Vertical axis:
- Saussenrupt
- bribe
(- Forest Bousson)
- Head Harini
of (- The Black Brocade)
- La Petite-Raon
- Saint Maurice (near Senones) center of the cross Vosges
- Drops
- Mesnil de Senones
- St. John D'Ormont
- Raid Robache
- Dijon
- Sainte Marguerite
- Bénifosse
- Sachemont
- Beautiful hut
Horizontal axis:
Zion - Saint Rémy wood
- Xafévillers
- Le Petit Paris
- the Hte Neuveville
- Raon-l'Etape
- Head Vénival
- Senones
- Saint Maurice (near Senones) center of the cross Vosges
- The Puid
- Vermont
- Saulxures
(- Colroy la Roche)
- Fonrupt
north northwest at 40 ° / vertical axis:
- Xanrey
- Bezange la Petite
- Xures
- Chazel-sur-Albe
- Domèvre-s-Vezouze
- Ancerviller
- Fenneviler (point on the axis at 40 ° diamond cutting the first top left)
(- Lac de Pierre-Percee)
- Saint Maurice (near Senones) center of the cross Vosges
(- Drops)
- height of 694 m, perhaps the Holy Grail!
--S-Provenchères Fave
- Lusse (point on the axis at 40 ° diamond cutting in 1 bottom right)
- Echery
- Saint-Pierre-sl'Hâte
- Salem
Axis North North is 40 ° / vertical axis:
(- Forest Lutzelhouse)
- Donon : it is on the axis of 40 °
- The Mining
(- Col des Praye)
- Head of White (point on the axis at 40 ° diamond cutting the 2nd top right)
(- Forest Senones)
- Saint Maurice (near Senones) center of the cross of the Vosges
- Chapel
- Hurbache
(- Mortagne Forest)
- Sauceray (point on the axis at 40 ° diamond cutting in 1 bottom left)
- Les Rouges Eaux
(- Forest Field)
- Bruyères
Prey - The
Boulay - Raon-aux-Bois
- Gerard FEINGS
- The Huguel
Premier Diamond:
- The Harcholins (which is from my back paternal grandmother Juliette Houillon)
(- Petit Rougimont)
(- Grand Rougimont)
- Raon-sur-Plaine
- Trash
- Chateau de Salm
- What the
- Fouday
- Chateau de la Roche
- The very last house at the bottom of Ranrupt (one cup is on the horizontal axis)
- Col de Steige
- The Climont
- Tour
- Lusse (point axis at 40 ° diamond cutting in 1 bottom right)
- Bonipaire
- Mandray
- Summit East is a church not far from many Venchère, culminating in the forest at 744 m.
- Contranmoulin
- Claingoutte
- Sauceray (point on the axis at 40 ° diamond cutting in 1 bottom left)
(- The lazy)
(-Mortagne Forest)
- Saint Remy
- Talin
- Le Petit Paris (it cuts the horizontal axis Summit West)
(- Forest Baccarat)
- Lachapelle
- Ber trichamp
(- Neufmaisons)
- Pexonne
- Fenneviler (point the axis at 40 ° diamond cutting the first top left)
- Badonvillers
- Bréménil
- Norris
- Val-et-Châtillon
- The Harcholins (North Summit)
Second Diamond:
- Saussenrupt (North Summit)
(- Petit Rougimont)
(- Grand Rougimont)
- Major Moises
(- Luvigny)
- Pass
Praye - head of White Rocks (point on the axis at 40 ° diamond cutting the 2nd top right)
- Head Pelee
- Diesbach
- Fonrupt (it cuts the horizontal axis East Summit)
- the Evreuil
- Hang
- Colroy-la-Grande
- Lesseux
- Ber trimoutier
- Coinches
- Fouchifol
- Entre-deux-Eaux
- Bénisfosse (Summit North)
- Courts de Saulcy
- Anozel
(- Wood Kemberg)
(- Cote-Saint-Martin)
- Great Rupt
- The Moitresses
(- Bois de la Madeleine)
(- Mortagne Forest)
- the Vacherie (point on the axis at 40 ° diamond cutting in 1 bottom right)
(- Between Nompatelize and Bréhimont)
(- Forest Ban Etival)
- MF Upper Neuveville ( it intersects the horizontal axis top West)
- Fagnoux
- Thiaville
Meurthe-s-(- Forest Reclos Gde)
- Mount on the D992
- Cemetery Angomont
(- Forest Cheneau)
- MF ( right there is St. Sauveur)
- Saussenrupt (North Summit)
The Cross of Lorraine Vosges:
The vertical axis:
- Saussenrupt
- bribe
(- Forest Bousson)
- Head of Harini
(- The Black Brocade)
- La Petite-Raon
- Saint Maurice (near Senones) center of the cross Vosges
- Drops
- Mesnil de Senones
- Saint-Jean-D'Ormont
- Raid Robache
- Dijon
- Sainte Marguerite
- Bénifosse
- Church of the Col de Mandray 744m
Little horizontal cross:
- Top Viombois
- Castle Stone
Breakthrough - Head of Hérin
(- MF just above Castle Salm ) To get the point croisemen with 1 diamond, extending to the graveyard of the Slate.
