Two brothers, Eugibalde and Wichard, lived a hermit's life very hard in an isolated valley in the heart of the forest, six miles south of Remiremont. Their private life was very severe usual comfort of a religious building and liturgical practices. The Bishop of Toul, worried, succeeded, not without difficulty convincing Eugibalde track, shortly before his death (1122), a scheme of life more consistent with ecclesiastical rules. Wichard, one soon became the leader of a community based in Herivaux, with subsidiaries in Bonneval and Aubiey. Constitutions were written around 1160.
I had a dream the night when I'm busy dealing with the Priory Hérivaux:
I Wichard, brother Eugibalde. Between us, we have contributed to the achievement of the Holy Cross in pain and misery for the greater glory of the holy spirit. Eugibalde was so obsessed, if ignited by the performance our work, that he forgot to take into consideration that his carnal will not withstand so much deprivation. J'eu vain to warn, even once, shortly before his death, I ended up fighting with him to save him and make him eat but he refused all my entreaties. The mission was accomplished, everything was carefully documented in our archives triple, triple as the Holy Trinity. Eugibald asked me to send one version to Toul, carefully concealed from the second, and third in Hérivaux had remained there. Arrived at Toul, I took the opportunity to alert the bishop from certain death next to Eugibalde if he did not decide until I get home to change his asceticism. I found him on my return from Toul, lying under a tree, ready rock from where we loved so watch the fabulous spectacle of sunrise orange so special Aspera-Vallis. More later-I returned with young disciples to fulfill the last wish of my brother, found a community.
This dream was so close to the history of the priory that I could not help but tell you.
Hérivaux is a door solstitial winter! Evidenced by the shields of Remiremont and Val d'Ajol which are two crossed keys! Reading the symbolism of the key you immediately leads on this track.
Note that the Priory Hérivaux especially fond of Vals. The very name of the priory is significant: "Heri" from "Herald" and "Val", the Herald of the Valley. A
Val is a narrow piece of land between two hills and narrower than the valley. If we look at the definition of the word herald (germ family. * har "army (-> all. Heer ) I. * Hariwald" army commander ". (1) HERALD (pop.) twelfth century frq. * heriwald . public officer whose function was to serve the statements of war, carrying messages, check the arms, organize tournaments, etc.. and whose person was sacred. Herald , noble warrior, aspiring to knighthood. (2) XVIIIth century FARAUD: esp. Faraut , an adaptation of Fr. herald ; meant the actor who recited the prologue to a play, hence the meaning "that is important." (3) Herald (sav.) seventeenth century: der. from Lat. Medieval heraldus modeled on Herald.), we note the importance of the symbolism of the messenger of war. The Priory Hérivaux was a messenger, messenger of the war. But that war was it? Messages of coordination in the implementation process of the villages in the Vosges?
Which brings me immediately to bring the name of the priory to another famous mythical hero in the history of the Knights of the Roundtable, I am thinking of "Perceval", the name can be broken down into "Bore - val "represents the sun through the Val! Note also the existence of locality Pierre Percee. Megalithic civilization is full of these strange stones rounded and drilled. We therefore make again a Christianization of ancient worship, perhaps one of the Black Moon and a war against paganism.
The writer of the story of the round table can be symbolized as Eugibald discoverer of the operation of Val pagans and a hero's death for Christianity by Perceval.

The study of the Val-Saint-Christophe Lay on the summer solstice, I discovered that the sun rose in the bottom of Val, zenith, he illuminated the entrance and at bedtime, he would go back again to turn off the bottom. Without doubt, this kind of place was of great importance Leuques for living with the sun and peculiarities that engendered by the observer for a particular latitude of 48 ° from the territory. Vals possess all these in their center to the bottom one or several small ponds with a stream and comes out right, a source that feeds it.

The name "Fountain of cows' mean it that this fountain represents the projection on the floor of the Pleiades? Because the Pleiades were once called the seven cows. This valley is like a dog's head. Would there be any connection with the constellation of the dog and the star Sirius? Astronomical observations would be welcome during the summer sky.
We have this same pattern of inflow and outflow of the summer sun with Val Passey and brook trout Met, Val also with the Nuns but there are no pond or it has disappeared. The topography of the coast of Val Passey like a sardine. She surprised to learn that the mill belonged to Val Passey Priory Hérivaux!

