
- Jump on over to check.
- Take shots, airplanes, panoramic views of sunrise, sunset ...
- Digitizing the images and burn everything on CD ROM.
- Perform a database on the plateaus, buttes, hills with all their specificities.
- Rate each specific point of a temple (triangle).
- must study all the hermitages of Lorraine and the Vosges including but not looking at their history, but looking at where they were implanted on the cross the Vosges. All that is hermit, begging etc., were the most fanatical Christianity. It is they who are the foundation of the hardest work in this case. It must still make me believe that a strong guy like that was going to live alone as a man of the woods just because he was looking for enlightenment! These people held (-iennent yet) the secrets of the Byzantine civilization and civilizations past! And they were looking more likely that the illumination in their loneliness.
- We can also offer a completely different approach the Bible, looking exactly the physical movement in order to trace the precise route by taking the center of Zion Hill. It is, without doubt, certain that the results compared to the theory of the heavenly Jerusalem may be surprising.
- To compare these works with the geographic locations of other civilizations: Mayan, Greek, Egyptian, Byzantine, etc. ... The heights Greeks, especially, must be studied because it is quite possible that we find the same features that Lorraine!
- In retranslated in the opposite one of the best-known novels that we have inherited the Celtic civilization: "The Knights of the Round Table", because this is still an epic fantatisque Christianization of pagan truth! We must therefore identify the symbols used in history and in context, that is to say while searching geographically Celtic spirituality relating to it!
- There is also the Roman de Renard, Tristan and Isolde to study as seen above ...
A life is not enough of course to devote himself fully to all this work. They are at the height of what has been done by our predecessors.
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It remained to provide the new congragation a rule or law statutes, and this was the work of the third prior, Constantine, presbyter distinguished and illustrious origin, who had attached himself to Wichard and was chosen by him to help end her life. He thought first of the aggregate Hérivaux Order Citalá, then expanding. But the new higher recommended by the Bishop of Toul, Henri de Lorraine (1126-1165), and the Cistercian abbot of Beaupre, Lambert, who governed the monastery between 1150 and 1170, finally opted for the rule of St. Augustine and Life canonical, while keeping the observances more austere hermit prétiquées to Herivaux.
He wrote the Articles thus, different from those of other congregations of canons regular: Norbertine, of Arrouaise or Saint-Ruff, the hermit character of the institute and austerity are strongly charged. They were called "Rule Herivaux," and we will keep this traditional name, although not in conformity with canon law. Sunrise
night and perpetual abstinence from meat observances were common to all canons regular orders Reformed but in addition to Herivaux, we kept a perpetual silence, we have renounced even livestock and barnyard animals, we gave a very large part in manual labor, we wore woolen clothes instead of clothing fabric . However, it was expected that the Divine Office would be celebrated with great solemnity.
Many passages in the articles reproduced verbatim text of the Rule of St. Benedict, however, adherence to Hérivaux far surpassed in austerity, not only those of the canons regular, but even the U.S. and those of the Cistercians of the Carthusians. Presumably some of Practice columbanian survival, unable to provide conclusive evidence.
How long the "Rule of Hérivaux" it was practiced in its entirety? Written in the mid-twelfth century, from 1216 she received a first mitigation by decision of Pope Honorius II, taking Hérivaux under the protection of the Holy See authorized the collection of tithes and allowed the monks to wear shoes for the party St. Martin (November 11) until 1 April. A little later, in 1245, Pope Innocent IV abrogated the defense of own livestock, large and small, and allowed patients to eat meat.
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According Dom Calmet is around 1090, qu'Engibalde priest hebdomadier Chapter of the Ladies of Remiremont, felt called to a life of complete solitude. He obtained from the abbess Gisla permission to seek in the dark forest that stretched south of the city, a place to run his own project. He stopped at the north side of Ban, near a small stream and there built a hut of branches. According to the Prologue of the Rule of Herivaux, determination explained by reversals of fortune: "A priest, named Engibald, from the Vosges region, overwhelmed by the trials of the century (Was it to hide from the Inquisition hunted throughout France the Heretic? Marc Masson 1998), plagued by major setbacks, urged , so to speak, to the port by the waves, won a desert named Hérivaux near Remiremont.
was a rough hermit qu'Engibalde; wholeness, he intended to practice a strictly austere and solitary life. The place chosen was well suited to this purpose: living on the side of an isolated valley on a steep and wild, which reaches 700 meters, no other horizon than the drums and the tops of trees, pathless path, surrounded by boulders, brambles and wild plants with companions to the beasts of the forest: wild boars, wolves, deer, grouse, birds of prey and owls, the hermit had to be improvised exceptionally harsh existence in the first months of his retirement. Water Drop the old abbeys provided him a drink pure and fresh, but one wonders where he got his food: roots, herbs, wild fruits during the summer, but during the long winter, how could he stand?
No biographer writes of life Engibalde the Old Abbeys, we dream of a golden legend, a raven brought him bread, but history is silent. And yet, it allows us to believe that the solitary was not abandoned by the Ladies of the Chapter of Remiremont and even pious faithful of this city took to heart not to starve.
And soon, with visitors, to whom he gave spiritual talks; more, touched by his exhortations, he asked permission to share his life and build a cabin near his. A group of hermits was formed, no specific rule, except that a waiver total; listen again the Prologue of the Rule: "To defeat the spiritual enemies (that is to say, the devil), he joined a few disciples, stronger soul than body, and he gave this little band arrows spiritual he endured ( endured for the Cathars was to die of cold ) with his comrades on hunger, thirst, cold, lack of clothing and other deprivations that should be supported and that we seek to serve God. " Such a program does not scare Wichard, the brother of Engibalde, but on other points, the master passed the measure of discretion to the point that he fell into errors similar to those qu'illustrèrent the Albigenses and Fraticelli. Indeed, he came to reject the use of the sacraments, the public prayer of the Divine Office and the celebration of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, and hence it refused to build an oratory to have bells, to serve incense and chanting practice.
In vain, Wichard and several of his disciples, they tried to get him back on his decision, in vain, Pibon, Bishop of Toul, and his successor Ricuin they represented to him that he held positions condemned by the Church as a heretic, Engibalde, mediocre theologian, and mystical lost Vosgien stubborn, turned a deaf ear.
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description described by the Giant Mountains Hérivaux:
* We find a similar system to that of heads which are west of the plateau as Nancy Malzéville shaped head of a wolf. The head of this god was called in two by means of a Val that the D23 crosses from side to side. At the top is the church of Remiremont, certainly the position of the sun at one of three stations at the winter solstice.
* The eye of the head observed solstitial axis and the heights of the Bois de la Malpierre, Hauts de Raon, Raon aux Bois, the Root. The position of the eye is left of Parmont just above Charat, at a height of 500 m. * The
Parmont which culminates at 600 m is located on the front of the giant's head. Presumably in this place, head lights from the sun or the moon like a celestial lamp. Hence perhaps the symbolism of the lamp when it has genius, enlightenment! The Parmont is the site of a sun room, bedroom solstitial winter! This room is a philosopher's stone and it falls well lucifer in front of the location of the church Remiremont. This deduction is calculated with the grid supperposition the course of the sun throughout a year that is the Heavenly Jerusalem.
* The nose is Charat, Saint Jean du Hasard, La Demoiselle and the Fox Pre. At the root of the nose there is the pond of the Fox and a source who runs. In the end we find Ribeaugoutte nose, the nose drop!
* The mouth seems to be blowing at a place called the Schematic (like sneezing atschma!) * The
Menton is Bambois. The head of the field square, just above Herivaux, described as a beard.
* All the back of the head with the wooden Corroy, wood Sapenois, is the brain ...
* The god has in addition to other heads, a spine-like giant snake. The root of the spine is at the Notre Dame Cross, formerly Cross Theot, instead of observing the rising of the Three Suns on the day of the Trinity.
* The spine is crossed by the River Combeauté, they are left the mountains of Val-d'Ajol. It ends with Fougerolles-le-Chateau where the place called "The End"! The angle of the Val-d'Ajol is 30 ° to the axis Eastern, ditto for the Val d'Herivaux.
* There are streams in the Drop of Folly, Drop Germandre, which leave lieuxdits imply the presence of a drop then a strophoid, curve around which turns the sun throughout a year This is all at this place is extremely predictable!
* These drops give rise to Combeauté in the scope of the god's head, so they give the word.
* At the end of the tail of the spine, there is a stick whose curve is described by the relief of wood Lancerand (toponymy which immediately think of Lancelot !). The bottom end is the hamlet Fougerolles Bridge 336 m, then it follows the heights of Moulin Dormoy 350 m, 337 m Lauvrey the Top of Beuille, Grey 380 m. Search
name of the god corresponding to the Giant Parmont:
