* It is from now we will be confronted with the Templars. They, indeed, who were stationed to protect the Temple and thus protect the Cross of Lorraine.
* As for the mystery of the Holy Cross, the historical aspect of the mystery of the Templars has been widely studied and commented upon but curiously, the geographical aspect completely or partially ignored. Outside, I am convinced that one key to the mystery will be elucidated as this route will been analyzed. The first step of my work will be to seek historical information known and important people involved in this matter. The second step is a search geographical location of commanderies Templar. For this, I will seek as much data as possible about their possessions in order to map the most accurate. Obviously has an idea of the image of this map, some points will be enough for me to check my theory on the Templar settlements and missions. We deduce the location of Templar churches.
The chronology of the establishment of military orders is impractical to prepare: for decades, the only information that has isolated are the testimonies of knights at the bottom of the charters. The posterior fusion property of the Templars in those of the Hospital has contributed to the confusion. It has often tended to imagine a commander where there could be a barn.
Historical tradition traces back to 1133 the first foundation of the order of Lorraine Temple St. Bernard pass in Metz, would have assisted in the establishment of an Order in this great city. This date seems overly Early, it is true that the bustle of the city Moselle attracted new orders, we have seen for Holy Cross! In still, the commander of Ruetz, close to the diocese of Toul and in a region half-Barrois, appears from 1137 through the Bishop of Chalons and the Sire de Joinville. The entries tell us what was the progression of the Templars: the first donations are made anonymously to the brothers of the Militia of the Temple. From a freehold, a commander can be installed and we see therefore appear as the home of a particular place, then the brother responsible for the place.
It takes some time more or less time between the gift of a domain and the legal existence of an Order. Therefore it is better to admit that Ruetz existed in 1150 and Metz, Libdeau (near Toul), and Dagonville Xugney before 1190, and Pierrevillers Couvertpuis around 1200 Doncourt and Marbotte to 1210, Norris -sur-Vair , VIRECOURT , Gelucourt , Braux being created in the twelfth century. Usually associated Avillers Saint Croix to Doncourt-aux-Templiers without knowing if there was a or two command posts. It is unclear whether the Templars had more than a possession Brouvelieures and Coffin (now Cerville ).
Couvertpuis is obviously born of a split Ruetz. As for the House of God Saint-Georges de Luneville, she was entrusted to the Templars from 1220: a unique case that can not be explained otherwise than by the intent of these hospitable monks soldiers.

Note well in this photo implantation orders spiral of Archimedes. The bounties were
large and very diverse including des terres, des bois, des prés, des granges, des moulins, des maisons, c'est-à-dire toute une richesse analogue à celle des moines cisterciens. On a maintes fois gardé le souvenir vivace de grandes forêts marquées par les bornes des Templiers: bois de Pierrevillers, bois dit des Trois-Chênes pour Libdeau. Les commanderies constituaient des bâtiments importants en pleine campagne ; on en aura une meilleure idée avec Xugney qu'avec Libdeau ou Gelucourt, où il n'y a que des restes: sur la grande cour de la ferme fortifiée de Xugney donne une chapelle, simple et pourtant bien caractérisée. A Metz, la chapelle polygonale du Temple représente une construction originale qui n'a pas d'équivalent Lorraine. Until the last century, the chapter of knights became food store, still showed some beautiful frescoes. These were mainly large centers charge of financial management: to raise money to pay for the army of the Knights Templar in the Holy Land. One might also add: recruiting new members, because the charters here and there we have left the names of a few converts:
- Hugh, son of Count Vaudémont
- Arnould of Rumont
- Raoul de Jouy
- Arnould Rigny
- Baudoin Apremont
- Laurent Saint-Aignan
- Arnould Briey
- Gerard Essey
Generally, these are members of the gentry, the quality was essential to be noble brother. Some women received the right to serve: in 1216, Raoul de Jouy converts with his wife who became sister Marbotte; in 1232, the sister of Boidin Maizerais is Doncourt sister.
What has been said is partly to the Templars to Hospitallers. There was the same slow process and dating of commanderies is impossible. At most we can hope that the listing not be forgotten either. That of Nancy, Saint-Jean-Old Aître, is attested in 1158, that of Baked Bean-to Rosieres aux Salines before the late twelfth century, as St. John Warcq, near Tin, St Jean d'Epinal, Saint-Jean in Room Metz. The Order of the Hospital fond early towns and cities. Came gradually and later the Bouzule on the road to Nancy Saulnois, Jaillon, north of Toul, Aulnois near Delme between Champagne and Metz Briey. These were the same management and same conditions as those of the Templars. They were led by a master of the Temple in Lorraine, the Hospitallers had a principal property of the Hospital Lorraine. It is known that the latter received the legacy of the first from 1310, so the charters have mixed records, and cause confusion among all those foundations.
There is really no secret in the establishment of geographical commanderies Templar: it is known and I've had confirmation in Enclyclopedia Universial. The trick is to actually connect the dots rather than starting center and connecting an external point (black line in the drawing), but by connecting the outer points between them, thus obtaining the spiral of Archimedes studied previously:

