It is obvious that if the monks have given much trouble to make this daunting task is that they had a specific reason. Sacred geography, the whole problem lies in the orientation of man in relation to the four cardinal points by himself in relation to God. Assume that God exists, he is actually in heaven, the heavenly Jerusalem. God has laws specific to intervene on the ground. They are functions of the path of his Moon and Sun around the Earth. If these laws are not respected, that is to say if the man is not oriented correctly in relation to the Word, or else he does not live geographically where it is needed, this man will no longer under the influence of God but of Satan. We find this guiding principle of man in relation to the divine in all civilizations. Indeed, both the Mayan aborigines, American Indians, civilizations Indo-European, we find this principle everywhere.
look at a Maya codex:

Note that the cross in the center is a Maltese cross on the outside, an X in the corner. And in the center of each of these axes, we have a tree topped by animals or spirals, each animal symbolize a cardinal point.
observe an Aboriginal painting made with small stones of different colors:

This aboriginal painting is similar to the previous one with much less illumination of course, but it is the same. At the center we four circles overlap each other, by that center passes a cross and an X, four quarter moons indicate intermediate directions. We find this design on the currencies of Volks Arékomiks. They had indeed, a remarkable change in all respects. It was smooth and even in parts of convex and concave side of the bearing the imprint of a cross confined croissants. Each arm of the cross ends in a kind of fork or trident. It gives the characterization of these medals uniface. Uniface of the Volks weigh 3-4 grams. Were believed to be an imitation of the currency which hit the town in Etruscan Populonia, and that their production ranges between the years 220 and 130 BC The Volks from the Mediterranean, origin Belgium, had maintained trade relations and friendship with their Northern brethren. It is because of these relationships that the Gauls septentrionnaires thought of imitating the currency uniface lunch but it was not a slavish copy, and the people clapped their Belgian uniface at different corners.
For American Indians, the description of this principle is given by a swastika.
This painting is made with sand of different colors. In this drawing appears and more movement. We find the topics axis shaft in X but also on the side of the color, we have black and white, day and night a notion of cycle.

Let's representation that he made Christianity:
yal'agneau In the center, outside the figure is a square with lots of smaller square checkerboards as representing the floor of the celestial Jéruselem .

We note that even in the plane of the pyramids, we find the principle of celestial orientation, squares, crosses, circle. But the explanation, it must be sought elsewhere than in Christianity. The image most extraordinary, most exuberant is the Mandala:

The resemblance is striking with the principle of the Cross of Lorraine. Found exactly the same symbolic figures: cross, square, circle and center concept. Our Cross of Lorraine, designed by the geographical location of churches is a Mandala! The delimitation of the four cardinal points, it was noted that the term very special rivers Meurthe (Eastern), Saone (the South), Marne (West) and Moselle (the North) described four diamonds across the terminals of the Cross of Lorraine.

The implementation of the Meurthe rivers, the Saône, Marne and Moselle are the four rivers of the heavenly Jerusalem.
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