must draw lines through the churches listed. Near the parenthesis means
Axis Vertical
- Pompey
- Frouard
- Pont Saint Vincent
- Bainville-s-Madon
- Xeuilley
- Pierrefonds
- Houdemont
- Vézelise
- Vroncourt
- Zion
- Forcelle s / s Gugney
- Boulaincourt
- Domvallier
- Thiraucourt
- Domèvre-s/s-Montfer
- Esley
- Serongel
- Bonvilley
- Darney
Horizontal axis:
- Vaudeville-le-Haut
- Domremy
Zion - Saint Rémy wood
Premier Diamond: It rotates in the direction of a auguilles shows
- Frouard We draw the first part of the triangle facing north
- Maxéville
- Nancy
- Ville-en-Vermois
- Nouveaulieu
- Méhoncourt
- Essey-la-Côte
- Fauconcourt This right does not intersect the horizontal axis on a church.
- Haillainville the inverted triangle shape is oriented toward the south.
- Saint TLCS
- Circourt
- Jesonville
- Bonvilley Summit inverted triangle indicates the south.
- Thuilleries It dates back to finish the drawing of the inverted triangle.
- Vittel
- Mandre-s-Vair
- Saint Remimont
- Chatenois
- Soulosse-s-Saint-Elophe
- Gouécourt
- Domremy It cuts the horizontal axis, the end of the triangle pointing downwards.
- Brixey-aux Canons It goes back heading north.
- Allamps Draw the final part of the triangle pointing upwards.
- Bulligny
- Crézilles
- My Velaine
- The Frouard full circle.
Second Diamond:
centers of circles that will be shown to serve you draw the Cross of Lorraine.
- Pompey Summit largest triangle pointing upwards.
- Champigneulles
- Malzéville
- Tomblaine
- Xoudailler
- Charmois
- Remenoville
- CLEZENTAINE It cuts the horizontal axis CENTRE OF CIRCLE IS
- Châtel-sur-Moselle
- Frizon
- Cross showcase
- Madonna
- VillerSillion
- Pierrefitte
- Lerrain
- Darney Summit downwardly CENTER THE CIRCLE.
- Belmont-the-Darney It rises towards the horizontal axis.
- Relange
- Sandaucourt
- Neufchâteau
- Coussey
- Vaudeville-le-Haut is cut the horizontal axis CENTER OF CIRCLE
- The Kings are back to the top North
- Traveron
- Valves -le-Chatel
- Blénod-les-Toul
- Pierre-la-Treiche
- Velaine-en-Haye
- Pompey full circle CIRCLE NORTH CENTRAL
The P Pompey Pompey with vertical axis - Darney P symbolizes the monogram of Christ.
Axis 40 ° / vertical axis intersecting Frouard - Domremy:
- Chapel Summit Gervau top left
monogram of Christ (Jouy-sous-les-Côtes)
- Cemetery Aulnoy-s/s-Vertuzey
- Lay-Saint-Remy
- Crézilles Cuts Online Frouard - Domremy
- Chaouilley
- Zion
- Circourt
- Cross Cup showcase the ligneClézentaine - Darney
- Dounoux
- Hadol
- Senad
- Root Summit bottom right of the monogram of Christ
(- Remiremont) not quite on the axis, is a geographic reference
(- Hérivaux)
- La Croisette to Hérivaux Venue Sunrise legend of the 3 Suns!
Axis 40 ° / vertical axis intersecting Pompey - CLEZENTAINE:
- Juvrecourt
- Arracourt Summit straight up the monogram of Christ
- Maixe
- Flainval
(- Rosiere aux Salines)
- line Xoudailler Cup Pompey - CLEZENTAINE
- St. Urbain
- Benney
- Cemainville
- Villes-sur-Madon
- Praye
- Zion
- Repel
- Sandaucourt Cup line Vaudeville-le-Haut - Darney
- Robécourt
- Blévaincourt
- Summit Breuvannes bottom left of the monogram of Christ
The arc North
- Pompey is the center
- Moncel
- Xermaménil
- Einvaux
- Frouille
- Mangonville
- Vaudigny
- Sion is the radius
- Pagny -la-Blanche-Côte
- Neuville-les-Vaucouleurs
- Vaucouleurs
- Vacon
- Commercy
The arc is:
- CLEZENTAINE is the center
- Coincourt
- Courbeseaux
- Lenoncourt
- Richardménil
- Sion is the radius
- Frenelle Great
- Poussay
- Mattaincourt
- Hagécourt
- Dommartin-aux-Bois
- The Void Gironcourt
- Dounoux Intersection with the axis at 40 °
- Géroménil
- Aneuménil
- Pouxeux
- Jarménil
The arc South
- Darney is the center
- Saint Nabor
- Jarménil
- The Baffe
- Vaudeville
- Villoncourt
- Domèvre sur Durbion
- Zincourt
- Portieux
- Charmes
- Marainville
- Zion is the radius
- Eulmont
- Tramont
- Aroffe
- Removille
- Rollainville
- Rebeuville
- Circour-sur-Mouzon
- Harréville-les-Chanteurs
- Goncourt
- Bourmont
- Hacourt
- Lévécourt
The arc West
- Vaudeville-le-Haut is the center
- Lévécourt
- Champigneulles en Bassigny
- Robécourt Intersection with the axis at 40 °
- The Fennecière
- Rusted
- Surianville
- Contrexeville
- Mandres-s-See Crossing the line with Domremy - Bonvilley
- Laneuveville-s/s-Monfort
- Domjulien
- Offroicourt
- Rouvières en Xaintois
- Juvaincourt
- Frenelle la Petite
- Sion is the radius
- Toul
- Pagney behind-Barine
- Laneuveville behind-Foug
- Trondes
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