The center of the Holy Cross of Lorraine is the hill of Zion because traditionally it is said that "Zion is the center of Lorraine." We find this state of affairs in the presence of Sion in the ancient pilgrimage. Now why Zion? A partial answer lies perhaps in history, but in fact what the monks around the hill. Indeed, we find 100 villages that form a strange alignment, a sort of spider web. And yet, in this design difficult to interpret, we discover a regularity in the arrangement of churches.

The idea here is much more insidious to discover what they did. For this, we must resume our hearts obtained within Our diamond center for North and take the hill of Zion. Once positioned our hearts, we must draw the heart that he is opposed on the same route from South to North. Then we will do the same with the east / west. Plot the two axes at 45 ° and reposition our hearts contained two opposites. We begin to appear on the curves optenues the regular presence of the 100 villages churches. The monks then turns a heart around the central axis and positioned in the villages on the curves he described. The drawing was done with extraordinary precision. There is actually a heart every 22.5 ° which gives for 90 ° one heart at 0 °, 22.5 °, 45 °, one at 67.5 °, 90 ° etc..
But why did it have? Already course for a military reason for how to go through such a net without being detected immediately by a bell! But this does not explain everything. If there was a military defense is as sophisticated as what was in Sion was at the height! So who was there then, so precious to Zion? To get the answer, look at the drawing that was obtained by turning our hearts around Sion.
We find that drawing on the same ground Rome instead of the Capitol! In the center there is the equestrian statue of Marcus Aurelius, which strangely reminds the knight Anguipède. The statue is enhanced by a starry crown of Helios the midst of a pronounced oval, flanked by the palace of the Conservatives and the Capitoline Museum arranged in a trapezoid. We also find that crown on a beautiful starry mosaic here:

We find this pattern in the arrangement of sunflower seeds, so he understands the golden ratio in its proportions. But it is also found on the little stars that we discover scraping the floor of the Hill of Zion! The very nature seems imbued with this geometric figure. The center represents the sun, light, God, and each bend light rays of his divine emanation. The answer to the mystery of this figure is in the Bible. The Bible says that God is the cornerstone! Would God be a diamond? Now this drawing is the exact replica of an X-ray photograph on a piece of beryl highlighting the geometry of the crystal!

Another peculiarity of the crystal is grown like a plant. With a computer program, if we simulate the generation, and to let the program calculate until a final figure which no longer varies, we get this:

A Maze! The representation of the heavenly Jerusalem already seen above that is a square like this can then be compared to a terminal sprouting crystals assembled to each other. Image processing is the spliting is used to display the famous labyrinth in the image by removing the blue, red and green.

image image of God if there could very well be a crystal and how intervene with its light on earth would be identical to that of X-rays that are deflected by the atoms of the hexagonal crystal structure of a gem. They interact to form a combination of light beams oriented with regularity in six directions. The center is emptiness, the ring of God. The figure formed by the 100 villages and church steeples around Sion channels the celestial influence through its bells through the cross is at the top.
The church has so much spiritual power indeed!
These are the masons who built churches. Did they know at first what they actually did ?
And I close with this question: what do we do when we go to Zion? We go around the plateau of the hill, and therefore the church, passing first through the Stations of the Cross and then one enters only in the church. The action of turning around is called circumambulation. That's what the priests around the altar.
