The characteristic of the sacred is opposed to the profane. What does this mean? First, for natural religions there is a sacred space, whether in a cave that is entered as in the bowels of the Earth Mother, a source from which water gushes from heaven, fertile land, a Mecca isolated in space solar and sidereal. There is the temple, that is to say that space exists, separated from the surrounding profane space, extent informs that surrounds this special place and that the indeterminacy, "chaos", terrorizes the man as an image of nothingness.
Within the sacred enclosure, the man thinks he has the ability to communicate with the world of the Absolute, the Divine, where she is, somehow, an opening. Here and there only, is expected to man made possible ontological passage from one mode to another. Man, really thirsty to exist, shows that when thirsty discusses the sacred space, with the intention to be at the center of Being, in a place where he can connect with the Divine, would make it closer, and hence exist as it was, Does he think, initially, when the cosmos itself out of the Hands. This is where the man "is looking in the universe tangible traces or hints of what one can not touch."
So, secondly, the spouse at the sacred space, do we find in these religions, as opposed to the secular term, which is that everyday and flows inexorably, the notion of sacred time , time high, time pure, primordial mythical time that does not flow and which is made present by the periodic party. This is nothing but an attempt to join in the reliving in this "historic" by a kind of repetition of cosmogony, the sacred time when the Deity, "the beginning", before the current fluent time, founded the world and, somehow merges with the Lord.
The festival is a break with the ordinary course of time, with the overwhelming monotony of the terrible day, with what the Latins called it "taedium vitae.
When talking about festival in this part of the sacred pagan " must not imagine primitive man of the past or today, as steeped in devotion or damaged in silent prayers. He can not concentrate, but he shrugs and prays with his whole body and all its organs. Prayer, his home is both cerebral and organic . "
And then, "even devoted to heaven and the human mind can know all the extravagances, all ramblings that lead, over the ages, the excesses of cruelty and errors of eroticism " human sacrifice, especially children and young virgins orgiastic parades, sacred prostitution in the temple of Mother Earth with hierodules of the goddess.
fact is that the third characteristic of the pagan sacred, just as there are spaces and sacred times, ago, to preside over the rites, sacred personnel, men and women, "separated "the common humanity and profane, hence" sacred ", supposed to put together in unusual relationship with the divine world, and without which can not be established with him the communication dream man to locate his being in a real existence and stability. Because the place "sacred" which is intended to focus the divine power is formidable and can be accessible to anyone who is not himself "sacred." Hence the need to separate the secular interim, devoted to the divine, and through which one can hope to achieve this divine rites themselves "sacred", traditional, inviolable, including careful observation timid and must be scrupulously respected.
Thus, for example, to participate in the vital and fruitful marriage between Heaven and Earth Mother, the man goes to the temple deity, as it once was to take place on the Mecca of Vaudemont unite in secret sacred prostitutes, dedicated to this ritual.
"But do not let us annihilate the desire of the" Sun "that came instinctively seek high places on our pagan ancestors? Presenting humbly tread in the footprints of their own who erased gradually traced the paths that we follow in our turn, too often, alas, even as tourists distracted ironic it would be beneficial however to climb the sacral promontory with the same mystical desire, which was theirs, to get closer to Heaven and enter in communion with the Divine, either, therefore, to attempt to appease the rites of an idol with ambiguous ambiguous, but, forgetting the mundane concerns of a limited horizon, us to listen to the Spirit who blows up there forever and that the Gospel has taught us to identify with the Spirit of the Father revealed by Jesus Christ . "
Sion Hill Vaudémont is a spiritual mecca at least since antiquity. Leuques The Gauls, on the territory which were the mound, there worshiped their gods, then it was the Gallo-Roman and Germanic before the hill becomes a hotbed of Christian fervor of Lorraine.
If the names of Zion and Vaudémont represent a former Germanic institution, that of Zion remains a mystery. This is the name of the hill of Jerusalem (in Hebrew Siyyôn, Sahyûn Arabic), as some researchers have tried to find a Semitic origin as is found in the region Stenay, arguing on an old name for Hill Lorraine Monte Semita. It may be objected that the word Semite is apparent in the nineteenth century, and Semitic in the late eighteenth century. It should probably seek the meaning of the word Zion in the Celtic language or Latin, as in the Gallo-Roman Saintois the country was on the hill fortress of Zion (Pagus Suentensis).
How many have been prophetically edified, exhorted, comforted! how many were taken, tried!
Take heed that this spirit touches all our powers and such a shock, precisely because it is all being, requires the strictest discipline. It comes we hide, all delusions appear immediately. He always played a drama around the scene inspired. They save us or we lose by having listened to their call, we translate by a board of revolt or acceptance.
The spirit of Pagan Earth back easily hot sulfur from the depths of the unconscious. Humans, while acknowledging God, do not give him the glory belongs to God, and they do not have him thankful, but they became futile in their thinking and their foolish heart was darkened understanding .. . and they changed the glory of the incorruptible God representation cons ... delivered in the lusts of their hearts to impurity, where they degrade themselves their own bodies, they who exchanged the truth of God against the lie, and worshiped and served the creation rather than the Creator.
His Hands, can only take us beyond safe, we opened the door of the "mystery hidden from eternity in God ( and manifested by His wisdom through the Church ?), according to his eternal purpose fulfilled in Jesus Christ, in whom we, by faith in Him, the freedom to approach God with confidence. " behold, at the end of the chapel, the image of the Virgin Mother, "(la) Gate of Heaven," to whom God has entrusted the incarnation "of the" one mediator "between God and humanity.
" Here you will find each of the circumstances of your life mysterious developed the Word for you when you were not .
The mountain of the Lord is leading Mount Zion to God
The Temple of God is within us, not a place you done for Jesus.
Time History of God on Earth.

