Come what exactly a temple. We will first approach the problem corresponding to the size of a Temple to learn that it is measured in units of biblical and not kilometer. We will make the final calculations to then draw the appropriate conclusions.
Temple symbolizes the path that leads from West to East, that is to say towards the light. It is the sacred and symbolic. Asked about the size of the Mason Temple is still facing its length goes from West to East, the width of the North at noon, the height of the Zenith Nadir. The Temple is a picture of the cosmos, its dimensions can be defined. The ceiling of the Temple is arched studded: it represents the night sky, with its multitude of stars visible. In the East, behind the headquarters of the Venerable, the Delta appears bright: a triangle with an eye in the middle, the divine eye . This is called the hand of God !
Its length ranges from west to east west raising its width from north to south, the height of the imaginary point of the celestial sphere located in the vertical as the observer goes to the point where the vertical location meets the celestial sphere above the horizon.
"Behind the seat of the venerable Delta is the light" outside the famous Delta bright indeed exist before Nancy! After a long study of an IGN 1911, I noticed that the plateau Malzeville drew with the other two trays Hague and Greater Crowned a celebrated figure in astronomy. The figure is formed by lines drawn from the points covered include:
- From Wood to Molmont Frouard pts in the EIA. Timber Faulx to Bouxières aux Dames
- From the "La Gueule of Hell "at Pompey in the center of the mound Ste-Genevieve Malzeville,
- From Fort Frouard instead said" the bezelu "Lay-St-Christophe - From Wood to the mound Molmont Ste-Genevieve Malzeville ,
- Du Aer pts. Faulx Wood to the mound at Ste-Genevieve Malzeville,
- From the old iron mine in pts Champigneulles of aer. Faulx wood,
obtained at the center a analemma and equilateral triangle above the delta formed by the Meurthe (Delta Light) defined by the pre Grier, Pre Muleteer, Grand Sausses, the Fifteen broke, and the Greater Near Brewery Champigneulles ( description of the landscape in 1911!). This place in the morning, at about 9 am is an extraordinary brightness. The divine eye and would be in the middle.
Delta Light
At sunrise of the equinoxes, Frouard seen the sun rises perpendicular to the delta and the light is then a very very bright.
analemma : If you photograph the sun's path at the same time for forty-five mornings spread over one year at 8.30, we obtain a figure eight shaped revealing the inclination of the axis of the Earth analemma called. Points the highest and the lowest mark the solstices (the highest: June, crossing the middle: in August, the lowest: December), and because the Earth's orbit around the sun is elliptical, the trajectories go return and do not cross the equinoxes, but in April and August.
Here is the IGN 1911. Observe the trace with a pencil corresponding to the analemma. It is plotted in the plateaus of the Grand Couronne, Plateau Hague, and the Butte Sainte Genevieve by points equidistant culminations:
It turns out that the plateau is Malzéville in fact the exact projection analemma on the ground. "What is above is like what is below." Our
tribes formerly of Celtic, was called the Leuques (Wolves). But the board saw Malzéville aircraft-shaped head wolf whose mouth is open in front facing the delta light: as the sun enters the lion's den.
To find the distance of extreme importance, I will list all my steps before reaching the exact value. A first idea was to calculate the distance estimate to what I knew the path of the sun between the east and west. The sun rising in Tomblaine and setting behind Mont Saint Michel, I considered this distance as being closer to the truth. However, I do not know why I turned away from this finding and this is the first calculation I was doing:
Distance from Temple calculate Tomblaine IGN 3415 WEST Nancy behind the wood instead Saulxures "La Verveau" to "Rievaulx" where Mazelin rises in the Bois l'Abbé IGN 3215 WEST Tréveray .
dT (cm) = 51.4 + 52.6 + 52.5 + 5.7 (+ 3?) = 215 cm
dt (km) = (215 * 1) / 4 = 53.75 km
dtemple (with 215 + 3 there are 218 cm or 54.5 km) 53.75 km below
lower to 54.5 from 54.5 to 53, 75 = 0.75 km
0.75 / 2 = 0.375 corrected
dt = 0.375 + 53.75 = 54.125 km
First estimate the distance of the Temple: 54 km
It would be interesting to perform conversion kilometer - miles biblical
1 cubit = 50 cm1 fathom = 2 m = 1 stadium
1 000 185 m = 1.5 km
We will choose the mile: dt = 54 / 1.5 = 36 miles
This distance is very close to 40 000 because 40 is the assumed figure of the Trinity. So where is the error? On detailed maps, the center of the Temple is located exactly in the center of Toul. It is now very easy to find exactly the points in the east and west, giving 20 000 20 000 left and right. 20 000 -> 30 km -> 120 cm to the right and left of center in Toul
And we find the setting for an exact point called Cross of St. Gengoult; to the east, we find Cerville once coffin, the coffin of Notice the sun
site called "Cercoeur" which is recent construction.
* We can conclude, by rounding the numbers, the distance of a temple between the east and the west is 18 biblical miles or 36 miles for two temples. This allows me to say that my first approach was good but it was the distance between two temples which had been calculated! I was convinced he had to find 40, but 40 is the number of punishment, it could never be this number! In the dictionary of symbols, which we quote the entire text more far, 36 is the number of heaven! This explains the reason for its symbolism. What is interresting, what are the gains 72, 108, etc.. the text says. 72 / 2 = 36 108 / 3 = 36
72 is the number of land, 108 of the man: sky + land = 36 + 72 man
= 108! What is the Triad the Holy Spirit.

