Axis Vertical
- Preisch
- Breistroff
-la-Grande - Parthians
- Garche
- Yutz
- Imeldange
- Guénange
- Cathedral Centre Metz
- St Privat
- Cuvry
- Pournoy la Chétive
- Sillegny
- Morville-sur-Seille
- Landremont
- Millery
- Pompey
- Frouard
Horizontal axis:
- Verdun
- Chatillon-sous-les-Cotes
- Bruville
- Butricourt
- Urcourt
- Caulr
- Malmaison
- Chatel-Saint-Germain
- Lessy
- Metz Cathedral
center - St. Agnan
- Puche
- Pont-à-Chaussy
- Courcelles-Chaussy
- Bioville-sur-Nied
- High Vigneulles
- Dourd'Hal
- Cathedral of St. Avold
Axis North North West 40 ° / vertical axis:
- Sancy
- Moyeuvre Grande
- Malancourt-la-Montagne (point on the axis at 40 ° diamond cutting the first top à gauche)
- Bronvaux
- Norroy-le-Veneur
- Plesnoy
- Woippy
- Cathédrale de Metz centre
(- Queleu)
- Haute Bevoye
- Peltre
- Chesny
- Mécleuves
- Pontoy (point de l’axe à 40° coupant le 1er losange en bas à droite)
- Croix de Luppy
- Tincry
Axe Nord Nord Est à 40°/ axe verticale:
- Mondorf
- Flastroff
- Bibiche
- Ising
- Ebersviller
- Saint hubert
- Vigy (point de l’axe à 40° coupant le 1er losange en haut à droite)
- Chieulles
- Grimont
- Cathedral Centre
Metz - Montigny
- Tuilerie
- Corny-sur-Moselle (point 40 ° to the axis intersecting the second diamond on the lower right)
- Novéant-sur-Moselle ( point on the axis at 40 ° diamond cutting in 1 bottom right)
- Arnaville
(- Véville-en-Haye)
Premier Diamond:
- Imeldange
- Rurange les Thonville
- Chelaincourt
- Vry
- Saint Leo
- The Ponds
- Courcelle Chaussy
- Chevillon
- Maizeroy
- Sanry-sur-Nied
(- Poncillon)
- Ponfoy
- Liéhon
- Pagny-lès-Goin
(- Morville-sur-Seille ) so the top is not defined
(- Railroader)
- Lorry
- Novéant-sur-Moselle
(- Gorze )
- Saint Marcel
- Butricourt
- Anoux la Grange
- Haponville
- Roncourt
- Malancourt-la-Montagne (point on the axis at 40 ° diamond cutting the first top left)
- Rombas
- Gandrange
- Boussange
- Imeldange
Second Diamond:
- Guénange
- Montrequienne
- Silo
- Vigy (point the axis at 40 ° diamond cutting 1 top right)
(- Mazagran)
- Pont-à-Chaussy
- Montséjour
- Pange
(- Chailly-sur-Nied)
- Goin
- Louvigny
( no top, you have extended the lines until they cross )
- Longeville lès Cheminot
- Marly-aux-Bois
- Marieulles
- Vezon
- Corny-sur-Moselle
- Dornot
(- Cross St. Clement)
- Caulre
(- Vernéville)
- Saint Privat-la-Montagne
- Amnéville
- Richemont
- Guénange
Cross Lorraine Moselle:
The vertical axis:
- Imeldange
- Guénange
- Cathedral Center
Metz - St Privat
- Cuvry
- Pournoy la Chétive
- Sillegny
- Morville-sur-Seille
The small horizontal cross:
- Roncourt
- Bronvaux
- Beans
(- The medium is on the vertical axis at the tip of the island: EMU on the map )
- Argancy
- Antilly
- Vry
The large horizontal cross:
- Butricourt
- Caulre
- Malmaison
- Chatel-Saint-Germain
- Lessy
(- Saint Quentin)
- Cathedral Metz Centre
(- Borny)
- St. Agnan
- Puche
(- Landremont)
- Pont-à-Chaussy
- Courcelles-Chaussy
The heart:
This list should allow you to find cities or commanderies Templar:
(- The starting point is on the vertical axis at the tip of the island on the map EMU)
- Ennery
- Silo
(- Vigy)
- Avancy
- Silo
- Retonfey
- Flanville
- Coincy
- Ars Lequenexy
- Pouilly
- Cuvry (South Summit of the small heart)
(- Augny)
- Tuilerie
- Vaux
- Amanvillers
- Pierrevillers
- Silvange
- Maizières-les-Metz
(- The finish is on the vertical axis at the tip of the island on the map EMU)
The big heart:
- Metz Cathedral starting point
(- Bans St. Martin)
(- Lorry-les-Metz)
- passes by the pond in the forest Woippy
- Bellevue
- we find the point which is at the end of the island: EMU on the map
- one passes over a stud.
- we draw a tangent point on the 2nd diamond at the intersection of D61 and D71
- Glatigny
- Between Ogy and Colligny
- Lanquenexy
- Courcelles-sur-Nied
- Mécleuves
- Orny
- Pournoy-la-Grasse
- Verny
- Pommérieux
- Sillegny (South Summit of the great heart)
- Féy
- Ancy-sur-Moselle
- Roman Aqueduct
- Gravelotte
- Malmaison
- one passes over a stud.
(- 2nd diamond point tangent to the tune of St. Privat)
- Marange-Silvange
- we find the point which is at the end of the island: EMU on the map
- Olgy
- Malroy
- Chieulles
- one passes over a stud.
- St. Julien
- Metz Cathedral endpoint
- Metz Cathedral starting point
(- Bans St. Martin)
(- Lorry-les-Metz)
- passes by the pond in the forest Woippy
- Bellevue
- we find the point which is at the end of the island: EMU on the map
- Olgy
- Malroy
- Chieulles
- one passes over a stud.
- St. Julien
- Metz Cathedral endpoint
Let's connect the Cross of Lorraine Moselle at the great Cross:
East Side:
- Pontoy
- rescues
- Phlin
- cemetery of Leyr
Bowl - Laitre sous Amance
West Side:
- Novéant-sur-Moselle
- Vandière
- Norris
- Montauville
- Griscourt
- Villers-en-Haye
- Aingeray
observe the path of the Moselle and in Figure obetenue:
Moselle follows a course quite surprising as it enters the figure by the axis south-southwest to 40 ° from the vertical axis. It therefore requires Arnaville, Novéant-s-Moselle, Jouy-aux-Arches, Montigny, then arrives at Metz and continues through a kind of delta vaguely drawn through the port of Metz. Moselle then follows along the vertical axis by Maxe, Malroy, Argancy, Hauconcourt, Mondelange, Bousse, Guénange, Ber strange, Thionville, where it veers to the right at 40 degrees to the vertical axis.
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