Construction of the central rosette of the Cross of Lorraine:
Axis 1 (0 ° / E)
- Clézantaine
- Saint Rémy-aux-Bois
- Gripport
- The Cherry Red
Zion - Zion Saxon
- Dommar-Eulmont
- Mount Curel 338 m
- Domremy la Pucelle
Axis 2 (22 5 / E)
- Fraimbois
- Landécourt
- Brénoncourt
- Haigneville
- Bayon
- Roville-devant-Bayon
- Praye
Zion - Zion-Saxon
- Castle Vaudémont
- Eulmont
- Fécocourt
- Tramont-Lassus
- Aouze
- the Waterproof
- Rebeuville
Axis 3 (45 ° / E)
- Einville-au-Jard
- Saffir
- Ferrières
- Benney
- Praye
Zion - Zion-Saxon
- They
- Pulney
- Aboncourt
- Mannecourt
- Hagnéville-and-Roncourt
- Médenville
Axis 4 (67.5 ° / E)
- Bey-s-Seille
- Laneuvelotte
- SEICHAMPS (cemetery)
- Charterhouse Bosserville
- Laneuveville-devant-Nancy
- Flavigny-s-Moselle
- Clérey-Brénom
- Forcelle Saint Gorgon
- Zion
- Gugney
- Courcelles
- Dombasle-en-Xaintois
- Gemmelaincourt
- Parey-s/s-Montfort
- St. Anne Norris
- Contrexéville
- Mount Heuillon 479 m
Axis 5 (90 ° / E)
- Landremont
- Pompey
- Frouard
- Brand new-homes
- Bainville-s-Madon
- Xeuilley
- Houdelmont
- Vézelise
- Vroncourt
- Zion
- Forcelles-s/s-Gugney
- Thiraucourt
- Domèvre-s/s-Montfort
- Esley
- Bonvillet
- Darney
Axis 6 (112.5 ° / E)
- Flirey
- Gimey (Farm)
- Ognéville
- Zion
- Mazirot
- Velotte
- City-s-Illion
- La Rue
- Frisian
- Thunimont
- Aillevillers-and-Lyaumont
Area 7 (135 ° / E)
- Pagny-s Meuse
- Lay-Saint-Remy
- Val Passey
- Charmes-la-Côte
- Mont-le-Vignoble
- Crézilles
- Crépey (that's where it was scouting with Nancy the 2nd of Henry Mathieu)
- Etreval
- Chaouilley
- Zion
- Housséville
- Diarville
- Viéville
- Gircourt-The-Viéville
- Jorxey
- Gigney
- Wood Abbe
- Chateraine
(- Epinal )
Curve 1 (0 ° / E) IS
- Zion
- Etreval
- Velle
- Emy-Tramont
- Repel
- Totainville
- Remicourt
- Haymont
- Bazegney
- Buttegney-s-Brice
(- Forest Fraize)
- The Glass
- Pointe heart to match 289 m between Dame-aux-Bois, Côte d'Essey
- Saint Boingt
- Rozelieures
- Einvaux
- Méhoncourt
- Saffir
- Burthécourt to
Oaks - Marthemont
- Selaincourt
- Saulxerotte
- Favière
- Fécocourt
- They
- Zion
Curve 2 (22 5 / E)
- Zion
- Chaouilley
- Thorey-Lyautey
- Baudricourt
- Ravennel
- Ahéville
- height 419 m
- Glass
- Cote d'Essey
- Saint Boingt
- Moriville
- Flanconville (tip of the heart)
- Charmois
- Coyviller
- Green Village
- Bainville-s-Madon
- Maizières
- Germiny
- Crépey
- Selaincourt
- Saulxerotte
- Grimonviller
- Forcelles-s/s-Gugney
- Cherry Red
- Zion
Curve 3 (45 ° / E) NORTH NORTHEAST
- Zion
- Dommar-Eulmont
- Féconcourt
- Grimauviller
495 m - 387 m
Head - Silo
- Ramecourt
- Avillers
- Ubesay
- Essegney
- Loromontzey
- Méhoncourt
- Rosieres-aux-Salines (Point of the heart)
- Ville-en-Vermois
- Ludres
- Chaligny
- Thuilley aux
Currants (- Val Priest)
(- St. Amond Forest)
(- Bois du Fays)
- Tramont St. Andre
- Courcelle
- Fraisnes in Saintois
- Forcelle-s-Gugney
- Zion
Curve 4 (67 5 / E)
- Zion
- Cherry Red
- Boulaincourt
- Blémeray
- Vicherey
- Colombey-les-Belles
- Ochey
- Maron
- Houdemont
(tip of the heart on the axis of the Certosa Bosserville)
- La Madeleine
- Xoudailles