be found in the description of all the attributes of god Hermes. But Hermes is it really? A partial answer lies perhaps in the names of Mollière with Upstream and Upstream of Girmont. How can we forget the God Amun in ancient Egypt? Indeed, the first being in the primordial waters that Amun was the form of a serpent, the fertilized egg shaped cosmic from other members of the Ogdoad (the forces of Chaos). In another myth, Amun, in the form of a goose, "replied the cosmic egg from which sprang the life. We saw that the giant Parmont was located at the winter solstice, which brings us back to chaos, death. The goose egg is that the bridge at the end of winter, the arrival of spring. Because at the spring equinox, the sunrise truly gives the impression of being an egg yolk. It is concluded that obviously it is the sun which is the cosmic egg. But why Amon is changed there in goose?
Goose has today become a symbol of conjugal fidelity was at the beginning, a signal, a message to convey to a girl chosen by a young man she had, before this a goose which was done, put a end the resistance of sexual modesty, like these wild animals in early spring!
In Egypt, the advent of a new king was announced by a drop of four wild geese across the horizon:
haste, they said, to the south and say to the gods of the South such a pharaoh took the Double Crown.
However, we found out the ring Breuil just below the wood Bellechaume, near the Chapel Beauregard. The ring is well-heard call to the symbolism of the circle which involves one of the crown. It remains to find much of anything in particular on the function of this ring in winter, this place!
Note on a bronze plaque of Amun-Re symbols of life and power that are the stick and the ankh (with a drop to keep it, and there is one drop in this Hérivaux was saw it was a strophoid!).
All this to finally come to the conclusion that God may be Amun-Re and Amun-Re seems to have the attributes of Hermes (Hermes a runny nose because he has a stick in it! cf. dossier Lyre / Hermes) ... So there is every indication that it is Hermes! The
Combeauté, which arose in the middle of a meadow, a limpid stream, the Croisette Herivaux, about 2 km upstream, just below the line of the watershed between the basin North Sea and the Mediterranean, is still at Herivaux, creek jumping merrily between the rocks. But augments its flow gradually by providing water streams or multiple "drops" that the surrounding peaks, cascading down noisy and converge on the valley floor. Right, this is the "Drop Germandre" and the stream of "Madness" left, "Drop the old abbeys," the source Tanchottes and "Rupt Grange, pending further downstream, the stream of Géhard come at Breuil, almost double the volume of water from the small river.
valley oriented east to west, descends rapidly toward the Breuil by a narrow channel, so it is widening between the mountains and Layola Veche, narrows again at the Valley of Rocks, finally, s extends far to Fayemont to Val d'Ajol. The altitude is the source of the Combeauté, 680 meters; to Herivaux, it is only 552 meters, for cons, the surrounding mountains rise up to 734 meters at the "Head of Mozel "south and 724 meters at the Notre Dame Cross to the north.
Hérivaux is surrounded on all sides by forest, given by the founder of the Ladies Remiremont and became Crown since the Revolution. This is one of the most beautiful of the Vosges, because the tree finds a breeding ground for its growth, the basement is composed of red sandstone and Vosges sandstone or red sandstone, with some elements of Oolitic limestone. Operating conditions allow trees to grow up: Division of the forest area into four roughly equal plots, each assigned for 36, regeneration, and during the 108 years following the improvement . It happens every 10 years in each plot to make them éclaircires.
roads and logging roads, but also footpaths crisscross the forest, Breuil Hérivaux the Croisette and the Peutet Girmont, almost all roads are passable for cars, but some depend on the Forestry Service, individuals are prohibited during transportation of wood.
Du Val d'Ajol Breuil is accessed by road from Luxeuil Remiremont; out of Fayemont, this road passes through the picturesque Valley of the Rocks, between two wooded hills fast, which left him just a passage side of the river, then climbs Layola, allowing views down the valley Combeauté, sawmills in the Lower Herivaux, Lalouette and right, the beautiful forest of communal Veche. After the turn of Layola, a municipal road narrow and winding, the slope of the mountain, leads to the forest house and sawmill du Breuil.
After leaving the Valley of the Rocks, you can also walk along the left bank of the Combeauté, by the way of the Veche, almost always in the woods, but very narrow. From
Plumbers, the shortest path is the road of sawmills, which joins the road at Luxeuil in Remiremont Top of Seu, and between Peutet Layola; to turn it down the road from where du Breuil and Herivaux. By Val d'Ajol, the course is much longer.
Arrived at Breuil, the traveler has a choice between two paths to win Hérivaux On the left is a dirt road that leads into the trees, along the Combeauté and emerges suddenly from the ruins of the mill pond and with Hérivaux in the background, the building of sandstone Rose said the Old Priory. At right, the path of Tanchottes Property of Water and Forests, continues the path of the Veche and passes through a pleasant glade. It is along the right, a pool assigned to the rearing of trout fry, and then, later, left the two ponds clear of Tanchottes. If one goes off into the forest along the stream power ponds, we can see the fountain, that is to say the source of Tanchottes welling up between the rocks of red sandstone, surrounded by vegetation with rushes and aquatic grasses, dominated by tall pines. Beyond the pond, the road, having traveled fifty meters, makes a sharp bend on the left and runs along the pond and the sawmill Herivaux, then Route du Breuil.
But enthusiasts walking can achieve by Ban Hérivaux North. They will then, over the cubicle forest Breuil, Trail Guards, which rises in the forest and lets you enjoy the sights. At left is the "split rock", not far, this is achieved by scaling the rocks, it has about 8 feet wide and 6 feet tall and has a slot of about 80 centimeters. A few meters below, a hole in the rock forms a natural ice may still contain ice at the end of July. At 100 meters ahead on the right path, is the Trou du Vent, which is a kind of underground conduit between the roots of a tree, and is said that the smoke from a fire ignited by entry disappears without showing where it is drawn. Finally, on the same side right of the trail, the lodge Cows recalls the troubled times of the Thirty Years War and the Revolution: it is a depression deep enough, perhaps the site of a former quarry that was used for the construction of the monastery; the local farmers came to shelter them from looters and hide their livestock.
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(A spera-V allies, YREA H-V allies, A spre-V to , E rival)
Hamlet dependent Val D'Ajol. He was reunited with him by royal decree of November 27, 1832 And he previously formed a separate municipality. There used to Herivaux, a priory of regular canons, which had been founded around 1090 by two brothers named Eugibalde and Wichard, native of Epinal.
- Engibald (XII century) was an independent, although wealthy, he asked the abbess Gisla a wooded area at the locality of the old abbey near Herivaux, and settled with his brother Wichard. Several candidates eremitism joined them and formed a group of hermitages. From a temperament excessive, it would not adopt any specific rule, was based only on St. Benedict and St. Columban . Liberal, he may have been influenced Cathar. Not wanting any institutional church, he would eventually recant. He died at Remiremont in 1122, after 40 years of retirement.
The place where they settled was a terrible loneliness and a valley ressere very, very bitter, very sterile, and was called After-Vaux. It seems qu'Eugibalde asceticism grew to excess, do not even want to sacramental communion. Vichard, who had separated from him, returned to Hérivaux after the death of his brother, and began at the head of some disciples who had followed him there. He was replaced by a man named Constantine who gave the community a rule derived from that of St. Benedict, and joined its statutes to the rule of St. Augustine. That of the Priory Hérivaux was so austere that several clerics, which had its hardships unbearable Hérivaux left and retreated in different places. Pope Honoré II began to mitigate this rule in 1216, granting religious use of shoes from St-Martin until 1 April. From that time, the religious, who never ate meat, which had nothing of their own, lived in a less austere and received goods and cures we gave them. Priories of Aubiey, Bonnevaux, and Val-de-Passey theirs. Finally, their priory was united with the congregation of Christ July 21, 1747. The religious Herivaux were formerly white linen suit. The church and the priory buildings were completely demolished.
We borrow from a memorandum addressed to the Society of Emulation by Mr. Poll, the following details: It appears that the priory was originally built on top of the mountain of the ban Herivaux, where we still see the ruins locals call the old abbeys. The most modern house was burned down in 1617, and the archives, there is only a very succinct analysis.
Hérivaux The basin is separated from the Val-d'Ajol a very deep cut-practiced between two mountains, one of which is called the vegetation and the other of the High-Threshold. It was there that the inhabitants fled the country during the war supporters.
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- IGN 3519 OT Remiremont - Plombieres-Les-Bains .
- Former Priory is located Hérivaux 53.17 gr is 47 ° 51 '10''latitude and 3.19 gr is 2 ° 52' 15'' longitude.
- The source of Tanchottes is about 4.70 grams or 4 ° 13 '48'' longitude.
- Le Breuil Val is about 53.30 gr is 47 ° 58 '12''latitude .
- Cross Notre Dame is about 3.21 gr is 2 ° 53 '20''Longitude almost 6 ° 35' eastern longitude International.
The mountain Hérivaux:
- Located between 53.22 gr is 47 ° 53 '52''north latitude and 53.07 gr is 47 ° 45' 46'' south latitude and between 3 , 24 grams or 2 ° 54 '57''east longitude and 3.06 gr is 2 ° 45' 14''west longitude . We can say that the left end is about 4.5 gr is 4 ° 03 'longitude .
This mountain is one form of severed head.
- Chin corresponding to the door solstitial Winter is the beginning of the 48 ° !
- The eye is about 4.70 gr either 4 ° 13 '48'' longitude.
- The tail is about 6 ° 25 'eastern longitude International.

