Foundation Abbeys by Eugibalde
According Dom Calmet is around 1090, qu'Engibalde priest hebdomadier Chapter of the Ladies of Remiremont, felt called to a life of complete solitude. He obtained from the abbess Gisla permission to seek in the dark forest that stretched south of the city, a place to run his own project. He stopped at the north side of Ban, near a small stream and there built a hut of branches. According to the Prologue of the Rule of Herivaux, determination explained by reversals of fortune: "A priest, named Engibald, from the Vosges region, overwhelmed by the trials of the century (Was it to hide from the Inquisition hunted throughout France the Heretic? Marc Masson 1998), plagued by major setbacks, urged , so to speak, to the port by the waves, won a desert named Hérivaux near Remiremont.
was a rough hermit qu'Engibalde; wholeness, he intended to practice a strictly austere and solitary life. The place chosen was well suited to this purpose: living on the side of an isolated valley on a steep and wild, which reaches 700 meters, no other horizon than the drums and the tops of trees, pathless path, surrounded by boulders, brambles and wild plants with companions to the beasts of the forest: wild boars, wolves, deer, grouse, birds of prey and owls, the hermit had to be improvised exceptionally harsh existence in the first months of his retirement. Water Drop the old abbeys provided him a drink pure and fresh, but one wonders where he got his food: roots, herbs, wild fruits during the summer, but during the long winter, how could he stand?
No biographer writes of life Engibalde the Old Abbeys, we dream of a golden legend, a raven brought him bread, but history is silent. And yet, it allows us to believe that the solitary was not abandoned by the Ladies of the Chapter of Remiremont and even pious faithful of this city took to heart not to starve.
And soon, with visitors, to whom he gave spiritual talks; more, touched by his exhortations, he asked permission to share his life and build a cabin near his. A group of hermits was formed, no specific rule, except that a waiver total; listen again the Prologue of the Rule: "To defeat the spiritual enemies (that is to say, the devil), he joined a few disciples, stronger soul than body, and he gave this little band arrows spiritual he endured ( endured for the Cathars was to die of cold ) with his comrades on hunger, thirst, cold, lack of clothing and other deprivations that should be supported and that we seek to serve God. " Such a program does not scare Wichard, the brother of Engibalde, but on other points, the master passed the measure of discretion to the point that he fell into errors similar to those qu'illustrèrent the Albigenses and Fraticelli. Indeed, he came to reject the use of the sacraments, the public prayer of the Divine Office and the celebration of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, and hence it refused to build an oratory to have bells, to serve incense and chanting practice.
In vain, Wichard and several of his disciples, they tried to get him back on his decision, in vain, Pibon, Bishop of Toul, and his successor Ricuin they represented to him that he held positions condemned by the Church as a heretic, Engibalde, mediocre theologian, and mystical lost Vosgien stubborn, turned a deaf ear.
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