A note about the direction of souces: it is based on Scandinavian designs: the same words mean the Irish low and the north (ichtar), and joint opposition, the top and the south (Tuas). The North is left and the south is right. This allows me to assume the use of sources in this sacred place specific geographic: the Leuques were there may be a so-called circumambulation in the direction from east to west. Which implies, according to the study of symbolism of the source, should not drink that's left is to tell the North!

It is also noteworthy that the Priory Herivaux, before leaving in the Vosges Christianity to achieve there, might have stayed in one of his properties Custine. Indeed, Custine has a house named "Court Vichart" gold I saw several ways to spell Vichart "Wichard Vichard, Wichart and Vichart" but it is the same person he 's acts. Presumably that happened to Custine Vichart carefully studied the operation of the sun with the geography of the area to infer the locations of tribes Leuques. He noticed the peculiarity of the Val de Lay and win this pagan system had eyed Leuques. It is to note two names Lieudits "roe deer and Breuil. The places referred to as such have a function precise. Everything is illuminated at sunset Breuil at the summer solstice and all that is in roe deer is lit up. There is a place called "Le Breuil" behind the Sugar Loaf in the top left of the axis of the Trinity, between Laitre Amance-sub-sub-and Dommartin Amance. The distance from east to west between two Breuil is 18.125 km. They are not on the same longitude and displaced orbits of about 3 grams.
It would be interesting to see if a roe deer was lit by a setting sun at winter solstice.
tells us that the TLF Breuil is a small enclosed timber and marshy. When
I went to Sugarloaf to watch the sunset, here is the extraordinary spectacle that I saw behind the mound in the valley Sainte Genevieve Tomblaine:

interresting A parallel is drawn between the forest Broceliande lieudits and Lorrain. In the book of John Markale "Broceliande and the enigma of the Grail" on page 144 we see that we find the name "Breuil" in the Breton names:
Guy XIV, who lived a long time, married in 1451 a daughter of the Rohan family, which family claimed after the mythical Khonan Meriadek, Breton primarily to have migrated to Brittany. He continued his account of the Arthurian locations of places in the forest and had to write a new version of the Roman Ponthus in honor of his new wife. And most importantly, to 1467, he made an amazing charter draft that we know under the title of Usements, customs, duties, privileges and decorations Forest Brécilien. Indeed, in this charter the wonderful presents itself daily. So is it in Article 2, entitled: "From decorating the forest Brécilien and wonders that are known". There is indeed matter of Breuil the Lord, which is home and can not live venomous beasts, or flies. Any venomous beast is brought immediately dies. Near this Breuil to the Lord, is another called Breuil Breuil of Bellantoni and close again Bellantoni is a fountain, fountain near which the good knight Ponthus made his arms. Joining the so-called fountain, there is a large stone called the Perron Bellantoni and whenever the Lord Montfort came to that fountain and water sprinkles of Icel and wets the steps, regardless of the heat and the time insured against rain, somewhere that is wind, and then everyone could say that time is in no way prepared to rain, and sooner in some space of time, no time earlier than the lord will have his castle reggagner Comper, sometime later, but before the end of the day, it rains in the country so abundantly that the earth and places being hereunto are watered and their many benefits.
One can also assume that following the death of Eugibald, Vichart came to retire in this house Custine. Custine itself is part of a Val, one of Faulx. The peculiarity of the Val de Faulx it is horizontal, not vertical like those of Val de Lay, Val and Val Passey of Nuns. This leads me to conclude that these horizontal Val had not the same function as the vertical. By studying the symbolism of the horn (as we shall see in folder "Cauldron"), I discovered that he was especially attached to the moon. Indeed, over the Val Saint Bartholomew, the platter with the furnace, it has a huge horn belonging to a god Gallic bull-headed, Mithra. An observer moving within the Val Saint Barthelemy on the summer solstice, towards the bottom, around 22 pm the moon will move with him in the top left after the Horn of Mithras from beginning to end. The phenomenon is identical to the Val de Faulx. The Moon, for the traveler who enters the Val, will follow the top right following the Horn Kernunos, ie the Grand Couronne which resembles a giant deer. In both cases, during the night, the Moon will go through the passage above the Val to lie on the other side.
The August 9, 1997, at Holy Love, I went to Val Saint Barthelemy, the moon was lit in his neighborhood left, she was very low and only lit the end of Val. The behavior is different outside the solstice. But however, it has a place that is always lit in the Valley: the background! The Leuques who only moved in a straight line, doing so well at night to pass a plate to another by these strange corridors lit by the moon at all times, except on cloudy days of course.
October 18, 1997, we went for a walk with Laurence Park Castle Champigneulles. He was 18 h. The sun lit up the park a magical setting spontueux. I then realized that at that time, the sun was setting at the bottom of Val Saint Barthelemy, something immediately, we would check with my wife and children.
We can finally conclude the unit operates in some particular Vals Lorraine with the sun making again a parallel with the work of Jean Markale who was so attached to his "Valley of No Return" and the meaning of such names:
The sun, at the end of the cycle, ie ie shortly before 1 November, will die at the bottom of the Valley is therefore a free return of the Sun Valley since in any case, it can emerge as the zenith of the Val-Saint-Christophe Lay . It's the difference between a horizontal and a Val Val vertical.
I think a single intelligence, long before the story Herivaux, imagined the work of the Holy Cross of Lorraine. The goal is that all churches connected by an imaginary line were to form a giant Cross of Christ. This person arrived in Leuques territory and had a terrible shock: she was confronted with a people living a spirituality of Christianity very close, and close to the point that this system caused an extreme jealousy and anger. How pagans had been able to achieve this? Only the devil could have been originally! Everything had to be destroyed, burn, shaving and substitute a new geographical location, representing the supreme sovereignty of Christianity, the Cross and not the isosceles triangle. People who were at his command lived all as hermits. They were all murdered on the orders of that mysterious personality after completion in the region that had been assigned, their crosses. It is Saint Euchaire, Elophe St., Ste Libaire and certainly others to determine. Much later I would learn that these were in the service of holy St. Columban, they were all from Ireland.
Then the work of Christianization and implementation to make inside of a huge cross with all the other lasted several centuries. I think this time about five hundred years. We understand better now
the importance played by the Priory Hérivaux in the Christianization of the territory Leuques. It is probably the basis for the final realization of the geographical location of villages Lorraine. But more importantly, the Priory Hérivaux is behind the establishment of villages in the Vosges and in particular to the Val d'Ajol. This tiny monastic order was established at the four corners of Lorraine and depended on the most powerful, the order of Norbertine. Without the extreme dedication Eugibald, Croix des Vosges not exist. The task was so huge that coordinating all the steps needed to undertake the various monastic orders at the end of this epic Christ, Eugibald forgot to care for his mortal coil. Now about archives Hérivaux still missing or hidden, certainly at the Vatican, one can easily guess what they were dealing with: the steps taken and to make, and the various tribes encountered cities, their operation, established beliefs to replace the particular alignment to give to churches to hide the gigantic pagan gods represented by plains and plateaus Lorraine; the seven sacred hills and operation to forget Leuques; operation of Vals, a directory of all practices and to Christianize the pagan cults, legends and invented an army of saints to replace them, and everything a thousand little things necessary to accomplish the ultimate goal in a word, a true methodology of indoctrination taking all the steps one by one, from total destruction by fire and blood of all traces pagan, the final solution of a deletion of all faiths, all the knowledge acquired by a people unique memory of mankind, the people of the plains and plateaus of sculptors! The People's Light which geographical location through triangulation its cities on the east, zenith and sunset! Just as God comes to humanity! (See file Zion) At a time when it dares to say that civilizations like Egypt that existed during the Gauls vegetated and lived like savages in the woods, that's all a filthy lie he I must recover. The people Leuques was a quantum leap over all other tribes and Julius Caesar knew. That's why he has been lenient with them by leaving their beliefs, he was treated as an equal to them in turn to better control them afterwards.

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