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Two brothers, Eugibalde and Wichard, lived a hermit's life very hard in an isolated valley in the heart of the forest, six miles south of Remiremont. Their private life was very severe usual comfort of a religious building and liturgical practices. The Bishop of Toul, worried, succeeded, not without difficulty convincing Eugibalde track, shortly before his death (1122), a scheme of life more consistent with ecclesiastical rules. Wichard, one soon became the leader of a community based in Herivaux, with subsidiaries in Bonneval and Aubiey. Constitutions were written around 1160.
I had a dream the night when I'm busy dealing with the Priory Hérivaux:
I Wichard, brother Eugibalde. Between us, we have contributed to the achievement of the Holy Cross in pain and misery for the greater glory of the holy spirit. Eugibalde was so obsessed, if ignited by the performance our work, that he forgot to take into consideration that his carnal will not withstand so much deprivation. J'eu vain to warn, even once, shortly before his death, I ended up fighting with him to save him and make him eat but he refused all my entreaties. The mission was accomplished, everything was carefully documented in our archives triple, triple as the Holy Trinity. Eugibald asked me to send one version to Toul, carefully concealed from the second, and third in Hérivaux had remained there. Arrived at Toul, I took the opportunity to alert the bishop from certain death next to Eugibalde if he did not decide until I get home to change his asceticism. I found him on my return from Toul, lying under a tree, ready rock from where we loved so watch the fabulous spectacle of sunrise orange so special Aspera-Vallis. More later-I returned with young disciples to fulfill the last wish of my brother, found a community.
This dream was so close to the history of the priory that I could not help but tell you.
Hérivaux is a door solstitial winter! Evidenced by the shields of Remiremont and Val d'Ajol which are two crossed keys! Reading the symbolism of the key you immediately leads on this track.
Note that the Priory Hérivaux especially fond of Vals. The very name of the priory is significant: "Heri" from "Herald" and "Val", the Herald of the Valley. A
Val is a narrow piece of land between two hills and narrower than the valley. If we look at the definition of the word herald (germ family. * har "army (-> all. Heer ) I. * Hariwald" army commander ". (1) HERALD (pop.) twelfth century frq. * heriwald . public officer whose function was to serve the statements of war, carrying messages, check the arms, organize tournaments, etc.. and whose person was sacred. Herald , noble warrior, aspiring to knighthood. (2) XVIIIth century FARAUD: esp. Faraut , an adaptation of Fr. herald ; meant the actor who recited the prologue to a play, hence the meaning "that is important." (3) Herald (sav.) seventeenth century: der. from Lat. Medieval heraldus modeled on Herald.), we note the importance of the symbolism of the messenger of war. The Priory Hérivaux was a messenger, messenger of the war. But that war was it? Messages of coordination in the implementation process of the villages in the Vosges?
Which brings me immediately to bring the name of the priory to another famous mythical hero in the history of the Knights of the Roundtable, I am thinking of "Perceval", the name can be broken down into "Bore - val "represents the sun through the Val! Note also the existence of locality Pierre Percee. Megalithic civilization is full of these strange stones rounded and drilled. We therefore make again a Christianization of ancient worship, perhaps one of the Black Moon and a war against paganism.
The writer of the story of the round table can be symbolized as Eugibald discoverer of the operation of Val pagans and a hero's death for Christianity by Perceval.