[(72 / 2) (108 / 2)] are the coordinates of the heavenly Jerusalem to be [2T, 3T]
2T X which gives 36 miles or 36 * 1.5 = 54 km width
3T Y which gives 54 000 or 54 * 1.5 = 81 km height (80, 55 km without rounding)
We now have the value of the height where the Heavenly Jerusalem. To find out what that height, we must study the structure of the atmosphere in order to deduce what is at this distance.
* Calculation of the surface of a Temple:
(26.85 / 2) * tan (60 °) = 23.25278209 km Height
S (T) = base * height = 26 85 * 23.25278209 = 624 , 3371992 km 2
* Calculation of the volume of a Temple:
V (T) = 1 / 3 S (T) * height = 1 / 3 * 624.3371992 * 23.25278209 = 4839 , 19,228 km3
* The smallest division of a temple is still drawn to the Bois du Chanois above Bouxières-aux-Dames. The base of the triangle is 1.2 cm and the height of 1 cm, which corresponds to 0.3 km for the base and 0.25 km for the height. The triangle is isosceles, we can calculate présicer to height (0.3 / 2) * tan (60 °) = 0.259807621 km.
Calculation of the surface of the smallest division of a temple:
S (t) = base * height = 0.3 * 0.259807621 = 0.077942286 km 2
Calculation volume of the smallest division of a temple:
V (t) = 1 / 3 * height Area = (1 / 3) * 0.077942286 * 0.259807621 = 0.006749999 km3
T * 1 = 26.85 km long of which are found in 1 T 26.85 / 0.3 = 89.5 t (t = small temple)
0-15 km: LEVEL
15 to 50 km: STRATOSPHERE
50 to 80 km: MESOSPHERE
80 to 500 km: THERMOSPHERE
500 to infinity: EXOSPHERE
The study of the symbolism of 36, we conclude that the boundary between heaven and earth , the heavenly Jerusalem, the abode of God is 80 km altitude, altitude is actually the boundary between the mesosphere and thermosphere.

At the height of 80 km, there is a luminescent band which is part of a series of conductive areas called ionosphere extending between 80 km and 300 km altitude. These layers electromagnetic fourfold strongly influence the long-distance radio transmissions. The excited atoms in the ionosphere also emit a low luminescence, which prevents the night to be as black as ink. At the poles, the solar wind particles, disrupting the ionosphere, causing the flaming aurora borealis and australis.

When the mesosphere is its degree as wrinkling, formation, over the high latitudes, clouds that have nothing in common with those of our troposphere. They are called noctiligineux clouds because they are just visible, still illuminated by the sun in the black sky after sunset. Their silver drapery about 80 kilometers from earth, at the mesopause , the coldest area of the whole atmosphere, where temperatures can drop to - 140 ° C. Rockets took samples of these clouds, but its composition remains unclear: some believe the facts of microscopic dust from meteorites, comets or volcanoes, while others believe that this dust only serves as nuclei for ice crystals but the objection to this hypothesis is the fact that there is very little water vapor at these altitudes.

The house of God may be located on a strip of light which can be seen very rarely in the presence of clouds that form five times higher than all others, are noticeable is enlightened by the sun after sunset, that is to say the night.
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