In the book "The monastic Lorraine" by Michel Parisse, page 93 there are 3 photographs of the frescoes in the Chapter House of Knights Templar of Metz where we see hieratic characters, alternating with a background with geometric decoration.

These sets are of paramount importance, because they are the ones who gave me the key. Observe the interior geometrical designs. This is the exact reproduction of Clover route earlier in the Cross of Lorraine. Note also the center of each figure, we see a spiral of Archimedes well drawn upside down! This is an indication on the map implantation commanderies Templar! She better solution than to show a military sercet openly pleased ^ to that be bothered to find a way to hide it?
If we connect the points of the cities mentioned in the list according to each department, we have four major spiral of Archimedes arranged from the center of the diamond Cardinal Cross of Lorraine. The Templars were therefore made in each region such defense within the villages, thus forming a kind of tapestry in the landscape! They did the same in Jerusalem!

The Templars were the custodians of the Temple. They should ensure the smooth construction of the Cross of Lorraine in protecting it. That's what cost them life as being the heart of the cross, if they were able to move very quickly, they were exposed by an encirclement against unstoppable. The location of their commander was not on the Holy Cross but at heart!
But back at the very beginning, even as the development of the Lorraine by Cistercians monks and Premonstratensian. He had to defend against attack from hostile regions eyeing Lorraine and that by intervening in any country as quickly as possible, Godefroy de Bouillon was loaded. He created the Knights Templar and helped to develop a solution to unstoppable implatantion Commandery of facing an enemy from any direction. It opened its commanderies Monitoring Cross following an Archimedean spiral from the center point of the original figures representing the Gospels. Two coils facing each other formed the heart of every "Gospel" and the whole enclosed in a huge spiral forming the Great Heart of the Holy Cross of Lorraine. The defense system is seen as having two long veins which became the "arteries" of Charles Peguy.
Geographically, it was a stroke of genius totally unstoppable by enemies coming from any direction. This is true only if one considered that these enemies were not aware of the system. Otherwise, they could be encircled at any time. Even crazier, they realized a real rose to Zion, still with the same pattern, a dual Archimedean spiral forming a core rotating 1 / 8 th of a turn around point of origin (Sion). The hundred cities were located on the rosette (giving as a resultant geometric figure flower to eight branches), the steeples of churches serving each watchtower, impossible to approach without being seen Zion! The exact representation of the Templars were the custodians of the Temple. They should ensure the smooth construction of the Cross of Lorraine in protecting it. That's what cost them life as being the heart of the cross, if they were able to move very quickly, they were exposed by an encirclement against unstoppable. The location of their commander was not on the Holy Cross but at heart!
But back at the very beginning, even as the development of the Lorraine by Cistercians monks and Premonstratensian. He had to defend against attack from hostile regions of Lorraine and eyeing this by intervening in any country as quickly as possible, Godefroy de Bouillon was loaded. He created the Knights Templar and helped to develop a solution to unstoppable implatantion Commandery of facing an enemy from any direction. It opened its commanderies Monitoring Cross following an Archimedean spiral from the center point of the original figures representing the Gospels. Two coils facing each other formed the heart of every "Gospel" and the whole enclosed in a huge spiral forming the Great Heart Holy Cross of Lorraine. The defense system is seen as having two long veins which became the "arteries" of Charles Peguy.
Geographically, it was a stroke of genius totally unstoppable by enemies coming from any direction. This is true only if one considered that these enemies were not aware of the system. Otherwise, they could be encircled at any time. Even crazier, they realized a real rose to Zion, still with the same pattern, a dual Archimedean spiral forming a core rotating 1 / 8 th of a turn around point of origin (Sion). The hundred cities were located on the rosette (like giving a flower resultant geometric figure with eight branches), the steeples of churches serving each watchtower, Zion impossible to approach without being seen! The exact representation of the Templars were the custodians of the Temple. They should ensure the smooth construction of the Cross of Lorraine in protecting it. That's what cost them life as being the heart of the cross, if they were able to move very quickly, they were exposed by an encirclement against unstoppable. The location of their commander was not on the Holy Cross but at heart!