The study of the Val-Saint-Christophe Lay on the summer solstice, I discovered that the sun rose in the bottom of Val, zenith, he illuminated the entrance and at bedtime, he would go back again to turn off the bottom. Without doubt, this kind of place was of great importance Leuques for living with the sun and peculiarities that engendered by the observer for a particular latitude of 48 ° from the territory. Vals possess all these in their center to the bottom one or several small ponds with a stream and comes out right, a source that feeds it.

The name "Fountain of cows' mean it that this fountain represents the projection on the floor of the Pleiades? Because the Pleiades were once called the seven cows. This valley is like a dog's head. Would there be any connection with the constellation of the dog and the star Sirius? Astronomical observations would be welcome during the summer sky.
We have this same pattern of inflow and outflow of the summer sun with Val Passey and brook trout Met, Val also with the Nuns but there are no pond or it has disappeared. The topography of the coast of Val Passey like a sardine. She surprised to learn that the mill belonged to Val Passey Priory Hérivaux!

A note about the direction of souces: it is based on Scandinavian designs: the same words mean the Irish low and the north (ichtar), and joint opposition, the top and the south (Tuas). The North is left and the south is right. This allows me to assume the use of sources in this sacred place specific geographic: the Leuques were there may be a so-called circumambulation in the direction from east to west. Which implies, according to the study of symbolism of the source, should not drink that's left is to tell the North!

It is also noteworthy that the Priory Herivaux, before leaving in the Vosges Christianity to achieve there, might have stayed in one of his properties Custine. Indeed, Custine has a house named "Court Vichart" gold I saw several ways to spell Vichart "Wichard Vichard, Wichart and Vichart" but it is the same person he 's acts. Presumably that happened to Custine Vichart carefully studied the operation of the sun with the geography of the area to infer the locations of tribes Leuques. He noticed the peculiarity of the Val de Lay and win this pagan system had eyed Leuques. It is to note two names Lieudits "roe deer and Breuil. The places referred to as such have a function precise. Everything is illuminated at sunset Breuil at the summer solstice and all that is in roe deer is lit up. There is a place called "Le Breuil" behind the Sugar Loaf in the top left of the axis of the Trinity, between Laitre Amance-sub-sub-and Dommartin Amance. The distance from east to west between two Breuil is 18.125 km. They are not on the same longitude and displaced orbits of about 3 grams.
It would be interesting to see if a roe deer was lit by a setting sun at winter solstice.
tells us that the TLF Breuil is a small enclosed timber and marshy. When
I went to Sugarloaf to watch the sunset, here is the extraordinary spectacle that I saw behind the mound in the valley Sainte Genevieve Tomblaine:

interresting A parallel is drawn between the forest Broceliande lieudits and Lorrain. In the book of John Markale "Broceliande and the enigma of the Grail" on page 144 we see that we find the name "Breuil" in the Breton names:
Guy XIV, who lived a long time, married in 1451 a daughter of the Rohan family, which family claimed after the mythical Khonan Meriadek, Breton primarily to have migrated to Brittany. He continued his account of the Arthurian locations of places in the forest and had to write a new version of the Roman Ponthus in honor of his new wife. And most importantly, to 1467, he made an amazing charter draft that we know under the title of Usements, customs, duties, privileges and decorations Forest Brécilien. Indeed, in this charter the wonderful presents itself daily. So is it in Article 2, entitled: "From decorating the forest Brécilien and wonders that are known". There is indeed matter of Breuil the Lord, which is home and can not live venomous beasts, or flies. Any venomous beast is brought immediately dies. Near this Breuil to the Lord, is another called Breuil Breuil of Bellantoni and close again Bellantoni is a fountain, fountain near which the good knight Ponthus made his arms. Joining the so-called fountain, there is a large stone called the Perron Bellantoni and whenever the Lord Montfort came to that fountain and water sprinkles of Icel and wets the steps, regardless of the heat and the time insured against rain, somewhere that is wind, and then everyone could say that time is in no way prepared to rain, and sooner in some space of time, no time earlier than the lord will have his castle reggagner Comper, sometime later, but before the end of the day, it rains in the country so abundantly that the earth and places being hereunto are watered and their many benefits.
One can also assume that following the death of Eugibald, Vichart came to retire in this house Custine. Custine itself is part of a Val, one of Faulx. The peculiarity of the Val de Faulx it is horizontal, not vertical like those of Val de Lay, Val and Val Passey of Nuns. This leads me to conclude that these horizontal Val had not the same function as the vertical. By studying the symbolism of the horn (as we shall see in folder "Cauldron"), I discovered that he was especially attached to the moon. Indeed, over the Val Saint Bartholomew, the platter with the furnace, it has a huge horn belonging to a god Gallic bull-headed, Mithra. An observer moving within the Val Saint Barthelemy on the summer solstice, towards the bottom, around 22 pm the moon will move with him in the top left after the Horn of Mithras from beginning to end. The phenomenon is identical to the Val de Faulx. The Moon, for the traveler who enters the Val, will follow the top right following the Horn Kernunos, ie the Grand Couronne which resembles a giant deer. In both cases, during the night, the Moon will go through the passage above the Val to lie on the other side.
The August 9, 1997, at Holy Love, I went to Val Saint Barthelemy, the moon was lit in his neighborhood left, she was very low and only lit the end of Val. The behavior is different outside the solstice. But however, it has a place that is always lit in the Valley: the background! The Leuques who only moved in a straight line, doing so well at night to pass a plate to another by these strange corridors lit by the moon at all times, except on cloudy days of course.
October 18, 1997, we went for a walk with Laurence Park Castle Champigneulles. He was 18 h. The sun lit up the park a magical setting spontueux. I then realized that at that time, the sun was setting at the bottom of Val Saint Barthelemy, something immediately, we would check with my wife and children.
We can finally conclude the unit operates in some particular Vals Lorraine with the sun making again a parallel with the work of Jean Markale who was so attached to his "Valley of No Return" and the meaning of such names:
The sun, at the end of the cycle, ie ie shortly before 1 November, will die at the bottom of the Valley is therefore a free return of the Sun Valley since in any case, it can emerge as the zenith of the Val-Saint-Christophe Lay . It's the difference between a horizontal and a Val Val vertical.
I think a single intelligence, long before the story Herivaux, imagined the work of the Holy Cross of Lorraine. The goal is that all churches connected by an imaginary line were to form a giant Cross of Christ. This person arrived in Leuques territory and had a terrible shock: she was confronted with a people living a spirituality of Christianity very close, and close to the point that this system caused an extreme jealousy and anger. How pagans had been able to achieve this? Only the devil could have been originally! Everything had to be destroyed, burn, shaving and substitute a new geographical location, representing the supreme sovereignty of Christianity, the Cross and not the isosceles triangle. People who were at his command lived all as hermits. They were all murdered on the orders of that mysterious personality after completion in the region that had been assigned, their crosses. It is Saint Euchaire, Elophe St., Ste Libaire and certainly others to determine. Much later I would learn that these were in the service of holy St. Columban, they were all from Ireland.
Then the work of Christianization and implementation to make inside of a huge cross with all the other lasted several centuries. I think this time about five hundred years. We understand better now
the importance played by the Priory Hérivaux in the Christianization of the territory Leuques. It is probably the basis for the final realization of the geographical location of villages Lorraine. But more importantly, the Priory Hérivaux is behind the establishment of villages in the Vosges and in particular to the Val d'Ajol. This tiny monastic order was established at the four corners of Lorraine and depended on the most powerful, the order of Norbertine. Without the extreme dedication Eugibald, Croix des Vosges not exist. The task was so huge that coordinating all the steps needed to undertake the various monastic orders at the end of this epic Christ, Eugibald forgot to care for his mortal coil. Now about archives Hérivaux still missing or hidden, certainly at the Vatican, one can easily guess what they were dealing with: the steps taken and to make, and the various tribes encountered cities, their operation, established beliefs to replace the particular alignment to give to churches to hide the gigantic pagan gods represented by plains and plateaus Lorraine; the seven sacred hills and operation to forget Leuques; operation of Vals, a directory of all practices and to Christianize the pagan cults, legends and invented an army of saints to replace them, and everything a thousand little things necessary to accomplish the ultimate goal in a word, a true methodology of indoctrination taking all the steps one by one, from total destruction by fire and blood of all traces pagan, the final solution of a deletion of all faiths, all the knowledge acquired by a people unique memory of mankind, the people of the plains and plateaus of sculptors! The People's Light which geographical location through triangulation its cities on the east, zenith and sunset! Just as God comes to humanity! (See file Zion) At a time when it dares to say that civilizations like Egypt that existed during the Gauls vegetated and lived like savages in the woods, that's all a filthy lie he I must recover. The people Leuques was a quantum leap over all other tribes and Julius Caesar knew. That's why he has been lenient with them by leaving their beliefs, he was treated as an equal to them in turn to better control them afterwards.

