* If the monks have done this, not only that the churches to implement correctly in relation to the heavenly Jerusalem. We must now try to understand how this alignment works with the heavenly Jerusalem. We will see that it is not so simple as it seems. First, we must never lose sight that the Earth rotates! Then we will study the geometric figures that were obtained within the diamond. Let's start with the heart:
* The heart is actually a spiral of Archimedes. Here's how the trace:
curve described by a point O which moves uniformly along the radius OP while it turns a uniform motion around the center O, so that the end P will be described quarter of the circumference at the same time as the point O will be advanced on the radius of a quarter of the length of this radius, etc..

It is easy to trace this curve by points. To do this, with center O and OP as radius, we describe the circumference PRNT; we share the circumference into eight equal parts and do the rays OP, OM, ON, OQ, OR, OS, OT, OV correspondents; we share the radius OP in 8 equal parts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. Then OM is brought from 0 to 1 with a length 01; ON length 02; on OQ length 03; etc.. Points 1 ', 2', 3 ', 4', 5 ', etc.., Joined together by a continuous line, starting from 0 will, the spiral of Archimedes. Who
trace this spiral? Well this is the sun, or rather the journey it describes around this particular point what an omphalos. To determine the exact position of Omphalos, you need to make a number of calculations on distances from sunrise to sunset, the nadir to the zenith. I will discuss this in the folder that represents a Temple. The distance of a Temple is from sunrise to sunset. This temple is a large isosceles triangle that can divide it into smaller triangles and points in each contest between each triangle is an omphalos. The Sun described a heart around a geographical location or point. And generally we find to our surprise on this curve described in the Land of settlements barns, and towns commanderies Templar. And here we are right in one of the mysteries of the Templars! Why the Templars he choose this curve to locate their property? The reason is simple at first glance as they will become the heart of the defense of the Cross and more importantly follow the exact path of the sun during a year, as if they were enslaved by the sun. This system of military defense allowed them to intervene very quickly ...
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