- IGN 3519 OT Remiremont - Plombieres-Les-Bains .
- Former Priory is located Hérivaux 53.17 gr is 47 ° 51 '10''latitude and 3.19 gr is 2 ° 52' 15'' longitude.
- The source of Tanchottes is about 4.70 grams or 4 ° 13 '48'' longitude.
- Le Breuil Val is about 53.30 gr is 47 ° 58 '12''latitude .
- Cross Notre Dame is about 3.21 gr is 2 ° 53 '20''Longitude almost 6 ° 35' eastern longitude International.
The mountain Hérivaux:
- Located between 53.22 gr is 47 ° 53 '52''north latitude and 53.07 gr is 47 ° 45' 46'' south latitude and between 3 , 24 grams or 2 ° 54 '57''east longitude and 3.06 gr is 2 ° 45' 14''west longitude . We can say that the left end is about 4.5 gr is 4 ° 03 'longitude .
This mountain is one form of severed head.
- Chin corresponding to the door solstitial Winter is the beginning of the 48 ° !
- The eye is about 4.70 gr either 4 ° 13 '48'' longitude.
- The tail is about 6 ° 25 'eastern longitude International.

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