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The third element to understand in full the operation of the Cross of Lorraine is a legend associated with the Trinity:
The rise of the Three Suns:
past, people have Remiremont made the day of the Trinity, the Cross Theot (now Notre Dame Cross), the treeline of Hérivaux , to see the rising of the Three Suns. Tradition says that those who wanted to enjoy this wonderful spectacle of sunrise three suns at once, were, great morning, go to the top of the highest surrounding mountain ... but you had to be in a state of grace. This solar cult is a survival of an ancient division of the day in three or four times: LEVANT, ZENITH, SUNSET, NIGHT. To achieve the cross of Our Lady, just leave Remiremont the south by the D23, then take the D57 towards the forest Hérivaux (7 km south of Remiremont). The cross is at the edge of the forest road which leaves the D57 to enter the forest runs right past.
This legend is a phenomenon known to astronomers. I spent several years studying it. It is an illusion Optical simulating the appearance of three suns. It should be noted that the observation site is located at the edge of the forest Hérivaux because once there was a priory in this forest.
When Christianity, the monks of Herivaux were confronted with this cult of the three suns (east, zenith, sunset) they replaced it with the Holy Trinity (Father, son and Holy Spirit). This very special vantage point heights Hérivaux was a trouble for me because it implied to go see the legend in the morning in the Vosges.
As the sun rises everywhere in Lorraine, I concluded that we was perhaps not have to go to Hérivaux to observe this phenomenon and optical necessarily from us we would see the same thing since the longitude is about 48 °. My initial research to find a height consistées lending Nancy to observe the phenomenon.
quite naturally to the Butte Sainte Genevieve I directed myself as being already go there, I noticed that Dommartemont side at the foot of the plateau Malzéville was a place called TRINIDAD said.
must position itself at the point O (the center of the mound), which is more indicated on detailed maps of today. It is found only on old maps IGN turn of the century! Then take a compass in the direction of the IS target angle 60 ° left from the SOUTH and it was the exact direction of sunrise on the day of the Trinity. This angle was given to me only by observing the phenomenon.
Trinidad (Latin, Trinidad) The concept of the Trinity is central in Christian theology. It should not be confused with the triad. This is because the dogma of divine unity manifested in three forms and their own personal Unique though essentially the same - God the Father, the Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. The symbols of the Christian Trinity are equilateral triangle, the three-leaf clover (found perfectly in the path of the Cross of Lorraine), a set comprising a throne (power), a book (intelligence ), a dove (love), a cross, with Santa on top, the middle son, the dove of the Holy Spirit at the base and three rings intertwined, their common meaning infinity, a group of three angels, the same size , recalling the appearance to Abraham under the oak of Mamre.
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Come what exactly a temple. We will first approach the problem corresponding to the size of a Temple to learn that it is measured in units of biblical and not kilometer. We will make the final calculations to then draw the appropriate conclusions.
Temple symbolizes the path that leads from West to East, that is to say towards the light. It is the sacred and symbolic. Asked about the size of the Mason Temple is still facing its length goes from West to East, the width of the North at noon, the height of the Zenith Nadir. The Temple is a picture of the cosmos, its dimensions can be defined. The ceiling of the Temple is arched studded: it represents the night sky, with its multitude of stars visible. In the East, behind the headquarters of the Venerable, the Delta appears bright: a triangle with an eye in the middle, the divine eye . This is called the hand of God !
Its length ranges from west to east west raising its width from north to south, the height of the imaginary point of the celestial sphere located in the vertical as the observer goes to the point where the vertical location meets the celestial sphere above the horizon.
"Behind the seat of the venerable Delta is the light" outside the famous Delta bright indeed exist before Nancy! After a long study of an IGN 1911, I noticed that the plateau Malzeville drew with the other two trays Hague and Greater Crowned a celebrated figure in astronomy. The figure is formed by lines drawn from the points covered include:
- From Wood to Molmont Frouard pts in the EIA. Timber Faulx to Bouxières aux Dames
- From the "La Gueule of Hell "at Pompey in the center of the mound Ste-Genevieve Malzeville,
- From Fort Frouard instead said" the bezelu "Lay-St-Christophe - From Wood to the mound Molmont Ste-Genevieve Malzeville ,
- Du Aer pts. Faulx Wood to the mound at Ste-Genevieve Malzeville,
- From the old iron mine in pts Champigneulles of aer. Faulx wood,
obtained at the center a analemma and equilateral triangle above the delta formed by the Meurthe (Delta Light) defined by the pre Grier, Pre Muleteer, Grand Sausses, the Fifteen broke, and the Greater Near Brewery Champigneulles ( description of the landscape in 1911!). This place in the morning, at about 9 am is an extraordinary brightness. The divine eye and would be in the middle.
Delta Light
At sunrise of the equinoxes, Frouard seen the sun rises perpendicular to the delta and the light is then a very very bright.
analemma : If you photograph the sun's path at the same time for forty-five mornings spread over one year at 8.30, we obtain a figure eight shaped revealing the inclination of the axis of the Earth analemma called. Points the highest and the lowest mark the solstices (the highest: June, crossing the middle: in August, the lowest: December), and because the Earth's orbit around the sun is elliptical, the trajectories go return and do not cross the equinoxes, but in April and August.
Here is the IGN 1911. Observe the trace with a pencil corresponding to the analemma. It is plotted in the plateaus of the Grand Couronne, Plateau Hague, and the Butte Sainte Genevieve by points equidistant culminations:
It turns out that the plateau is Malzéville in fact the exact projection analemma on the ground. "What is above is like what is below." Our
tribes formerly of Celtic, was called the Leuques (Wolves). But the board saw Malzéville aircraft-shaped head wolf whose mouth is open in front facing the delta light: as the sun enters the lion's den.
To find the distance of extreme importance, I will list all my steps before reaching the exact value. A first idea was to calculate the distance estimate to what I knew the path of the sun between the east and west. The sun rising in Tomblaine and setting behind Mont Saint Michel, I considered this distance as being closer to the truth. However, I do not know why I turned away from this finding and this is the first calculation I was doing:
Distance from Temple calculate Tomblaine IGN 3415 WEST Nancy behind the wood instead Saulxures "La Verveau" to "Rievaulx" where Mazelin rises in the Bois l'Abbé IGN 3215 WEST Tréveray .
dT (cm) = 51.4 + 52.6 + 52.5 + 5.7 (+ 3?) = 215 cm
dt (km) = (215 * 1) / 4 = 53.75 km
dtemple (with 215 + 3 there are 218 cm or 54.5 km) 53.75 km below
lower to 54.5 from 54.5 to 53, 75 = 0.75 km
0.75 / 2 = 0.375 corrected
dt = 0.375 + 53.75 = 54.125 km
First estimate the distance of the Temple: 54 km
It would be interesting to perform conversion kilometer - miles biblical
1 cubit = 50 cm1 fathom = 2 m = 1 stadium
1 000 185 m = 1.5 km
We will choose the mile: dt = 54 / 1.5 = 36 miles
This distance is very close to 40 000 because 40 is the assumed figure of the Trinity. So where is the error? On detailed maps, the center of the Temple is located exactly in the center of Toul. It is now very easy to find exactly the points in the east and west, giving 20 000 20 000 left and right. 20 000 -> 30 km -> 120 cm to the right and left of center in Toul
And we find the setting for an exact point called Cross of St. Gengoult; to the east, we find Cerville once coffin, the coffin of Notice the sun
site called "Cercoeur" which is recent construction.
* We can conclude, by rounding the numbers, the distance of a temple between the east and the west is 18 biblical miles or 36 miles for two temples. This allows me to say that my first approach was good but it was the distance between two temples which had been calculated! I was convinced he had to find 40, but 40 is the number of punishment, it could never be this number! In the dictionary of symbols, which we quote the entire text more far, 36 is the number of heaven! This explains the reason for its symbolism. What is interresting, what are the gains 72, 108, etc.. the text says. 72 / 2 = 36 108 / 3 = 36
72 is the number of land, 108 of the man: sky + land = 36 + 72 man
= 108! What is the Triad the Holy Spirit.

