Axis Vertical
- Juvigny en Pertois
(- Brauvilliers)
- Chevillon
- Curel
- Val d'Osne
- Autigny the Great circle center of the West?
- Vecqueville: it is actually a little lower in height Vecqueville end Delta
- La Madeleine
- Fronville
- Mussey
Meuse-s --s-Marne Rouvroy
- Villiers-s-Mame
- Froncles
- Vouécourt
- Viéville
- Roôcourt-the-coast
- Bologna
- Brethenay
- Condes
- Cathedral of Chaumont
Horizontal axis:
- Zion 497 m
- Dommar-Eulmont
- Mount Curel 338 m
(- Bois du Grand Richard)
(- Bois du Fays)
(- Martigny-les-Gerbonvaux)
(- Maxy-s-Meuse)
- Domremy la Pucelle
- ND Chécourt
- Dainville
- Pond Chassey
- Agoulaincourt
(- Forest of Saunoire)
- Tonnance-les-Joinville
- Vaqueville
north northwest at 40 ° / vertical axis:
- Saint Dizier
(Forest - Val)
- Avrainville
- Chatonrupt
- Autigny the Great
- Vecqueville: the Delta peak
- Maconcourt
(- Forest Lodge)
(- Reinel)
(- Forest Meley)
- Manois
(- Woods Chaisaux)
- Clinchamp
Ozier - Vroncourt la Côte
- Maisoncelles
- Arnoncourt
north northeast at 40 ° / vertical axis:
- Panne
- Bricourt
- Girauvoisin
- Commercy
- Saulx-en-Barrois
- Vaux-la-Grande
- Chennevières
- Naix aux forges
- Saint-Armand-Ornain
s --s-Moutiers Saulx (point on the axis at 40 ° diamond cutting in the 2nd top left)
- Osne-le-Val
- Vecqueville: center to the edge of the Delta
- Château de Joinville
Madness - The Good Men
- Brachey (point on the axis at 40 ° Cut the 2nd diamond bottom right)
- Buchey
Premier Diamond:
- Dommary-s-Saulx
- Morley
(- Forest Montiers)
- Ecurey
- Cirfontaines en Ornois (it cuts the horizontal axis East Summit)
- Bressoncourt
- Brouthières
- Landéville
- Doulaincourt
- Vouécourt (North Summit)
- Cerisières
- Rouécourt
- Charmes-en-l Angle
- Charmes-la-Grande
- Bailly-aux-Forges (it cuts the horizontal axis Summit West)
- Wassy
- Bienville
- Cousance-les-forges
- Aulnoy en Perthois
- Lavincourt (Summit North)
Second Diamond:
- Jovilliers
(- Bois Val Paillard)
- Moutier-s-Saulx
- Saudron
- extended until Lezéville
- Harméville
- Thonnance-les-Moulins
- Annonville
- Domremy-in-Ornois
- Doulaincourt
- Buxieres
- extended until Soncourt-s-Marne
(- Provenchère-s-Marne)
- Flammerécourt
(- Forest Mathon)
(- Dommartin-le-Franc)
- Ville-en-Blaisois
- Doulevant the Little
- Brousseval
- Flornoy
- Troisfontaines (point of tangency of the two hearts)
The Cross of Lorraine of the Marne:
The vertical axis:
- Juvigny en Pertois
(- Brauvilliers)
- Chevillon
- Curel
- Autigny the Great circle center of the West?
- Vecqueville: it is actually a little lower in height Vecqueville end Delta
- La Madeleine
- Fronville
- Mussey
Meuse-s --s-Marne Rouvroy
- Villiers-s-Mame
- Froncles
- Vouécourt
The small horizontal cross:
- Sommeville
- Moutier-s-Saulx
- Gourzon
- Troisfontaines
The large horizontal cross:
(- Summit West Forest Der Output Bailly-aux-Forges)
- Vaux-s-Blaise
- Domblain
- Fays
- Sommermont
- Vecqueville: center to the edge of the Delta
- Thonnance-les-Joinville
- Montreuil-sur-Thonnance
(- Forest of Saunoire)
- Angoulaincourt
- Cirfontaines en Ornois
The heart:
- the starting point is not located above Chevillon
- up to 342 above Landres
- up to 349 m above Moutiers-s-Saulx
- Pancey
- Sailly
- Noncourt-s-the-Gnawing
- St. Urbain
- Mussey-sM (Summit little heart)
- Lafolie
- the Good Men
- Guindrecourt-aux-Ormes
- Three trout (point of tangency Two Hearts)
- Prez-s-Marne
- Bayard
- Ruez (Ruins Gallo roamaine!)
- the end point is not located above Chevillon
The big heart:
- The starting point is between the tip and Viquéville Delta (light!)
- Between Sommermont Chatonrupt and the D332
- Breuil-s-Marne
- Chevillon
- Above Chevillon (at 5 mm right and 2 mm high)
- The Landre
- up to 365 meters above the D152
- Moutiers-s-Saulx
- Val Louze
- Echenay
(- Forest Cirmont)
- Maconcourt
- Villiers-s-Mame (Summit hearted)
(- D13)
(- D117)
(- Forest Mathon)
- Morancourt
- Domblain
- Silo
- Magneux
- Laneuville-Bayard
- Fountain-s-Marne
- Above Chevillon (5 mm right and 2 mm high)
- cross over Osne-le-Val
- The end point is between Viquéville and the tip of the delta (light!)
- The starting point is between the tip and Viquéville Delta (light!)
- Between Sommermont Chatonrupt and the D332
- Breuil-s-Marne
- Chevillon
- The Summit is over Chevillon (5 mm right and 2 mm high)
- cross over Osne-le-Val
- The end point is between Viquéville and the tip of the delta (light!)
The arc west of the Delta which is the center Viquéville:
- Levécourt
- Robécourt
- Consigny
- Churey
(- Abbey Septfontaine)
(Forest - Er)
(- Wood Donjeux)
- Donjeux
- Madeleine
- Viquéville center of the circle (Viquéville - Zion)
- the Landre
- Menil-sur-Saulx
- Little Maulan
- Ligny en Barrois
- Domremy-aux-Bois
- Chonville
- Euville
- Aulnoy-s/s-Vertuzey
Let's connect the Cross of Lorraine from the Meuse to the big Cross:
North Side:
- Moutier-s-Sauls
(- Forest Montiers)
- Ribaucourt
- Abainville
- Montbras (father of the father of my maternal grandmother was Mayor of Montbras)
- Saulxures-les-Vannes (my brother lived Saulxures-les-Vannes)
- Landéville
- Church of St. Barbara
- Morionvilliers
- Brechainville (near Grand)
(- Forest Mureau)
- Pargny-s/s-Mureau
- Mont-les-Neufchâteau
- Neuchâteau
What is remarkable is the path of the Marne through this figure:
She goes into the figure by the North to Northwest at 40 ° from the vertical axis through Chamouilley, Bienville, Bayard, Fontaine-s-Marne, Sommerville, Chevillon , Curel, Autigny-le-Petit, Autigny-le-Grand, Bussy Marne then arrives at the most important place of his journey that is the Delta-the-Thonnance Joinvile, Joinville, Madeleine, Marcheval; it then on top of the small heart-sM Mussey and top of the large-s-Villey in Mame, so it follows the vertical axis and emerges from the south to Vouécourt. It will then follow the vertical axis Viéville, Roôcourt, Bologna, Chaumont is again a delta up to the Marne Choignes pui then change direction to the right
In conclusion, we obtain as the center of Figures cardinal directions:
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