The great horizontal cross:
- Le Petit Paris
- the Hte Neuveville
- Raon-l'Etape
- Head Vénival
- Senones
- Saint Maurice (near Senones) center cross the Vosges
- The Puid
- Vermont
- Saulxures
(- Colroy la Roche)
- Fonrupt
- home deep in Ranrupt
The heart:
- The starting point is the summit to 666 m north of the head of Hérin
- Allarmont
- Vexaincourt
- head of the White Rocks (point on the axis at 40 ° diamond cutting the 2nd top right)
- Head Pelee
- The Cat Hung
- Champenay
- up to 560
m (- The Great Pit)
- Pass Las
- Raid Robache (south summit of the little heart)
(- Bois de la Bure near a 669 m height, it can be assumed to 666 m )
- Grand Himbaumont
(- Saint Ember)
- Chavrie
(- Forest Reclos)
- Chapel Goodlord
- Carrefour 400m which leads to Lake Pierre Percee tip North
- Allencombe
- Blacks Colas
580 m - The end point is the summit to 666 m north of the head of Hérin
The big heart:
- The starting point for the top North of the big heart is Saint Maurice Senones coast to 498 m.
- It passes through the northern exit of Senon towards Moyenmoutier
- height of 629 m from the forest These
- Summit North to 666 m from the head of Hérin
- MF Allarmont
- Notre Lady
- Lake of the Maix
- Head 857 m Pelee
- Plain
- Bourg
- Col de Saales
- Provenchères-sur-Fave
- the BEULAY
- Pair-and-Grandrupt
- Remomeix (South Summit of the great heart)
- Saint Die (church white circle symbol)
- Etang de Saint Die
- Herbaville
- St. Michel-sur-Meurthe
- the Menil
- Etival Clairefontaine
- Call Peter
(- Forest coast Reppy)
- Raon l'Etape
- The intersection at 400 m which leads to Lake Pierre Percee
- Col de la Chapelotte up to 484 m
- church or chapel neck Chapelotte
- the Collins
- Summit North to 666 m from the head of Hérin
- the Rain-of-the-Virgin
- The Harcholet
- the Saulcy
- The finish top is great heart of North Saint Maurice Senones coast to 498 m.
- Summit North to 666 m from the head of Hérin
- the Rain-of-the-Virgin
- the Harcholet
- the Saulcy
- The finish top North of the big heart is Saint Maurice
- It passes through the northern exit of Senon towards Moyenmoutier
- height of 629 m from the forest These
- Summit North to 666 m from the head of Hérin
The arc center Saint Maurice
- Coincourt
- Avricourt
- Pond Gresson
(- Forest Cheneau)
- The Black Colas
580 m - 660 m Col de Dialtrepoix
- La Petite-Raon
- Saint Maurice center of the circle of radius (St. Maurice, Sion)
- de Menil Senones
- Saint Jean d'Ormont
- the panty
- Church at the output of the D49
Robach - Church of Saint Die (this time if the symbol is a circle black with a cross)
- Foucharupt
- Claingoutte
- Petit Paris
- Houssière
- Mount Thiriville 759 m
- Lanay
- Frambéménil
- 809 m Spiémont
- Tendon
(- Scope of Bray)
- Pouxeux
- Guménil
- Dounoux (intersection with the north-northeast at 40 °)
Let's connect the Cross of Lorraine, the Vosges at the great Cross:
North Side:
- Gerbéviller
(- Wood Chevremont)
- Azerailles
- Cemetery Merviller
- the
Careers - Pexonne (link to the Cross of Lorraine Vosges)
(- Forest Ramberviller the height of 321 m)
- Saint Gorgon
- the Bourgonce
- the lazy
- the Vacherie (link to the Cross Lorraine Vosges)
observe the path of the Meurthe in the figure thus obtained:
The Little Meurthe follows the vertical axis and enters the figure from the south by the strain, Saint Leonard, Saulcy- s-Meurthe, Sainte-Marguerite top of a big heart, Saint Die, then she will loosely follow a quarter south-southwest of the great heart by Saint-Michel-s-Meurthe, the Menil, Clairefontaine, and Raon-l'Etape going out west on the horizontal axis Thiaville-s-Meurthe, Ber trichamp, Baccarat, etc..
Creek seems also of great symbolic importance is the rabodeau which has a distinctive that at the center.
In fact, we can say that each side west quarter, quarterback is the big heart, there is a source that emphasizes its outline. Indeed, right, along the Fave also big heart.
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