[(72 / 2) (108 / 2)] are the coordinates of the heavenly Jerusalem to be [2T, 3T]
2T X which gives 36 miles or 36 * 1.5 = 54 km width
3T Y which gives 54 000 or 54 * 1.5 = 81 km height (80, 55 km without rounding)
We now have the value of the height where the Heavenly Jerusalem. To find out what that height, we must study the structure of the atmosphere in order to deduce what is at this distance.
* Calculation of the surface of a Temple:
(26.85 / 2) * tan (60 °) = 23.25278209 km Height
S (T) = base * height = 26 85 * 23.25278209 = 624 , 3371992 km 2
* Calculation of the volume of a Temple:
V (T) = 1 / 3 S (T) * height = 1 / 3 * 624.3371992 * 23.25278209 = 4839 , 19,228 km3
* The smallest division of a temple is still drawn to the Bois du Chanois above Bouxières-aux-Dames. The base of the triangle is 1.2 cm and the height of 1 cm, which corresponds to 0.3 km for the base and 0.25 km for the height. The triangle is isosceles, we can calculate présicer to height (0.3 / 2) * tan (60 °) = 0.259807621 km.
Calculation of the surface of the smallest division of a temple:
S (t) = base * height = 0.3 * 0.259807621 = 0.077942286 km 2
Calculation volume of the smallest division of a temple:
V (t) = 1 / 3 * height Area = (1 / 3) * 0.077942286 * 0.259807621 = 0.006749999 km3
T * 1 = 26.85 km long of which are found in 1 T 26.85 / 0.3 = 89.5 t (t = small temple)
0-15 km: LEVEL
15 to 50 km: STRATOSPHERE
50 to 80 km: MESOSPHERE
80 to 500 km: THERMOSPHERE
500 to infinity: EXOSPHERE
The study of the symbolism of 36, we conclude that the boundary between heaven and earth , the heavenly Jerusalem, the abode of God is 80 km altitude, altitude is actually the boundary between the mesosphere and thermosphere.

At the height of 80 km, there is a luminescent band which is part of a series of conductive areas called ionosphere extending between 80 km and 300 km altitude. These layers electromagnetic fourfold strongly influence the long-distance radio transmissions. The excited atoms in the ionosphere also emit a low luminescence, which prevents the night to be as black as ink. At the poles, the solar wind particles, disrupting the ionosphere, causing the flaming aurora borealis and australis.

When the mesosphere is its degree as wrinkling, formation, over the high latitudes, clouds that have nothing in common with those of our troposphere. They are called noctiligineux clouds because they are just visible, still illuminated by the sun in the black sky after sunset. Their silver drapery about 80 kilometers from earth, at the mesopause , the coldest area of the whole atmosphere, where temperatures can drop to - 140 ° C. Rockets took samples of these clouds, but its composition remains unclear: some believe the facts of microscopic dust from meteorites, comets or volcanoes, while others believe that this dust only serves as nuclei for ice crystals but the objection to this hypothesis is the fact that there is very little water vapor at these altitudes.

The house of God may be located on a strip of light which can be seen very rarely in the presence of clouds that form five times higher than all others, are noticeable is enlightened by the sun after sunset, that is to say the night.
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Who passes that cut through: Ray section. Straight line which cuts several others. In geometry, this name was given to meeting the three straight sides of a triangle or their extensions. The theory of transverse, very old indeed, gave rise to applications of a remarkable simplicity. It is based on the following convention. Abc is the transverse (Fig. 1): we should give signs to each of the segments formed on each side, taking the origins of these segments a, b, c. Segments on the same side are of opposite signs or even sign, depending on whether the meeting point of the crossbar with this side is on itself or on its production.
Menelaus Theorem:
When a triangle ABC (Fig. 1) is cut by a transversal abc was determined between the segments on the sides, the relationship:

(1) (aB / aC) * (bc / bA) * (cA / cB) = + 1
agreeing to consider aB Ba as a positive and negative. Indeed, leading CD parallel to AB was in similar triangles acd, abc:
(aB / aC) = (cB / Dc)
and similar triangles BCD, BCA:
( bC / bA) = (DC / AC)
and multiplying the two proportions memberwise:
(aB / aC) * (bc / bA) = (cB / DC) * (DC / AC) = (cB / cA)
or absolute:
(aB / aC) * (bc / bA) * (AC) = 1
As for the sign, it suffices to note that it may take only two cases: either the cross-cutting both sides and the extension of the other, and then two reports are negative and third positive, or the cross-cut extensions on three sides and the three reports are positive anyway, the product is positive. Conversely
. - If the three sides of a triangle, considered as indefinite, we take three points a, b, c (Fig. 1), such as the relationship (1) is verified, a, b, c are online right. This theorem may seek whenever you want to prove that three points are in a straight line. It can be applied in particular to demonstrate ownership of the bisector of an angle of a triangle:
The bisector of an angle sharing the opposite side into segments proportional to the adjacent sides.
Indeed, if the cross-ABC (Fig. 1) is perpendicular to the bisector of angle C, the triangle is isosceles Cba, and the sides AC and BC are equal in absolute value, and indeed they have same sign, according to our conventions, the relationship (1) becomes:
(cA / cB) = (BA / AB) or (cA / cB) = (CA / CB)
assuming that the cross is the bisector itself.
reciprocal Row:

The notion of reciprocal cross is used to easily build and geometrically the tangent at a point of some algebraic curves. Consider in particular the strophoid:

this curve is generated as follows: By the end A (Fig. 3) the diameter AA 'with a circle O, we draw a radius vector AD on which we take every moment AI = CD. The curve described by the point I is the strophoid. To construct the tangent to this curve at point I, draw a radius vector AC'D infinitely close ': The point I' as AI '= C'D' is a point of strophoid. We can notice that the lines and II'K CC'K 'are reciprocal cross over to the triangle DDA', since the points C 'and I', C and I are mirror images of the midpoints of sides AD 'AD. Suppose the line AD 'approaches indefinitely AD, I' comes I, the secant II 'becomes the tangent to strophoid in the I and DD 'becomes the tangent to the circle at point D: the above property exists and point H (Fig. 4) is symmetrical to the point H' to the point D.

So, to lead the tangent at a point in the strophoid, we draw the radius vector of this meeting point D with the circle, we draw the tangent to the circle DH ': the symmetric H H-point 'determines the point I considered the curve tangent required.
The same construction applies similarly to most remarkable Coubes studied in geometry analytically.
* Thus, the Sun, turning around the Earth, not only trace a heart around the center of the earth but no sign inside a heart strophoid! To understand what a strophoid, we must know what a Row. We find the explanation of the cross in the Encyclopedia of Words and Things of Cambridge (1900): Eccentric
Said of two circles, one of which is contained in the other and which does not have the same center, the opposite is concentric. - Sm. An eccentric. In the first case of Hipparchus, the circle a planet, the sun, the moon, would have described around the Earth without it should occupy in the center. - We know that the second hypothesis was that of Hipparchus deferent and epicycle. All chuck through which the workpiece can be placed on the tower in the air so that the center of this piece does not coincide with the axis of turn. Body used in machines for converting a continuous circular motion into straight reciprocating. It consists of a solid disk or hollow, mounted perpendicular to the axis of a rotating shaft, spindle, which did not occupy the center of the figure. It follows from this position of the axis that, while the disc rotates, successive points of its contour are not equally distant from the center of rotation, and that acting like a cam at the end of part straight, they can move in the direction of the length. By giving the disc a proper contour, is contacted by the piece or straight bar that is to move the reciprocating motion that is desired.

For example, point O (Fig. 2) is the projection of the axis of the shaft turning point, if you give the disc a contour as AMCM, and if the rotating shaft is driven by a uniform motion, this disc by pressing successively on rollers protruding G and G 'to print the vertical TT ', that doors and passing through the slides, a reciprocating uniform. An eccentric kind of has the property that all the strings such that MM 'conducted by the center O of rotation are of equal length. This kind of body has been called eccentric because of the position of point O in the disk surface. The eccentric he just mentioned is called eccentric heart or curve heart and is one we usually employs to transform a uniform circular motion in a back and forth alternative.

Here's how we track: Let AB (Fig. 3), the race to be run the rod moved by the eccentric race that takes place in A and B of A to B , either at the same time the O axis projection of the rotating shaft: to construct spot the outline of the eccentric, AB is partitioned into a number of equal parts, eight for example. Then the point O, with radius OB, describes a circle as you share in each half eight equal parts, and we draw the lines O1, O2, O3, O4, etc.., we suffisammen extends outside the circumference. That is, the point O as center, with distance from this point in Section 1 of AB describes the arc MM 'meeting ended extensions ray O1 and O1'. The two points M and M 'so determined belong to the contour of the eccentric. Then the point O as center, with distance from this point to Division 2 of AB describes the arc NN 'completed to meet the rays O2 and O2' extended. It has two new points N and N 'of the curve. Was repeated this construction for each division of the line AB. By passing a continuous curve through the points B, M, N, etc.., And B, M, N ', etc.., We obtain the contour of the cam with more accuracy than we took a greater number of points of division. This outline is a spiral of Archimedes, which axis the straight line BD and the two halves are symmetrical about comics. Assuming that the cam rotates from right to left, when the radius OM comes to merge with a portion of AB, the end B of AB has been pushed back to point 1, when we have taken the position O2, this same end B will appear at the second division of AB, and so on. When the radius OD has taken the position OA, the movement continues, the bar whose axis AB FIG return from A to B. These two movements will run in a uniform manner as it is assumed that the movement of the rotating shaft is itself uniform.
To move a piston P (Fig. 4.) In the interior of a pump body, it can act HM rod of this piston eccentric circular rotating around the point O.

This is an eccentric circle of radius CA surrounded by a concentric ring CA ' in the interior where it may slip. In the ring are fixed two rods connected in T'm TM and M with the piston rod. Assuming that the disk begins to move, advancing from point A to the right, its center C 'describe the circumference CDEF and when it arrived at D, the diameter AB has taken the position ab; by Thus the point M of the piston rod comes to the M position.'' The rotation continues, the center of the disc will travel half the circumference BFC, and the point M of the piston rod will move from M 'in M. The distance MM' is therefore the piston stroke.
can give other eccentrics forms the heart shape and round shape. Often their contour is a curvilinear triangle which rotates in a frame and prints it to a rectilinear movement back and forth.
(eccentric), sf. In the language of ancient astronomers, the distance from Earth at the center of the circle, following an initial assumption of Hipparchus, they assumed a single movement described by a planet from the Sun, the Moon. Having found the change in apparent angular velocity of these stars to explain this variation, each star admitted that Hipparchus traced round the Earth a circle in which it occupied the center point, circle which he gave the name of eccentric . Therefore they called eccentricity distance from the center OT of the eccentric O E Sun S, for example, T at the center of the Earth.