But back at the very beginning, even as the development of the Lorraine by Cistercians monks and Premonstratensian. He had to defend against attack from hostile regions of Lorraine and eyeing this by intervening in any country as quickly as possible, Godefroy de Bouillon was loaded. He created the Knights Templar and helped to develop a solution to unstoppable implatantion Commandery of facing an enemy from any direction. It opened its commanderies Monitoring Cross following an Archimedean spiral from the center point of the original figures representing the Gospels. Two coils facing each other formed the heart of every "Gospel" and the whole enclosed in a huge spiral forming the Great Heart of the Holy Cross of Lorraine. The defense system is seen as having two long veins which became the "arteries" of Charles Peguy.
Geographically, it was a stroke of genius totally unstoppable by enemies coming from any direction. This is true only if one considered that these enemies were not aware of the system. Otherwise, they could be encircled at any time. Even crazier, they realized a real rose to Zion, still with the same pattern, a double spiral of Archimedes forming a core rotating 1 / 8 th of a turn around point of origin (Sion). The hundred cities were located on the rosette (like giving a flower resultant geometric figure with eight branches), the steeples of churches serving each watchtower, Zion impossible to approach without being seen! The exact representation of the design obtained by the imaginary lines connecting the 100 villages around Sion, I discovered thanks to the Mosaic record of the center of the Cross of Lorraine.
Templars labored so together they defended the monks. They had access to every corner of the duchy with a phenomenal speed. The project had been fully accomplished? I am sure. Now imagine the power they had in their treasure acquisent because he needed money to buy land and set up their command posts. They were the bankers of the kingdom, the Pope, princes and private individuals. This project had to be ousted because the alignment of the largest spiral was too blatant. He has just a little curious that a person has paid attention to notice the strange face alignment and the ratio of the four Gospels to understand the incredible strategy, (or simply, there was no secret in siting commanderies Templar and the temporal power of the Church). This individual was obviously aware of the secret of the Holy Cross. Someone from the church of the utmost importance: Pope Clement V. Jealousy, or greed, or even and especially by fear of losing the power of the Holy Cross and then, the temporal power, the Pope pointed to Philip the dangerous trap that this alignment could be that the Templars had achieved in dark machine (or in the past for doing) for all to see. He had no trouble convincing Philip the Fair, then in great financial challenges so that it eliminates the Templars. Philip the Fair had actually have very large sweat by learning that, while it was occupied by the realization of the unification of the kingdom. Subsequently, it is found in dictionaries. Now, was it actually the real purpose of the Templars as to usurp the authority of the Church? I do not think. They have worked with total dedication to Holy Cross. Parcontre, who ousted their project, put the Knights of Malta in place of the Templar command posts, made use of what the Templars had done to satisfy his own power not enjoyed not long! It is place to think what happened to it then all these properties and what remains today?
Observing now the drawings of the total establishment of churches and the Templar command posts, and reflected a little, maybe we'll find out where the Templar treasure? ..
I would have put me in Zion! At least, if I had something to hide because that's where it would have been better guarded!
What could be so good this fabulous treasure that still provokes much lusts? By observing the image of the mosaic discovered in the study of the center of the Cross of Lorraine, an initial response enlighten us maybe a day.
Subsequently, in a paper on "The House Lorraine," I discovered this amazing photo of a "Taque" Lorraine proving my theory on the cardioid Templar. This house was a possession of the Templars! It is not clear in the photo, but there are four cores arranged in cardinal points, each having a small cross of Lorraine in!

Taque Another feature of this, there is an X! We find the X in the geographical location of churches in Lorraine. Indeed, some forms a large X always starting from Zion as the center. The four vertices of X are Breuvannes, Jouy-sous-les-Cotes, and Senad Arracourt. We obtain the following figure:

This X with P Pompey form the monogram of Christ:

Finally, it should be noted that the form chosen for the Templars were most their churches: the outer circle and inner walls are a Hexagon! A clear proof is given by the Church of the commander of Metz. This choice leaves no doubt about the symbolism it means in the hex it is the pentagram, the two isosceles triangles inverted one relative to another. This implies that the geographical position of this church is located exactly at a point where the Earth back and forth exchange constant with Heaven! We call this omphalos. Inside the church, in their prayers, the Templars were to perform circumambulation around the altar.

LIST OF CITIES HAVING Templar Commandery:
- ARRACOURT Meurthe & Moselle
Meurthe & Moselle - Vosges XERTIGNY
Vosges - Vosges Zincourt
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