- St. Urbain
- Baked Bean
- Barlonville
- Romain
- Charm
- Rugney
- Mazirot
- Puzieux
- Frenelle la Petite
- Blémerey
- Courcelles
- Pulney
- Eulmont
- Zion
Curve 5 (90 ° / E) NORTH
- Zion
- Vaudémont
- Fresnes-en-Saintois
- Frenelle la Great
- Gircourt les Viéville
- Savigny
(- Charmes)
(- Wood Villacourt)
- Haigneville
- Domptail-in-air
- Houssonville
- Saffir
- Nouveaulieux
- Coyviller
- Manoncourt en Vermois
- Lupcourt
- Gerard shortstop
- Houdemont
- Brabois
- Pointe heart between 6 terminal and timber Clairieux Maron
- Sainte Anne
- height of 365 m from Gimey
- Bagneux
- Autreville
- Maconcourt
- Aboncourt
- Frenelle la Petite
- Frenelle-la-Grande
- Housséville
- The Cherry Red
- Zion
Curve 6 (112.5 ° / E)
- Zion
- Vaudémont
- Gugney
- Bouzonville
- Vomécour-s-Madon
- Avrainville
- Socourt
- Bayon
- Saint Mard
- Sandroviller
- Burthecourt-aux-Chenes
- Ludres
- MF
(- Bois de Maron)
(- Villey-le-Sec) peak heart
(- Pierre-La-Trèche)
- Bicqueley
- Bulligny
- Barisey la Côte
- Punerot
- 481 m Mont
- Aouze
- Saint Prancher
- Saint Firmin
- Praye
- Zion
Curve 7 (135 ° / E) NORTH WEST NORTH
- Zion
- Praye
- Marainville-s-Madon
- Bridge-s-Madon
- Ambacourt
- Baudricourt
- Rouvres-in Xaintois-
- Dombasle-en-Xaintois
- Menil-in-Xaintois
- Gircourt-s-Vraine
- Morelmaison
- St. Paul 421 m
- Removille
- Attignéville
- Martigny-les-Gerbonvaux
- Mount L'étroit
- height of 409 m from the woods Saulxures
Valves - The Crystal Vannes-le-Chatel
- Blénod-les-Toul (tip of the heart)
- Bicqueley
- Height of 365 m Gimeys
- Sexey-aux-Forges
- Chaligny
- Brand new-homes
- Messein
- Green Village
- Richardménil
- Crévéchamps
- height of 334 m-s-Moselle Neuviller
- Laneuveville-devant-Bayon
- Gripport
- Hergugney
- Xaronval
- Bridge-s-Madon
- Bouzonville
- Mount
- Forcelle-s/s-Gugney
- Mount
- Signal Vaudémont
- Vaudémont
- Zion
Curve 8 (157.5 ° / E)
- Zion
- Diarville
- Marainville-s/-Madon
- Bralleville
- Germonville
- Herbemont
- Flavigny-s-Moselle
- Méréville
- Pont-Saint-Vincent
- Crézilles
- Vannes-le-Chatel
(- Wood Saulxures) Pointe heart
- height 427 m
- Clérey la Côte
- Ruppes
(- Wood of Autigny)
- Attignéville
- Vouxey
- Vircourt
- Gironcourt-s-Vraine
- Ramecourt
- Mazirot
- Chauffecourt
- Xaronval
- Tantimont
- Marainville-s-Madon
- Xirocourt
- Praye
- Zion
Curve 9 (180 / E) WEST
- Zion
- Houssécourt
- Vaudigny
(- Cranteney)
(- Lemainville)
- Froisnis
- Maizières
- Viterne
- Ochey
- Barisey la Côte
- Saulxures
les Vannes - La Cote Clérey
- Jubainville
- Pointe heart qq into the forest Moncel-s Vair-
- Brancourt
- Saint Elophe
- Forest Neufeys up to 469 m
- Courcelle-s/s- Châtenois
- Valaincourt
- Laneuveville-s/s-Châtenois
- Vivier-the-Offroicourt
- Ravenel
- Mirecourt
- Gircourt les Viéville
- Avrainville
- Germonville
- Zion
Curve 10 (202.5 ° / E)
- Zion
- Forcelle-s-Gorgon
- Tantonville
- Affracourt
- Vaudigny
- Vroville
- Mattaincourt
- Bazoilles-et-Menil
- Estrennes
- Gironvilles-s/s-Montfort
- Domjulien
- Parey-s/s-Montfort
- Dombrot-s-Vair
- Reims
- Longchamp en Chatenois
- Waterproof (tip of the heart)
- Rolainville
- Saint Elophe