In geometry, called the eccentricity ratio of the focal distance FF 'to the major axis AB. (V. Ellipse) In terms of modern astronomy, the eccentricity of the orbit of a planet, the ratio of the eccentricity of the elliptical orbit of the planet semi-major axis of that orbit, or what equivalently, the distance from the center of the orbit with one focus, expressed by taking the unit semi-major axis. Eccentricity planetary orbits is usually very low, that of the Earth's orbit is 0.01679. The planet whose orbit has the largest eccentricity is Juno, for which the eccentricity to a value of 0.25608. Variation in the width of one or several layers of wood surrounding the pith of a tree dicot and the effect which the marrow is not placed in the ideal axis of the rod, but on the side of it. State a point somewhere far away from the workplace or the community of the object to which it belongs: The large eccentricity of the suburbs of a city. Singularity, the oddity of the character, manners, speech of a person: Go to ridicule by his eccentricity. (Néol.) - Gr Eccentricity, in the sense of strangeness, is a loan recently made to the English language.
All this allows us to conclude that for an observer positioned at a center that is the exact point where the sun rises, it describes an eccentric movement and the movement draws a curve which is a cardioid and not an ellipse.
can give eccentric forms other than the heart shape and round shape. Often their contour is a curvilinear triangle which rotates in a frame and prints this rectilinear movement back and forth.
By reading the explanations of the math section and an eccentric we learn that with this combination of curves, converting a rotary motion into back-and-down ! Piston engines are based on this principle! There is a movement back and forth between the invisible vertical earth and sky in the center of the heart that is the omphalos . That allows this exchange? It is our good old sun! So he initiates. The heart seems to allow more to determine the equinoxes and the changing seasons.
strophoid This gives the design of the famous Drop! One can find his presence in lieudits as: Gout, wood gout, Algoutte, Omégout you, etc. (which may be small streams). The sun is the tangent to the strophoid. Here is the final explanation of the principle of the Cross of Lorraine:

* We thus find the swastika, which is defined by the four cardinal points. There are rotated around the axis of Zion which is a center of the world, an emptiness. The explanation of this central point is given by the Indo-European civilization with the word bindu.
* For the phenomenon of raising three suns, we get the explanation of triscèle megalithic civilizations.
* As I explained in the general introduction, we do not define the symbolism of the drop. We know that we find in the Bible: Song
5: 2. I was asleep, but my heart was watching ... It is the voice of my beloved, who strikes: Open to me, my sister, my love, my dove, my perfect! Because my head is filled with dew, my locks with the drops of the night.
Deuteronomy 32: 2 May my teaching drop like rain, my speech fell like dew, Like showers on the grass, Like drops of water on the grass!
Isaiah 40: 15 Behold, the nations are like a drop of a bucket, they are like the dust of the balance: behold, the islands are like a fine dust.
Job 36: 27 It attracts the water drops, it reduces the vapor to form rain;
Job 38: 28 The rain have a father? Which raises the drops of dew?
Micah 5: 7. (5:6) The remnant of Jacob shall be among the many peoples as a dew from the LORD, Like drops water on the grass: They do not count on man, they are not dependent children of men.
* The explanation lies in the symbolism of the pearl because the beads are cardinal gates. See where in the Bible is the word pearl
Apocalypse 17: 4 The woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet, and decked with gold, gemstones and pearls. She held in her hand a golden cup full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication.
Apocalypse 18: 12 cargo of gold, silver, gemstones, pearls, fine linen, purple, silk and scarlet, all kind of scented wood, all kinds of objects of ivory, every kind of valuable wooden objects, bronze, iron and marble
16 and say: Woe! woe! The great city which was clothed in fine linen, purple and scarlet, and decked with gold, precious stones and pearls! In one hour so great riches have been destroyed!
Apocalypse 21: 21 The twelve gates were twelve pearls, each gate was of one pearl. Instead of the city was pure gold, like transparent glass.
Song 1: 10 Your cheeks are beautiful in the middle of necklaces, Your neck is beautiful the middle rows of pearls.
Job 28: 18 The Coral and crystal are nothing to her: Wisdom is worth more than rubies.
Matthew 07: 6 Do not give holy things to dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you.
Matthew 13: 45 The kingdom of heaven is like a merchant looking for fine pearls. 46 It found a pearl of great price, and he went and sold everything he had and bought it.
Proverbs 03: 15 She is more precious than rubies, she has more value than all the valuables.
Proverbs 08: 11 For wisdom is better than rubies, she has more value than all the valuables.
Proverbs 20: 15. There are a lot of gold and pearls, but the lips of knowledge are a precious object.
Proverbs 23: 31 Do not look at wine when it is red, when it sparkles in the cup, which flows easily.
Proverbs 31: 10. Who can find a virtuous woman? It was much more valuable than pearls.
Thimothee 1 2: 9. I also want women to dress modestly, with decency and propriety, not to parent or braids, or gold or pearls or expensive clothes,
* There are so much the presence of the drop in the symbolism of the pearl through the Bible verses that are the Apocalypse 21, 21 and Matthew 13, 45,46. This presence is a key used to retrieve the coded explanation of how the tangent to the strophoid.
Here are definitions relating to strophoid from the dictionary Grammatical Napoleon Landais:
Stanza : plant of the family apocynées.
Strophéens : Name that gave the former Mercury
Stanzas : party at the old
Strophe: I mean running! At the feast of the stanza the chorus turned right around the altar, singing the verse and left singing the antistrophe.
antistrophe : marking an opposition alternative.
Conclusions: * The
strophoid means "turn around", that is a heavenly circumambulation. * The symbol
strophoid Mercury is to say, Hermes, so it was she who initiates !
The god Mercury is a curve that described the sun around an axis along any one year. We will find the former presence of a statue dedicated to Mercury in the center of Butte Sainte Genevieve Malzéville. On this hill stood a opidum Leuke. The reliefs coast of Butte Sainte Genevieve describe exactly strophoid! And at the foot of the hill of Sainte Genevieve is the town of Tomblaine TOMBLAINE word that comes from the tomb of Blaine, ie the place where the sun is out of the grave! A medal with a sun drawn on it has also been found in Tomblaine.
The great geographical location of monuments Lorraine has a religious reason for being far more important than you can imagine. Ormis the huge excess of the work he had undertaken, the complexity to achieve this alignment that entails, we must go further to understand the real value of this building.
In the text of the symbolism of the cross, we learn that the cross, facing the four cardinal points is the basis of all symbols of guidance to different levels of exitence rights. The total orientation of the triad requires a man ...: on the orientation of the animal relative to itself; spatial orientation relative to the cardinal points terrestrial celestial orientation finally compared to the cardinal points of heaven. Spatial orientation is based on the East-West, marked by sunrises and sunsets. Temporal orientation is based on the rotational axis of the world both North and South Holland High. The intersection of these two major carries the cross of total orientation. The concordance of both human and animal spatial orientation puts him in tune with the immanent world, three orientations of the animal, spatial and temporal world with the supra-temporal transcendental, by and through the Earth's environment. This leads us to conclude that the design and implementation of Churches in the same villages is the projection of the Heavenly Jerusalem on earth's surface. The first concern of Christians arrived in the territory to Christianize this pagan people were properly orient the housing so that the man who would live either in line with the kingdom of God. A central point was to indicate the correct position relative to the east of the tower, for this reason that all or nearly all churches are oriented in this way. Those who are not like the church of Pompey, and are oriented in the opposite direction, toward the west can be used to perfect alignment of the churches against each other. A steeple of a church they did match a "bug" on the map of the territory. To avoid mistakes, they started the quadrille. What is the mission had hermits, beggars and various saints of the early Christian era. We see the record of the Tomb of the Sun method they used to patrol the area. So they do not talk, then have them killed by cutting off their heads and later beatified in St. Céphalophore! Given the complexity of the work carried out and the short time that was put to perfect, it is reasonable to wonder if, before there was not already mapped pagan the territory that would have allowed the Christians to greatly simplify life by replacing the cross.