It gives the hill of Zion shape of a crescent moon.

But me I see a human embryo, the embryo of the immortal who looks suspiciously like the painting that I painted on 04.07.1985 "The emotion of Ether. " Incredibly, the site of the church, I put a star! It is at this precise location that is in my emptiness. Is that that is what the alchemists called "The Philosopher's Stone"?

Zion is the center hole of the ring, the receptacle, or place of crossing the celestial influence of action of heaven on earth! It is upright in the Big Dipper and Polaris. The ring is the emblem of the king as Son of Heaven. The central hole of the ring, it is still essentially unique and is also the empty hub that spins the wheel (world of becoming, contingency and perishable), and it symbolizes and contributes to achieving emptiness the center of being, which should lower the celestial influx. Emptiness is materialized to the point of the stationary central cross point without a point, which all comes and to which everything returns. And Zion is the Center of the Holy Cross of Lorraine! Emptiness means the provision resulting from the abandonment of what one holds true, above all fear or apprehension of abscence. Emptiness is meaningless if it is not closely related to compassion for all beings (movement of the soul that makes us sensitive to the troubles of others).
We will now discuss the importance of "Pierre", subject always cleverly diverted by the papacy as we shall see later. Stone is "the shadow of the steeple" as M. Barres, ie inside the church, illuminated by soft light and protected from the evil intentions by thick glass. Stone is God, or rather it is the receptacle of your soul. By contacting it is directly to God that you are addressing. All religions have one thing in common between them: "Stone". What's there to Mecca? The Black Stone! What is it? Why do Muslims have to contemplate it at least once in their life? Why is this issue of John Colson author of "Zion Vaudémont or Hill Inspired "
Why, if, as he claims, transcends any natural religion, Christianity did he not reject outright the high place of Zion and taught the believers to desert, but instead has compromised?
Here's the answer:
Simply because of the presence of Peter in this place and since time immemorial!
It glows like a television antenna: sending its waves are rings of divine charity and love all around the earth to penetrate the soul of humanity.
Ring tolerance for all its excesses,
Ring of compassion for all its benefits,
Ring forgiveness for everything that needs to be forgiven,
To leave no room for malignancy
In this valley, as in all countries,
Ring of life for a maternity
ring of death when all is finished.
This is the Peter that you admire
On the holy mountain in the shadow of the steeple.
Marc MASSON (free verse)
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