- Ruppes
- Lain-Isay
- Allain
- Thuilley aux Currants
- Pierrefonds
- Pulligny
- Voinémont
- Haroué
- Vaudeville
- Xirocourt
- Saint Firmin
- The Cherry Red
- Zion
Curve 11 (225 ° / E) SOUTH SOUTH WEST
- Zion
- Vroncourt
- Quérilloncourt
- Haplemont
- Output of Haroué
- Lebeuville
- Gripport
- Rugney
- Ahéville
- Velotte
- Rozerotte
- Grand Montot 462 m
- They-s/s-Montfort
- Saint Remimont
- Sandaucourt
- Ollainville
- Rouvres-la-Chétive
- Le Rendez-vous de Saint Remy
- Harchéchamp
- Martigny-les-Gerbonvaux
- Punerot
- Colombey-les-Belles
- Germiny
- Thélod
- Houdelmont
- Clérey-s-Brenon
- Gerbécourt
- La Cerise Rouge
- Sion
Courbe 12 (247,5°/E):
- Sion
- Chaouilley
- Vézelise
- Ormes-et-Villes
- Hauteur de 365 m
- Bainville-aux-Miroirs
- Charmes
- Evaux
- Gugney-aux-Aul
- Vaulexy
- Buzegney
- Hagécourt
- Rancourt
(- Sainte Anne Norris) peak heart
- Height 452 m
- Saint Remimont
- Mannecourt
- Valaincourt
- Vouxey
- Imbrécourt
- Harmonville
- Crépey
- Parey-Saint- Cesaire
- Haplemont
- Zion
Curve 13 (270 ° / E) SOUTH
- Zion
- Etreval
- Houdreville
- Clérey-Brenon
- Lemainville
- Laneuveville -devant-Bayon
- Mangonville
(- Wood Vollacourt)
- Langley
- The Menil
- Debamont
- Bouzemont
- Baiville-aux-Saules
- Valfroicourt
- Xiroux (tip of the heart)
- Coast Lorima 460 m
- Mont Saint Jean
- Belmont
Vair-s---s-Laneuveville Chatenois
- Balléville
- The Menil-s-Vair
- Removille
(- St. Amond Forest)
- Saulxerotte
- Goviller
- Vézelise
- Praye
- Zion
Curve 14 (292.5 ° / E):
- Zion
- Praye
- Mount
- Vroncourt
- Vézelise
- Hammeville
- Mont D'Anon
438 m - Selaincourt
(- St. Amond)
- Aouze
- Rainville
- St. Paul
- Remoncourt
- Baivilles-aux-Saules
(- Branch ABLEUVENETTES) peak heart
- Dompaire
- Lamerey
- Circourt
- Saint Valliet
- Glassmaking
- Saint Remy-aux-Bois
- Loromontzey
- Froville
- Haigneville
- Saint Mard
- Velle
-s-Moselle - Le Point du Jour
- Pulligny
- Parey-Saint-Césaire
- Goviller
- Souveraincourt
- Puxe
- Laloeuf
- Thorey Lyautey
Saxon-Sion - Sion
Curve 15 (315 ° / E) SOUTH SOUTH EAST
- Zion
- Vroncourt
- Ognéville
- Vitrey
- Saulxerotte
- Aroffe
- Dommartin-s-Vraine
- Morelmaison
- Gircourt-s-Vraine
- St. Menge
- Gemmelaincourt
- Girovillers- s / s-Montfort
- Rozerotte
- Dompaire
- Showcase Cross (tip of the heart)
- The Glass
- Saint Rémy-aux-Bois
- Loromontzey
- Froville
- Raigneville
- Saint Mard
- Velle-s-Moselle
- Crévéchamps
(- Forest Benney) height of 374 m
- The Daybreak
- Pulligny
- Parey-Saint-Césaire
- Goviller
- Souveraincourt
- Puxe
- Laloeuf
- Dommar-Eulmont
Saxon-Sion - Sion
Curve 16 (337.5 ° / E)
- Zion
- Puxe
- Laloeuf
- Battigny
- St. Andrew Tramont
- Vicherey
- Maconcourt
- Biécourt
- Menil-in-Xaintois
- Offroicourt
- Viviers-les-Offroicourt
- Bazoilles-et-Menil
- Valleroy-aux-Saules
- Derby
- Saint Vallier
- Nomexy
- Châtel-s-Moselle
- height of 315 m
- Borville
- Haussonville
- Tonnoy
- Flavigny-s-Moselle
- Frolois
- Mount
- Thélod
- Mont d'Anon
438 m - The Feuillée
- Gélaucourt
- Mount Curel 388 m
- Eulmont
- Castle Vaudémont
- Vaudémont
- Zion
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