Sunday, December 16, 2007

Materbating With Rabbit

The Rising Sun of Three

The third element to understand in full the operation of the Cross of Lorraine is a legend associated with the Trinity:

The rise of the Three Suns:

past, people have Remiremont made the day of the Trinity, the Cross Theot (now Notre Dame Cross), the treeline of Hérivaux , to see the rising of the Three Suns. Tradition says that those who wanted to enjoy this wonderful spectacle of sunrise three suns at once, were, great morning, go to the top of the highest surrounding mountain ... but you had to be in a state of grace. This solar cult is a survival of an ancient division of the day in three or four times: LEVANT, ZENITH, SUNSET, NIGHT. To achieve the cross of Our Lady, just leave Remiremont the south by the D23, then take the D57 towards the forest Hérivaux (7 km south of Remiremont). The cross is at the edge of the forest road which leaves the D57 to enter the forest runs right past.

This legend is a phenomenon known to astronomers. I spent several years studying it. It is an illusion Optical simulating the appearance of three suns. It should be noted that the observation site is located at the edge of the forest Hérivaux because once there was a priory in this forest.
When Christianity, the monks of Herivaux were confronted with this cult of the three suns (east, zenith, sunset) they replaced it with the Holy Trinity (Father, son and Holy Spirit). This very special vantage point heights Hérivaux was a trouble for me because it implied to go see the legend in the morning in the Vosges.
As the sun rises everywhere in Lorraine, I concluded that we was perhaps not have to go to Hérivaux to observe this phenomenon and optical necessarily from us we would see the same thing since the longitude is about 48 °. My initial research to find a height consistées lending Nancy to observe the phenomenon.
quite naturally to the Butte Sainte Genevieve I directed myself as being already go there, I noticed that Dommartemont side at the foot of the plateau Malzéville was a place called TRINIDAD said.

must position itself at the point O (the center of the mound), which is more indicated on detailed maps of today. It is found only on old maps IGN turn of the century! Then take a compass in the direction of the IS target angle 60 ° left from the SOUTH and it was the exact direction of sunrise on the day of the Trinity. This angle was given to me only by observing the phenomenon.

Trinidad (Latin, Trinidad) The concept of the Trinity is central in Christian theology. It should not be confused with the triad. This is because the dogma of divine unity manifested in three forms and their own personal Unique though essentially the same - God the Father, the Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. The symbols of the Christian Trinity are equilateral triangle, the three-leaf clover (found perfectly in the path of the Cross of Lorraine), a set comprising a throne (power), a book (intelligence ), a dove (love), a cross, with Santa on top, the middle son, the dove of the Holy Spirit at the base and three rings intertwined, their common meaning infinity, a group of three angels, the same size , recalling the appearance to Abraham under the oak of Mamre.


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